CRank: 5Score: 13260

SOny payed them cause they are desperate seeing that SLIM sales are like before slim release, lol!

I told you guys.. the slim effect will take as long as the price cut from 600 to 400 USD.

Nobody wants this 3rd place patchstation.

5460d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

@ Bill Cosby.. another PS3tard talking only about graphics? I bet you wont even buy GT5 cause you sound really retarded.

Forza3 looks beautiful.

5460d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

like the 10 weeks before when no PS3 game was in the TOP20, lol!

5468d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

yep, at least they realse ingame graphics.. not like SOny and PD bullshots or replays with better graphics... really poor!

Forza > GT

HAve fun with your 950 cars where 100 skyline modells are included.. fake car list ftw!

5468d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

PS3 sales down by antother 30%!

Next week slim will be on par with 360 sales or below 360 sales and the tards will say that they are out of stock, lol.

5468d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment
5468d ago

"Last gaurdian

heavy rain

new motorstorm


Sry but these games will be all flops, selling 300k and becomming Platinum after 3 months. BUT BUT BUT best graphics and teh cell!!

Isnt it sad that you must search 15 minutes in KZ2 to find a deathmatch? lol.. nobody wants to play that flop!

@ can turn off this option in Splinter Cell.. but can you turn off the not available GAM...

5469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i tell you..

FLOP2 confirmed.. the game looks great but POS3 users dont buy sonys games, thats really sad! Platinum confirmed for christmas!

5469d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

we will all say :D:. but since we know that the PS3 is the worst console on the market since the playstation brand in terms of selling software.. GT5 wont do better than 5 Million MAX!

EVen MGS4 didnt! The best selling game so far.

Because the GT series were always best selling in the USA, they wont reach the sales they want. And with only poor 3.5 Million PS3s sold in Japan they also wont do well there.

5469d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

how much sold the pos3 in its own country? 3.5 Million? lol.....

5469d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

lol... AC2 on 360 will own Uncharted2, haha.

5470d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Uncharted 2 PS3 can't become a Killzone 2"

so Kz2 was really a flop! But but but the cell and best graphics! The gameplay fukd the game.. same will be with GT5... bad gameplay and poor environments.

5470d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

950 cars with 100 skyline modells... nice!

And 200 mph looks like the car would drive 100.. lol

GT5 is a really last gen sim.. it has only good graphics, thats really all. Even uncharted2 multiplayer is compared to Gears of War2 ones...

They look all on the ideas MS has.. cause tehy see that in terms of gameplay they have no chance against 360 exclusives.


5470d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment
5477d ago

too bad it will sell just 500k.. so that means that this is a quality game but nobody cares about it.. Platinum for christmas confirmed!

5477d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

nope.. you can look at the complete list on the offical forums..

very bad try to bash ipwnall.. you fail hard.

While my example is a pure fact.

5477d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

This are your 950 cars!!!

Skyline GT-R (R32) ('89)
Skyline GT-R (R32) ('91)
Skyline GT-R N1 (R32) ('91)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R32) ('93)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec II (R32) ('94)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec N1 (R32) ('93)
Skyline GT-R (R33) ('95)
Skyline GT-R (R33) ('96)
Skyline GT-R (R33) ('97)
Skyline GT-R N1 (R33) ('95)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R33) ('95)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R33) ('96)
Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R33) ('97)

5477d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5477d ago

Flopcharted 2 confirmed.. like the 1st one..

its sad that ppl talk here about sonys exclusives like we would have a 3rd world war.. and the game stays in shelves.

But hey.. its just important that you have the best graphics right? lol

5477d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

games look better then real life? hm.. have you brain cancer or something like that? BSE?

bullshots, bullshots, bullshots.. take a look on the gameplayvideos where the ytook the screenshots from, you can find the boring gameplay at Alle TGS gameplays got a 7 - 7.5 rating because of the low "speed-feeling" and the bad environments.

5477d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment