CRank: 5Score: 13260

once again you ps3 owners can only post some replay stuff?

pls show REAL TIME GAMEPLAY or screenshots.. no bullshots, no replays and so on. Will be hard right?

5385d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

The problem is that PD shows the world only bullshot screenshots.

Here are real ingame screenshots (GT5:P) like in that news from forza3


BAD A.I. (right now) compared to Forza3.. was already mentioned in many previews.

At the END the only thing which will be left and pos3 users will be happy about are the CCAARR Graphics, thats it.. this will make their real driving simulator...

And you remember guys KillFlop 2?? That was the REAL shooter for them, although every magazin out there pointed out that the controls are bad... but for POS3 users the controls were real life ones, LOL!

After stop...

5385d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

"27 unique car models, multiplied to 1000 with trim levels and different colors "

LOL so true.. but there are 200-250 cars x5.. everybody knows that, expect of the POS3 owners who think they get REAL 1000 different cars, lol!

Also the tracks.. 20 locations with 70 layouts? wtf is that? NFS underground.. where you drive in the next lvl just from the other side of the town ? lol

5385d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

MAG and Heavy RAIN will be flops, nobody will buy them, mark my words.

As for GT5.. 950 cars, including some noneed nascar and rally but without Porsche, the true racing sim will be Forza3, having all cars included.

First PD said GT5 will have 70 tracks and now its "20 course locations with 70 layouts"

Remembers me on NFS Underground, lol.

Also, PD lists cars like that: Mercedes S-Class 320/ 400 / 500 as 3 different cars, although ...

5385d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

30-40 USD for this update would be OKAY!

5386d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

remember when the pos3 was at 2-4 k.. for MONTHS?.. oh.. but the 360 is dead in japan.. oh wait...

5386d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

with only 300k more every month.. how could the PS3 overtake the 360 next year? LOL

5386d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You can produce quality games on the PS3.. but devs need 4 years for it.. lol!

If Sony wouldnt have so many 1st party studios, hell.. the PS3 would be known as the biggest commercial flop this gen.

Its no question that the PS3 and its exclusiv games libary play in other league.. BUT... PS3 fans always talk about their GREAT quality games, about the great graphics and so on. but if you look on SONY, you see that they are desperate with their fan base.. cause they give...

5386d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

MS sells their expensions to nearly all gamers out there..

while SOny need to bundle every exclusiv or make the game platinum after 6 months cause nobody buys them.. but but but best graphics and quality.. and nobody buys it, lol!

5386d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The cheapest console right now on the market is the POS3. you PS3tards say it in every topic dont you? I mean built in wifi, free online play.. you say one time the 360 is the cheapest one.. when you talk about sales.. and once when you talk about games, you say that the PS3 is the best choice cause the 360 is the more expensive console..

so what?


5387d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

well.. the console which is on 3rd place right now is the PS3..

pls droids come back here and say that the 360 is doomed when the POS3 will reach 360 sale.s. and with just 50k more units every week it will need 3 years to be at 32 Million (and 360 sales will grow further)

The SLIM will drop in sales next 20% next week... while 360 sales are the same since MONTHS. YOu will mark my words when PS3 slims sales will be like before the slim launch... what will you say then...

5387d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

bad AA

5387d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

pls japan ppl.. keep your china and japan cars but leave german quality in Forza3

5387d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment


5387d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

you must get more, cause all your games look worde in multiplattform..

also GT5 must get all it can (nascar, lol.. rally, lol), cause its your last racing sim this gen, lol

5387d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

at the end it will look worse on the pos3.. same like FF13 :)

5387d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

only 3.3 Million PS3s sold in japan.. thats really sad.

Its 1:3 in Japan

2:1 for the 360 in the USA...

so if the 360 is dead in japan than the PS3 is also dead in the USA..

PS3 slim sales look only good because of Japan.. in the rest of the world ppl seem not to care anymore about the NEW SLIM.. sales look like before slim release in the rest of the world.

5387d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

huge drop for POS3.

epic fail

5387d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment