CRank: 5Score: 13260

sedx + Dtox = same account

what a loser.

5341d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wait until the first comparisons.

I smell your frustration already.

5341d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

copy & paste is lame.

5341d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

After FF13 will sell at least 2 Million units on the 360 console.. FFvs13 will also be announced for the xbox360, it may stay exclusive for the PS3 in Japan.

The superior 360 version in terms of graphics would give Players the best gaming experience available.

If you want better graphics take the 360 version.
If you want full HD cut scenes get the PS3 version, LOL.

5341d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

I know you droids are very frustrated since 1st January 2010.

1. One flop after the other
2. Heavy Buttons also to flop in sales (60k pre orders, LOL, means that nobody cares about this game except the N4G droids, haha)
3. God of War 3 a game you can rent for 2 USD to play the 8 hours story (rofl)
4. Gt5 - the worst GT in the GT history.. a bad simulator with no DMG and 200 skyline + 150 civic variations.
5. 80% games need to be installed (but but but 50 G...

5341d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

why?? because lens of truth MAKES A REAL comparison?? not like all the other noob sites by posting just 5 pics for a comparison? lol

I know you droids are very frustrated since 1st January 2010.

1. One flop after the other
2. Heavy Buttons also to flop in sales (60k pre orders, LOL, means that nobody cares about this game except the N4G droids, haha)
3. God of War 3 a game you can rent for 2 USD to play the 8 hours story (rofl)
4. Gt5 - the worst GT...

5341d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment


i told ya.. is a PS3 fanboy site. They always take the 360 pics for the PS3 version

Isnt that crazy? That lens of truth shows a total different comparison??

But the droids went crazy... lol


5341d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

This game could easily run on the xbox360.

The graphics arent that good. Only if "nothing" happens in the game, the graphics do look better.

We also dont need uncompressed 7.1 True HD sound which is alone 20 GB huge, lol.

Thi sgame could easily fit on 2 DVD9 + better graphics on the xbox 360.

5341d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

so only a 9 from the OPM?

next flop confirmed with middelcore graphics.

5341d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

With sales like right now.. SOny will need 3 years to be ON PAR with 360 sales, lol

The loser this gen is already Sony. They lost 60 Million of their fans.

5341d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

absulutely the same in terms of graphics.. great

Cause this game destroys KZ2, UC2 and all other games which come in 2010.

The droids are JUST affraid that the 360 will have a game which will destroy all their exclusives in terms of graphics, lol.

5341d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

this destroys KZ2 in every way...

5341d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ snake.. its really sad to mention PS1 or PS2 games, since you know that GT5 wont even reach MGS4 sales.

5341d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

this doesnt change the fact that NOBODY will buy this movie.

60k preorders ONLY, means that nobody cares about this crap movie.

5341d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Major Tom has a PSN id with 68 trophys:)! He is the best example for an N4G droid: Only talking about the PS3 and its so great exclusives, but he dont even buy some games/ play with his PS3.

EDIT: Its like i said.. you have over 60 trophys;)! I know your PSN ID.. you suck hard.

5342d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

yep.. ps3 exclusive, after GTA4 sold twice as much on the 360 console, lol!

Major_Tom = Major flop

5342d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I see the droids seem to be VERY VERY desperate and frustrated right now!

But why??

I think they are EXTREMLY afraid of crysis2 on CONSOLES. Cause if the console versions will match graphics above uncharted2, their 3 years old argument that the PS3 is a horsepower and the 360 maxed out would be BLOWN AWAY.
A game which would look on 360 better than uncharted2 would just be the biggest disappointment in their damn life!

Believe me guys.. droids are ...

5342d ago 8 agree20 disagreeView comment

confirmed 360 version 720p + 30 FPS like GTA4

PS3 version sub-HD + 25 FPS :D

But but but outdated DVD9...

5342d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

REACH > all PS3 exclusives

5342d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment

hey pope.. you are the one dreaming since 3 years that Sonys machine would be the better one, lol!

you live with sonys lies.

5342d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment