CRank: 5Score: 13260

Well its a great game guys.

Maybe ME1 & 2 will come to the PS3 on a single Blu Ray disc 6 or 12 months after the 360 release. And maybe MS will just keep Mass Effect 3 as an timed exclusive game.

5357d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The droids sound really desperate, every time they mention a Micrsosoft Windows PC :D

The droids will also get Alan Wake, Battlefield BC2, RAGE, BRINK and many more of course on their high tech PCs to play the superior version like they always like to say, lol.

5357d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Where are all the droids gone??

Seems like MAG wont ever be in their so great exclusive AAA list for 2010.

5357d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

SInce nobody plays online with the PS3 this game will just flop!

Microsoft has 20 Million PAYING GOLD MEMBERS

What has Sony?? 24 Million FAKE accounts where everybody has at least 2-3 PSN accounts and how many of them use a PSP??

man.. if sony would post REAL numbers.. than maybe 4 or 5 Million ppl would USE the PSN to play ONLINE with its PS3, FACT

24 Million accounts = LOL

I also have 3 accounts.. cause in germany you cant dow...

5360d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

Nice bullshots like always:P!

5365d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

hello ulti.. oh.. 1 bubble left, lol!

Iam really getting bored of these bullshots...

5365d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn, its crazy how a movie gets reviews from a game magazine.

5365d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Home = no life

5365d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment


5368d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Confirmed the definite Simulator Flop

Patchstation3 - it only does Flops in every way

5369d ago 6 agree16 disagreeView comment

What is the best car manufacturer ww??

PS: Bayonetta > God of War 3 > Dante

5391d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

FUKEN IDIOT.. I TOLD WATCH THE E3 360 PRESENTATION.. WTF are you talking about you dumb PS3 kid.

They clearly state "This is the first 360 footage"


I know you are afraid to see a better picture on the 360 demo although square had only 2 months time to make a 360 footage, lol.

Now i ask you again: How could the game be gimped down due to the 360 hardware if the 360 E3 presentation looked on the 1st lvl better (c...

5391d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The last BETA from MAG was horrible.

I dont think this game will be ANY good. The graphics really suck, the aiming sucked in the Beta too.

But it was only a beta of course.. we will see.

5391d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

How could FF13 be gimped due to the 360 if the SAME FIRST STAGE level looks better on the e3 360 presentation compared to the final PS3 version? lol

Just go and watch the E3 video. Sharper textures and better colors on the 360 verson. Ialready saw PS3 version and it suffers from the same problems like every multiplattform game.. whased out colors.

FF13 was gimped down due to the inferior PS3 hardware. VS13 uses the same Engine. If FF13 will sell great on the 360 in t...

5391d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

well.. now look on the 600 USD PS3.. SONY put ALL features into that model they were able to do and they didnt care about the consumer if he would be able to affort one or not.

Card Reader/ backward comp. / more USB slots... so this was ok for you right? Of course it was.. cause it was made by Sony.

Now you have the other way around but with an online service.

5392d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

3 years warranty, cross game chat and many more has XBL already! And now the PS3 will also get this features for some money.. well.. nobody will pay for that Premium service, we ALL know that- here on n4g.

5392d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment

Seems to be a flop like all other Square RPGS this gen.

5395d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment


hm. compared to the fandroids, the xbox fanboys never mentioned or hyped games like Ninja Blade or Section8! Or didi you ever seen something like a hype for these games from a 360 fanboy?? NEVER!

While pS3tards HYPE every damn game they get... thats the difference.

Now go back and watch some Blu Ray Movies. You owned yourself hard!

EDIT: Sales are doing that game slike RE5, Tekken, FF series and many more come to the xbox 360 con...

5396d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo 5 - It only does the cars and the coc!pit!

Well, 4 months left to get the rest right!

5399d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

You mean the demo for 30 USD?? no wonder it sold that much?

Should i mention the 1 Million bundles??

Yes, Forza sold more as GT5P in the same time:)! You owned yourself hard!

5399d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment