CRank: 5Score: 13260

The droids still think that this isnt the final build, although only 4 months are left to the release.

5399d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

looks like GT5P

bad AA, poor envoronments, 2D People

5399d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

sad to see how a game of the year isnt even in the TOP20 after just some weeks.

Weel, bundle incomming, old Sony strategy!

5399d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks like a driving flop to mee.

Now this is called GREAT GAMEPLAY AND GRAPHICS, only possible on the xbox360!

5399d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This INGAME Graphics are AMAZING!! I cant wait to see this graphics in action with some explosions! This looks so damn real. Great job MS!!

5401d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

VGC listens UC2 at 1.9 Million but Sony says 1.4 Million were sold



VGC LIES right??

5402d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

PURE sold MOOOORRREEE as Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank and God of War Collection TOGETHER, hahaha

Now come on droid.s. SAY that this TWO games were bundled.. say that!

You know that every of your sooo great exclusives get bundled so you wont say that, haha.

5402d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

LEGO Batman sold as much as Uncharted 2, LOL!

5402d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Damn.. and this game was BUNDLED, lol! So 400k go alone for bundles like EVERY PS3 exclusive.

well, maybe the next bundle will include UC2 or Demons Souls + Ratchet & Clank.

Same was on Black Friday with inFamous and KZ2.. they got a boost of 400k...

typical poor SOny strategy to fake numbers.

5402d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey tards, why do you mention Forza3 here??

I mean, Forza was only hyped by Turn10.. not by us. While YOU hype EVERY FUKEN GAME you get exclusive and EVERY ONE OF THEM FLOPS.

UC2 is just another flop. Sure 1.4 million is still a great number but if you consider all the hype its just a flop.

5402d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS already won this gen sry.. nobody would expect so low sales for the playstation brand.

Nobody would expect a redisgn after 3 years + 50% price cut.

And also the fandroids will agree, that sony will NEVER release a 600 USD console again.

5402d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What could gears learn from uncharted2?? Not to flop!

What could uncharted learn from gears?? To look more realistic and no plastic!

5402d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

sry GOW2 was a flop.. and GOW3 will also flop, cause the droids buy no games.

GOTY 2010 belongs to MS thats for sure.

GT5 gets a summer 2010 release for WEST, lool.....

@ Bodyboarder?? have seen Heavy Rain?? looks boring like hell.. a game with NO Game Over, rofl!

5402d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

And what kind of game is Heavy Rain??

It hasnt even a game over.. you could also do nothing and the "movie" would end.

5402d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Oh i forgot....

Why do sony fans can rule ALL THE forums all over the world if they have so many great games to play?? You know the answer already.. they are kids and cant afford sonys so great exclusives:)!

Thats why they have enough time to stay on sites like n4g.

Its just bad for the older group, cause they have nobody to play with online, thats why sony will never release some ONLINE charts like MS, they would blame themselves, lol.

5402d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

sure it is a disappointment.

BAD online gaming, poor PSN.
VERY BAD community, we can see here on n4g that most PS3 owners are kids.
Also Software sales confirm that PS3 owners are kids (no money and so on)
Only because Sony and the Playstation Brand have a strong name, the kids STILL like to get a "Playstation" from their parents. Just look on sales and you will see HUGE SLIM (hardware) sales but POOR software sales.
The Dualshock3 is a flo...

5402d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol ..... wait until


5402d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

And damn.. where are the Gran Turismo comments that the franchise sold about 50 Million?? (but right now not even one copy for the PS3rd cause its not even out yet)

droids = biggest flop this gen

5402d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait until Lair, HS, Haze, Resistance 1/ 2, LBP, MGS4, KZ2, Uncharted 1/2 and and and.
Wait until price cut (from 600 to 400).. nothing happend to the 360.
Wait until a price cut (from 400 to 300) + redisgn... now it has better sales but the 360 has also even better sales although its the more expensive console right now.


The droids are the biggest flop this gen

5402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It only does FLOPS"

5403d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment