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actually, only 7 million short... PS3's at 87 million ;)

2182d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha yeah man, I kept watching the crowd reaction with that TLOU2 trailer and then for several days the media to pounce upon that but NOTHING happened... hilarious!!!???
Is it true that lesbianism has become sooo mainstream and accepted that it lost its shock factor? We all know what would've happened had that been a gay scene! ... so has mankind voiced their verdict already ;)

2183d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

F9 :)
Still far less than 100+ million to whom it just doesn't matter, but deliverance of AAA exclusive matters to ALL ecosystems... hence, the Sony domination, and absolutely no effect for xb1 by favoring crossplay ;)

2183d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Even 2 million matter for that bargain, but even 25 million are just "potential" supporters of crossplay, and the fact remains they just "feel" positive about it... and not base their console purchase "decision" around it... wanna know the facts? see each week's PS4 numbers sold, even at a saturation stage, they're 3X their competitor's numbers... crossplay who?

2183d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Original, DETAILED article here:

Hardly an issue, see the details where I replied you at the other place...
Europe only survey, 34% only 'feel' good, that's it, even they don't care about it while purchasing a console, majority still indifferent... since its Europe only, so 50 million...

2183d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nah @10th Rider, here's the original article with 'more' breakdown of the percentages ;)
... and no, actually no one cares, that 34% feels 'good' about it, that doesn't mean they don't feel 'better' for other factors that are making Sony win marketshare months over months... see bel...

2183d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment
2187d ago Show

About opening up more at E3, his quotes:

"In the states, I think, we do this thing in December called PlayStation Experience."

"We were there last December (PSX), and it was amazing to see what was on stage. We had five, six, seven creators all there on stage, all coming from Worldwide Studios to talk about the triple-A games that they’re working on in more detail, more in this format."

"I still think E3 is by a...

2187d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Syphon Filter all the way <3

2187d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It could be 'efficiency' bamillington, ever heard the term?, power output to input ratio??
At least Sony's exclusives push their hardware enough to win over generations... and that sounds ;)
What you get at 1X? Pong 4K? Tetris 4K? hahaha... poor 'mighty' paperweight is left in cold to run Sod or SoT... a toaster can run them due to sh!tty visuals, physics, non-interactivity and half load done on online cloud :O !!!
Original xb1 used to stutter ...

2187d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha 'IT' will eat you for this ;)

2187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the other day I "vast"ly read a guy proclaiming XB1 was generating more $ than the PS4 hahaha XD !

2187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There IS no cold... Sony is doing pretty hot right now... Ninty is expanding... but yeah xb1 is just 'frozen'..

Come to think of it... 'Frozen'! :D :P

PS4 to XB1:
"Let it go, let it go
Nobody wants to play with you anymore!!!"


2187d ago 12 agree17 disagreeView comment

The original was a small TV Spot... the extended cut is here:

2187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

An extended cut is here:

2187d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me, to this day:

Silent Hill 1 (first person mode) on the PS1,
Champions of Norrath (PS2),
Paper Mario (N64),
Ocarina of Time (N64)...

Any of the above^^^, and its a regular practice I keep booting 'em up on and off... esp. Silent Hill 1, the newly found camera angle is heaven sent!

2188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, xbox consoles are 'deader' than ever... PS4 used to sell 2X the xb1, now it sells 3X :D ... Switch is a yesterday's kid that's taking up xb1, beating it with around 2X the sales heh heh... so yeah 'dead' is right...

About that Xbox streaming service?... all we know is MS's words about the next-gen 'collection' of devices just as Sony has planned (with a new handheld hinted at by Kodera)... but we all know how to take those words, MS...

2189d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man, that is quite the truth^^^...
Also read my comment just above yours, actually VASTO here gave me quite the links to ponder how Sony single-handedly earned DOUBLE the xb1 profits in the latest quarter alone, and based upon PlayStation profits alone... just because of software prowess and without needing any of such 'services'... industry standard, new and highest quality exclusives have just NO EQUAL :)

2189d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I believe King_Lothric is referring to MS still not being able to move more consoles with all these 'attractions'... their market share remains 10-15% with both Sony and Nintendo retaining their 45-50% and 35-40% respectively. MS being continuing selling 1/3rd of hardware than their main competition Sony remains intact.

Moreover, MS gave out their profits of 2.25billion$ (thanks to Vasto for the update) from the xbox division in the first quarter 2018, that raised f...

2189d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Haha @Jackel, it'd be 2D on xb1S hahaha!

2189d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment