
CRank: 6Score: 53080

I agree, because Sony's first party studios always 1up each other... since day 1 they've been pushing PS4 to its limits but this amazing system keep delivering and delivering ;)...
We thought nothing will top U4 but HZD did, then came god of war 4 and next up TLOU2 or Kojima's game or the Spiderman? hahaha XD that's actually the beauty of this amazing Sony group and their best aligned hardware...
Tell you what, seeing State of decay 2 on 1x is actually hurtin...

2321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More native titles like native 4K Pong... or native 4K Tetris ahahaha XD
You can keep 'em budds, anything remotely like god of war PS4, HZD or upcoming Spiderman? haha Nah!

The visually pizz poor PUBG? SOT?? SOD2??? ... what's next PS2's Crackdown 3? hehehe some mighty hardware MS got there :P XD
Besides, xb1x patched improvements are only for 2% of xb1's total demographic... the rest of 98% xb1 owners are stuck with the same 720p - 900p me...

2322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep, esp when the base model runs at 40fps ;)

2325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You all act like Sony is giving you a cut of the games they sell when in reality it's the other way around."

It doesn't even take a gamer to see, and since so sooo long, that people having the hobby of videogames don't need 'cuts' to appreciate a company/dev... its already a 'well off' folks' hobby, who can afford 100s of $ every other week to stay relative... it is the raw creative productions that make everyone come along to cele...

2326d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

"At this point If you can't find a good game to play then you are just not trying."

Fine, good games, I got you!
But what about better games? Isn't it always finer???
Yeah, why downplay the better/finer options, isn't it injustice in itself?

PS4 simply deliver the ultimate 'next step' in games... and all in spades... even if I keep the Yakuza series exclusivity for PS4 in sight, I'd say this system is he...

2326d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are people out there still with a PS2... even THEY are at a better place than the XB1-only ones... yeah a gamer on a phone playing Candy Crush Saga is still a gamer hehe what's you point? but the greatness lies with the gamers tasting the best-est and highest gaming tech the industry has ever produced, top class stories with toppest class graphics... that's what PS brand is for...
...and hoho no, xb1x running Tetris-4K is NOT best-est industry tech btw ;)

2327d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

From the artcle:
"given that we know that the PS4 was at 73.5 million units at that date, that puts the Xbox One at 29.5 million units, which is shockingly low. It puts the console between the GameCube and the N64. In fact, it even puts the Switch on a fast track to exceed Xbox One sales very soon, in spite of only having launched last year."

Shocking shame :O !

2331d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

More info here:

This preview shot ^^^ made me hyped for this gem now, and in the video above that motorcycle scene in snowfall made me excited for those mechanics... and "Pacific Northwest" setting??? WOW! I mean who doesn't love Twin Peaks!!!

2332d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Elsewhere, price activity on Nier Automata sees that title return to the Top 40 at No.32."

Good to know about this masterpiece too... I just love this game...
OK back to Nordic aweomeness with god of war 4 :D

2341d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like Labo is to Japan ofcourse ;)

2341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best thing it did for me is emotional bonding with Kratos himself... to incredible, never before used levels!

2345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say Microsoft themselves would make such a 'leak', to keep xbox users busy and hoping ;)

2345d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are so right.

2345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its actually still a flop... a game having this huge budget, dev time, 200+ team etc. needs to sell millions to accommodate for half the decade of work, or in some cases to cross over 80+ ratings at meta scores... well, we shall see the last sold numbers for sure, but its charm has already gone and forgotten... so millions or high scores are a thing of the past for this husk of a game that it was to begin with. Its going away with March itself... Lets see it in April ;)

2346d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment
2346d ago Show

Well, the cloud thing has been laughed-at to death by everyone and microsoft deserved each and every nudge they got for it... The ESRAM super secret sauce thing was also a bad, bad hoax and lie... see J. Blow hitting hard at them back then:

2346d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As we know exclusives are ALL that matters, and industry leading ones at that... so you accept you have nothing at all XD :D !

So, about exclusives with the cutting edge technology, hmmm:
the vanilla PS4 non-4K offerings of HZD, U4 and now god of war 4 (and gaining) are above and beyond what the 1x has so far... and the 98% plain xb1s in the market? mwahahahaha... that's basically the past gen man ;) ... yep the brand xb has a long way to go alright ;)

2346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heh, yep Pro or 1x, both being pointless to go to as Pro is weak and 1x is overpriced and devoid of cutting-edge technology or a developed market with 4K TVs flying about (and what's 1x worth w/o a 4K TV? ;) )...
So yeah all the way vanilla PS4 baby, the whole 'new gfx tech' is fully realized in plain PS4 too (wow loved that digital foundry article on the appreciation of new god of war 4 technology), when you get the latest and most beautiful console games in 249$... why ...

2346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe because they're already outselling anything 4K... being at 1080p?! ;)
Maybe Cerny was right keeping tech to 'this gen' instead of 4K-ing Pong n' Tetris XD :D ... with a sweet price range? Working only at resolutions and color richness etc. is paying off it seems. A whole year late offering and with that higher price point (1x) is still not outselling any game than PS4/Pro's versions.

Well, you can see this ^^^ is what is happening. That 4K...

2346d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Um no. The Switch won only the stand alone accessory sales (the R n' B Joy Cons)... not as in the complete console sales :) ... The other news actually gave numbers as well... with PS4 around 354k, Switch around 308K and xb1 around 299k ...

2346d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment