
CRank: 6Score: 53080

Not a fan of the Souls games but damn those games are gorgeous to look at... THIS? my word, they strip anything that I could like about these sorts of games... bland, blocky, edgy graphics... easily an early PS3 title tech-wise... physics I don't know but darn it shows nothing special, BloodBorne remains the toppest Souls game ever...

Again, comparison-wise, SOT, SOD2, Ashen and upcoming Ori are HARDLY tech shows, esp. speaking of how xb1x remains empty of an exclusive ...

2115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Srhalo, 0-k hahaha :D

2138d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I beg to differ here, I believe one of the most shocking and captivating + challenging horror game this gen was "The Evil Within 1"... it was around 24 hours long + DLCs that added more... and it was tense every second of it!

Also when I played "Kona"... platinuming it was a 16+ hours affair for me while the base game is only 6 to 8 hrs long... now, it was extremely tense in its own form, but ending came so abrupt you would think they wou...

2138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bests of Mortal Kombats... Tekkens... MGSs... Silent Hills... Personas (OMG P4)... Burnouts and Gran Turismos... WWEs... FF 10 n' 12... Ico n' Colossi... Jaks n' Ratchets... the breathtaking Dark Cloud 2!!!
...and the sideline SEGA masterpieces like Blood Will Tell(Tezuka Osamu's Dororo) or the underrated Altered Beast remake!

...Only 1 place has held that much awesomeness single-handedly in one place... that is PS2 ;)

2140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ruegrong absolutely!
Gone Home is plain shite... tell you what Until Dawn and Resident evil 7 are truly gems but I'd add some varied stuff too:

1. Here They Lie (Now patched without PSVR!!! an absolute gem for existentialist horror fans)
2. Outlast 1 + DLC (Stunning, mind boggling horror, esp the DLC)
3. Kholat (Some of the best execution of narrative in a walking sim)
4. Evil Within 2 (Da bestest features of what P.T. could h...

2159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even still, a gap of 2.2 TFlops is unjustified,nothing on xb1 shows it has such a whopping gap from the pro !

2177d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment
2192d ago Show

Yeah in a practically non-existing war! ;) heh heh ...

2192d ago 14 agree15 disagreeView comment

Yeah but again, in the same yearly frame...
PS4 in 2018 : 8.6 mil
Xb1 in 2018 : 3.1 mil

That's almost 3 to 1 retained ;)

2195d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah ... only if he was as exhilarating ;)

2210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely... and “Well Ahead” of Expectations??? Hahaha they said this for sea of thieves too and over several weeks it was just sold over 200K only at retail... I hope they pit FH4 against Spidey ;)

2210d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yup, the numbers are all in the article, and while vgchartz is never accurate, these numbers are pretty much close to other trackers and believable :)

2211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On the other hand if you look at the sales margin, PS4 is swinging supreme:
PS4 in 2018:_____ 8,089,271
XB1 in 2018:_____ 2,866,280
NS in 2018:______ 6,537,704

PS4 is still almost a whooping 3X more than the direct competition i.e. xb1 !!!

And marketshare wise:
PS4:_____ 46.5%
XB1:_____ 16.5%
NS:______ 37%

Again retaining 3X higher marketshare than XB1... that's some 'reignin...

2211d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

yeah, it remains in the 8th gen alongside PS4 anmd xb1...

2218d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
2241d ago Show

Hey industry no matter what you do, its not gonna sell well on the xb1 hehehe, you guys would go to all the lengths to state the obvious but when a console's charm is dead... nothings matters ;)

2246d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

DF wouldn't dare it ;)

2246d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's the Monkey King!!!

2247d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

That is the biggest problem I've seen so far, the animation set is not only clunky but its also from the previous games alone. Where is the motion blending or the intelligent environmental awareness?

2253d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well they improved the scope of it with larger places and more interactivity, hence reducing the overall visual flair and per item visual fidelity... not everyone can be Naughty Dog you know, who could jump from perfection to perfection. You see Uncharted 4 is unshaken to this day, esp. how they incorporated physics into graphics, but still managed to up the ante with TLoU 2... everything from skin details to NPCs to foliage to interactions have seen a boost from U4!

2253d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment