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"I'll Be Using Xbox One Instead Of PS4 For All My Online Gaming Going Forward"...


2196d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh everyone can su(k dychs guys but my pain isss... bye bye Mortal Kombat :( :( :( ...

2196d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Was waiting for this analysis, and I do think she's pretty lovely being a proper adult. I'm not at all in for the sapphic stuff they pulled in but I think that's pretty mature and complex character building risk they took, and not just to sexifying her... and that I respect :)

2196d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep seems to be pretty much the case, though saturating at 3X the main competition is humongous in itself and that Switch is one lovely offering no doubt, it had to rise. Funny that Xbox1 still hasn't got any impactful uplift YOY esp. compared to the Switch that we could call it a force to be reckoned with... thanks to you for showing :)

PS4 has seen a winning streak NONE of the competitors have proposed in ANY generation. I'm amazed even being satur...

2196d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not only that, but it also shows how PS4 and PS4PRO are considered 1 unit... the same console... the best-seller, highest quality software offering console, 100% sold machines capable of 1080p and up, to 4K resolutions.

While XB1S and XB1X has different identities... one absolutely sh!tty with many past-gen facets like 720p-900p, utterly massacred framerates and missing FX, constituting 98% of the demographic... and the other pumped up, 4K, 500$ heavylifting machine devoid ...

2196d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Haaan??? I think 343 is a pretty funny dude, he just made satire out of that crap they've been trying to pull together since half a decade called CrackDown3, he just showed how it can't even stand upto whole decade old games... and you think he ain't funny!!!??? XD

2197d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

High production value games will just have that 10$ 'paid demo' of selective features for sure. Ori/Ori 2 is far from a hardware intensive title... a 2D sprite-based game with hell of an art-style, but AAA? far from it ;)
The previous Ori didn't sell too much either, so, another suitable title for the game-pass.

Yeah Forza-Horizon 4 and Gears 5 are really something... So what if MS sacrifices some margin of these "FEW" and I m...

2197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the art style is a little changed, there is added fog (to hide the draw distance?), Terry Crew's model is in with still utter lack of skin detail or any other FX. There isn't an ounce of normal-mapping involved in the world and the trailer is 'Jam-Packed' with classic PS2 quality 'Sprite Based' fire and explosion effects hahaha...

Now, the funny thing is that, THIS model from a 12 years old, "600p" game from PS3, totally sh!tes over t...

2197d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah timlot,
I too recall The Last Guardian on PS3 in 2009, head and shoulders looking above a PS2 game...
I too went wild watching it in 2015, still far, far, far better looking than a PS2 game...

Then I saw the CD3 gameplay from 2 years back... and found out PS2 was still alive hehehe... and saw the latest 2018 trailer, and thought Sony might just be realeasing PS24K :D ;) XD

2197d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS2 was doing complex water physics, let alone PS3 generation... weather FX 'can be done natively and far better than SoT', they were also there even on past-gen consoles... so yeah what does cloud brings to the SoT??? Non realistic lighting? flat-textured 3D?? ... non-interactive vegetation??? sh!tty hit-detection???? crappy skeleton AI????? hahaha 'cloud' is a load of BS bigger than you can put a finger at, aye? ;)

2197d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yup, quite the game for the game-pass, exactly suiting there.
Actually MS' recent game-pass offerings are all 10$ worth stuff too, both in quality/value and in quantity... look at SoT: unfinished, empty; and SoD2: half-cooked, low gfx... so yeah CD3 is gonna shine amongst the brethren ;)

2197d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

So your point is a gamer needs to have an xb1x and a 4K TV first to appreciate this game with 'almost' ZERO self-shadowing, ZERO skin detail (oh no we are not going to the super sub-surface scattering skins at all, we're still at a lower but bearable gears of war 4/5 quality skins to compare here) and FREAKIN' SPRITES for all the fires and explosion effects??? Hahaha, only gamers stuck in xb1-hell this gen would be desperate for such! .......

Clouds or not, ...

2197d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Each of the games you guys mentioned: NMS, GTS, SFV... or the SP-only experience 1886, had tons more content wherein gamers could engage into not-b4-done activity anyday, than the utterly, hilariously empty SoT ...

SoT gets empty in 3 hours maybe with exact same act to be done again and again, and that tells a lot. Besides, all these other games kept selling Millions since people kept getting something new... SoT well hehe fell from the cliff... its been sooo long but MS is...

2197d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it seems just a Spartan paintjob on Origins to me tbh.
They're just selling it. A month back Origins was the deal, as they promoted it...
It felt real early to be revealed, as if Ubi didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to cash grab asap.

I've had my fill with all things Assassins with Origins, and that itself didn't feel organic with the AC lore, a great game in itself but far from a great AC execution. I feel this one's gon...

2197d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's a Medievil remake I'm most excited about!

2200d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hehe we understand man, the grapes ARE sour... when YOU can't eat them ;) :D

Absolutely nothing has been shown yet and you're jumping to conclusions... we here at Sony side only have joy to wait for as new info is released... the 'other' side only has more pain to anticipate... brace yourself ;)

2200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha so you agree to compare them to 2nd level devs like Evolution studios, instead of top-tier like Polyphony Digital... Ironic... are your comments.
Yep, PD has thrived to this day with Sony... while almost ALL have fallen working with Microsoft... how Rare fell due to MS is already uncanny... hey! have you read Eurogamer’s article “Who Killed Rare?”... an interesting read it would be for you I say ;)

2201d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

-Rain drops are 'Time Fall' (standing in rain will age you)
-Being detected by 'dark creatures' will trigger a 'void out' (calling in giant umbilical cord creatures that destroy the env.)
-Each 'void-out' causes a crater (geography changes, other craters may indicate other players who died alongside you)
-You visit a purgatory/sea after a 'void out' (and can come back most probably by the baby)
-Little ...

2202d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft is Finally Offering Strong Single-Player Value"...

Where??? did I miss something during these days? Is there a strong SP title that moved xb1s/x consoles and gained marketshare for MS?

2204d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well 'bububu MS' is what MS warranted, not what anyone wants to do...
Say what, they got fake applause for 'multiplatform' software??? hehehe XD ... Could you be more desperate?:O

And I got you, you're more into 'opinions' than empirical software evidence (sorry you don't have any to begin with)...
So, SoT from the now devastated Rare is comparable to Yooka Laylee? My word, even you couldn't think of it any better hahaha...

2204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment