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See, xb1 is such a laughing stock now that even publications are setting it up for continued laughter hehehe XD

2357d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft To Deliver With Crackdown 3"...

Mwahahahahahaha... of all the things relative... Crackdown 3 ???!!! XD XD XD

2357d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think he tried to say shift-the-focus... i.e. to take risk with something new... to trust and respect the creativity of humanity... for once. What they did to 'Rare' is already beyond forgivable though!

Halo is def great... not at all great to its Bungie days, but still among the better shooters out there, and has quite a knack of being 'complete' and bringing the story fwd... not like the Forza series, in which even only a 'dashboard color change'...

2357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh so he's the guy behind that too! Didn't know that ;)

2357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, just wow!... This guy's gonna be filthy rich...

2357d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hoho already? ;)
I'm afraid Switch hasn't got anything lately to boot interest... lets see how sales fare in the absence of persistent software...

2357d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

Hey JayRyu, I'd support you on this, actually not the PS4, rather I found myself longing for it on my Vita...

But I'm all great with the emulator-scene:
My PS1 catalogue rocks on epsxe...
I'm loving my PS2 play on PCSX2... never downloaded a single PS2 HD version of a game from PSN...
My PS3 is alive and well and kicking some neat 720p gaming whenever I deem it calling... didn't even buy Uncharted HD collection for the PS4...

2357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha you're right... had MS said xb1x is ONLY about making 360 games run upto the standards of modern gaming, as a dedicated BC machine, fanboys would have argued in its favor too :D ...

now, wait a min...

XD :P ;)

2357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the article: "The Xbox One’s ability to play dozens of games from Microsoft’s extensive library is overlooked far too often."

That sentence ^^^ alone is enough to make you realize how Sony was right in not pushing into that direction...

My PS1 catalogue rocks on epsxe...
I'm loving my PS2 play on PCSX2... never downloaded a single PS2 HD version of a game from PSN...
My PS3 is alive and well and kicking some neat 720p...

2357d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ah yeah I don't own an xb1, not dumb enough to buy one to see it ain't worth it... with more 'industry & generation' defining games coming on PS4 than I can afford to buy in a go, I don't see it fit to waste that money on a console with basically no games to boot and has gaaS filled PUBG n' SoT tech demos... even Phil's latest acceptance, rather bending a knee in front of Single-Player masterpieces and their importance is the latest metric for me to judge that ...

2357d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

WOW sooo much talk... sooo much to release in 'Da Future"??? :O XD like, WTF they launched this sh!t with???

That's damage control guys... listen MS... the opposition is freakin' playing Yakuza 6, Ni No Kuni 2, the generation defining god of WAR 4 in a week, and in a month: DETROIT !

Pure shame on you for destroying your brand and fanbase like this!

2357d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

More halo haha... and more 'in future' ahahahaha... sorry, with Phil's latest acceptance (rather taking a knee in front of SP games' importance, despite theirs and xb1 fanboys' shared 'vision', that brought the poor brand to failures after failures ;) ), I couldn't help chuckling at the word 'future' hehehe...
"our games took time" he said... "Our BC took time" he said... "Our SP will take time" ... hohoho xb1x is...

2357d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Bravo jwillj2k4... the post of the decade man... thanks, you summed everything up... XB1 has to be the worst console offering ever... I mean in all generations... and the other day I was angry about what they did to Dreamcast... in front XB1... man DC issues were nothing!

2357d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

TheCommentator: "How's PSVR doing? Another in a long line of broken promises of greatness and support for the costly side projects they always abandon."

you mean like 'Kinect'? ... hehehe, yeah but PSVR is doing just fine aye, its the top selling complete VR device among the buch with the highest acclaimed software that keeps coming... and with a price cut imminent, its only gonna go up: Resident Evil VII, Robinson, Moss, Diveclub VR, Until Dawn are th...

2357d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

And those 3 themselves aren't anything universally accepted i.e. single-player gamers aren't exactly hot for anything PUBG at all, and Fortnight is already beating it... and cuphead is pure polarizing and subjective, isn't really a console showpiece either... so, yeah don't even know why they're still keeping xb1 alive hehehe!

2359d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

AND Ni No Kuni II for that matter ;) ... right now that is !...

2361d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"5 Reasons PS4 Owners Should Get an Xbox One in 2018"...

^^^ hehehe ;) XD :P ...

2361d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oooh... get a PS4 and you can have both ;) !!!

2363d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sh!tz maaan, that PUBG and SoT are forgotten already :O ... and the only memories the made were rotten ones...

Damn, if these ambitious titles came up sooo barebones, what's gonna hapen to Crackdown 3 and State of Decay ??? :O !!!

2363d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

@PFFT Hahaha :D
"PlayStation's excellent VR support remains a highlight - and it's functionality that obviously Microsoft can't provide." ... Eurogamer.

The ultimate graphical possibility remains on PS4 ... the paperweight hasn't done that again... Pro's got the definitive edition here... FACT! ;)

2363d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment