CRank: 5Score: 13260

lol, will there ever be a game reaching 1 Million on DAY1 for sony?? I MEAN 97% and best quality, TEH CELL and the most important thing for the tards - TEH GRAPHICS..

hell.. UC2 will reach just 1 Million.. the next million will be bundles.. LOL

FIFA10 > UC2.. a shame!.. seems like POS3 owners care more about multiplattform titels as about sonys GREAT exclusives.

HEY naughty DOG.. move UC to the 360 and you will see 3 Million sales without bundles in j...

5459d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

sry but since the JASPER modell.. there is no possibility for the RROD.

you > FAIL

5459d ago 0 agree22 disagreeView comment

Like the 3 years before? the POS3 had MGS4, uncharted.. R&C.. and nobody cared!

The holiday season will like always belong to MS.

5459d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

yep... and pos3 users always say that they have the best quality games.. but they dont play them, caus etehy dont buy themm.. so why do the ytalk about them in every topic? seems they are very desperate..

5459d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol a great game which doesnt sell.. so why are you talking about it if you wont play it?? thats really fanboyizm.. haha

EDIT. tard.. 50% of your numbers are because of bundles. Really great! lol

5459d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

An expansion like ODST bombed 3 POS3 exclusives away.. an expansion pack.. lol

COme on.. we really all know that PS3 users prefer 360 exclusives or multiplattform games instead of Sonys exclusives.

I mean you will see uncharted2.. the first 200k will be made by bundles... thats the way how sony fakes their poor exclusiv sales.

5459d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

you'r right... but this doesnt change the fact that without bundles sonys exclusives sell like sh!t.

5459d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

so GT5P is a better SIM caus eit looks better? loooool

how old are you? 14??

5459d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

wow so many GREAT reviews.. but only the droids deny that this game is GREAT.

5459d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Bundles, bundles bundles... why does sony need to bundle every exclusiv?

5459d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

LET THE BUNDLES BEGIN.. to reach 500k first week, lol!

And cause the pos3 sale sgood right now.. UC2 will reach 500k in 2 weeks only becaus eof bundles.. great strategy sony to tell the world how your games sell like hot cakes, lol!

hell.. MS maybe bundles 1 or 2 games/ year.. sony? 20?

5459d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

but but but Europe is loyal and teh most important region for sony. lmao!

These fools.

5459d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Too bad that even Brütal Legend will sell better than U2.

Cause PS3tards are only good in talking in some forums.. lol

5459d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

THE driving sim. this generation! Best gameplay and drive feeling!

ok sry.. but but but graphics and the cell are the most important thing!! Also KZ2 has best graphics.. dont care that nobody plays it online anymore because of the crap gameplay!

Graphics > all /s


5460d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

well everybody knows that the POS3 kids are very deperate.. bahsing the 360 on every BIG site worldwide.

poor pos3 droids.

A Shame that NFS shift and Fifa10 dold more copies as inFamous or KZ2...

but but but.. 360 ha sno games and you have the most.. lol

seems like ppl prefer multiplatt instead of sonys new no name IPS.

5460d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

The POS3 will stay where it is this gen..

on 3rd Place

5460d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

Please go and watch your SLIM sales dropping by 60% in only 4 weeks, lol! Its like the effect from 600 USD to 400 USD.

5460d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

another one? so this got confirmed??

pathetic tards.

5460d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

man cars are mostly bought by older ppl.. while console are for younger one.

5460d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

But when the PS3 was at 550k then you were proud of vgchartz numbers right? LOOOOOOOOL

@ dogg

The 360 is an american console.. is it so hard to understand? Its like the PS is a japan console.

Also americans love playing online.. and the 360 is known as the best online experience there.

WTF do ya all tjink.. that the PS brand is a god? OMG... come on.. the slim effect will take as long as the price cut from 600 to 400 USD.

5460d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment