
CRank: 6Score: 53080

Amazing PS4 performance again... that's the console that matters for the industry on the whole ;) ... followed by Switch ofcourse (anyone has seen 'Nintendo Labo' in action? that is freakin' amazing :O ) ... rest is just gaming-wannabes ;)

I am enthralled for the April NPD ofcourse... gonna enjoy what god of war 4 brought to the table!

2347d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry mate, wasn't me, never liked this franchise to begin with... it was the neutral media as well as the non-rabid MS fanboys who pinpointed how sh!tty this game looked and played 3 years back... I only happened upon it due to MS' own... and my word what I saw was half-baked, half planned and half-arsed... evenmoreso than the barebones PUBG or the money grab tech-demo SoThieves... esp. speaking about the Dreamcast visuals... darn that was lazy programming right there!

2349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@BeardedDrachen: He would when and if he gets a worthy/gow4 quality streamable/promotable game on the competition's side ;)

2349d ago 46 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, intrigued by Detroit... but mostly stoked for Spiderman PS4... proper gaming aside, my year's biggest charm is watching Death Stranding's demo at the E3 or the TGS... that is like, a game of the generation or like a PS5 release for me... yeah, that's how important I feel its going to be!

2349d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha that's precisely the precise-est answer ;) :D

2349d ago 106 agree14 disagreeView comment
2349d ago Show

Yeah, sold in 2018:

PS4: 4,150,701
XBO: 1,598,080

Yep, domination right there, even Switch sold: 3,206,881 in 2k18 ... Hahahaha, dude, since you started selling 'popcorns' last november... The Sony and Ninty crowds are enjoying 'em pretty much... I'll love to have the quarterly report too so far the mere 300K boost xb1 saw is a meagre nothing... the 40+ million gapped PS4 domination is only growing... chum ;) !

2349d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hehehe yeah, 1st PUBG, 2nd SoT ... now CD3... really stoked for the 4th one too: SoD2 ;)

2349d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

haha @maybelovehate, you mean "Tetris 4k60fps" would be a game better running than this? mwahahahaha XD poor dude got bonkers out of jealousy :D

2349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or MS for that matter ;)

2349d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow such heartwarming greetings... really love to see how industry top dogs appreciate each other ... more support for SP games ... a bigger shoutout for industry leading exclusives !!!

2350d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh is it Thor I'm seeing standing behind Baldr??? :O

2350d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah well, you do consider it a masterpiece then... and not being interested in it is a fault at your side you admit...
Ahhh I'm fine with that, people do whine about anything when they've nothing to whine about... its cold outside but I'm hot... Its sooo bright out there but who turned off the lights ahahahaha... yeah you're that kind... good to have ya ;) XD !

2351d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment
2352d ago Show
2352d ago Show

Just touching every retail outlet I can for a leaked copy ;) heh heh heh, can't wait for the 20th ...
They said over 50 hrs of gameplay, with a single shot camera... I mean man how'd I put the controller down?

2356d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Its 'Rare' we're taking about ... 2. Work-team count = 200+ ... 3. A whole 4 years in the making ...
i.e. there has to be a foundation, no question in it... BUT ONLY A FOUNDATION ?!?!?! :O

The commoner who decided NOT to spoil himself from reading anything on the net, finds SoT at the retail for his beloved xb1x and pays full 60$... rushing back home to enjoy the -once-in-a-blue-moon- xbox exclusive... and finds its not even a game!!! ... its a frea...

2357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh the cloudy dreams... the delusions hahaha ... that shows how disconnected and distant the whole xb team is from gaming reality :O

2357d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude where it stands right now, in the light of all the coverage + facts and figures flyings around... xb1 is not something to buy... but rather its a laughing stock! a barebones machine dying of hunger ;)

2357d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@CBaoth no I was not talking about the sales... rather fanbase support. Even WiiU had some real great ninty-oriented offerings... it was just way too expensive for a handheld in the wake of PS4/xb1 launch... what I meant to say was Microsoft's 180-degree turns on their agenda + cloud/power/secret-sauce lies + crap like gaas + DRM + 0.127% exclusives...
I mean no gaming company in HISTORY devastated their fanbase this much :O

2357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment