CRank: 5Score: 13260

well.. i have a PS3 and a 360 elite. Fact is, that i install nearly all games to my 360s HDD cause the DVD is as loud as my vacuum cleaner.

It doesnt change the fact that installs really suc? bad. If the PS3 would have a 4 or 6x BR drive, installs wouldnt be necessary.

Console games really should be like putting in a CD and playing the game without big noise.. finished.

5622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Slim 360 with passing cooling? bad idea:/

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Iam also a PS3 owner but its a shame 4 SOny that nearly all multiplatt games STILL loke better on 360.

KZ2 is awesome, but thats 1 game in 1 year, same with MGS4 and uncharted: DF.

The hole rest of the games go to 360. And the casual consumer is only interested in:

1.) good price
2.) Many games

Anyways it seems to me that the 360 reached nearly its limits. GoW2 didnt show that big difference compared to the 1st one, thats a fact.

5626d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I Think she loves "HAZE" on the PS3.

5627d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RE5 has awesome graphics, anyways its nothing compared to Dead Space (shocker).

Too bad that capcom made a "Survival-3rd Person shooter" not a Horror one.

The real RE was 1-3.

5627d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ 1.. i live in Germany, the problem here is, that the PC dominates the market. Watch at and you will see how many PC games are on top:)

The PS3 sells here ~5-7k / week.. 360 4-5k.

MS takes europe, cause the UK alone sells so much consoles like france/ germany/ italy and sweden combinated.

5629d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

RE5 looks really awesome but what the hell is that for a comparsion with KZ2? lol

KZ2 has much more effect at the same time on screen as RE5.

If you look at LBP how realistic it looks or GT5 you wouldnt be able to make a shooter with so many polygons at the same time like in GT5, this gen.

Anyways i also think that RE5 is on par with MGS4.

5629d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

GTA 4 rocks!

5629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, its a shame for Bethesa to say something like this.. anyways PS3 gamers should just make the side quests before the end.

I played Fallout3 on 360 and i made ALL quests before the end cause i know when i finish a game i get lazy:/.

5629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Press agree if you think that with a price cut sony will own MS.

5630d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Its sad that SOny has to put every exclusiv in a bundle to reach good sales. I mean KZ2 bundle already confirmed.

I think without all the bundles we would see how ps3 owners really buy games.. SONYS GAMES.

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe you r right that GTA4 could look better if it was PS3 exclusive. Anyways mafia2 will blow GTA4 away.

The 2nd question is, why does GTA4 runs on 360 with 30 FPS and 720p and on PS3 with 25FPS and 640p??

Answer me, i just dont get it.

5630d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Will killzone become as Important to the PS3 as Halo for the Xbox? much better."

This is a really stupid comment, dont know how you can have so many bubbles-.-

Fact is, KZ2 is a superb game with awesome graphics. But it will never be like HALO.

The name "Halo" knows even a 8 year old boy.. Halo know everybody, like FIFA, Need for Speed or Final fantasy.

But Killzone without GOOD Marketing know only ppl who sit much in fr...

5631d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, nice words, agreed 100%!

Stop with all the hate and play games.

Get a cheap Arcade and a PS3 (maybe after price cut) and be happy!

5631d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got 1 RRoD since 2,5 years, iam happy, lol:D!

Well, fact is that ALL 360s- 1st gen are a failure. MS had 33% failure rate with their first boxes, the other 66% are ppl who play either 1-2 hours per day or who have a "cold" room.

My xbox ran 6 months in my room, after i took it to a friend to play, i got RRoD. It was clear for me that his room temperature caused that, my xbox got just too hot!

Nowadays companies just want to produce "chea...

5632d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why all the hate about MS and their MONEY for DLCs??

Did you ever think about MSFTS strategy? Politic?

We know all that MS tells us every month how their online experience with XBL users grow up. With 17 Million XBL GOLD users its absolutely LOGICAL that they invest much for DLCs to keep their consumers satisfied.

If ppl wouldnt buy their DLCs all the years before they wouldnt pay R* 50 Millons for a DLC.

MS and Sony have both great consoles...

5632d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everybody here who thinks that SOny does not need a price cut should run against a wall.

Maybe the 360 sold "only" 13 Mill. in its first 2 years and sony is at 18 Mill.. but look how many UNITS MS sold AFTER the 2 years.

hell.. how many consoles did they sell alone in December? ~2 Million?!

SOny could reach the same sales, but not for 400 USD.

5632d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As an owner of a 360 (only) i have to say this game really looks awesome!

Iam looking forward to buy a PS3 in February :)!

5632d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

With the two DLCs GTA4 will be bigger and better as SAN Andreas. MS marketing = million seller.

5632d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems to me like FF series will be like the Fifa series, lol.

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment