
CRank: 6Score: 53080

Alan Wake, Life is Strange, Mizzurna Falls, Deadly Premonition, Flower-Sun-and-Rain...
and on the horror side:
Silent Hill, The Evil Within 2...
and now this... I AM IN HEAVEN!

2302d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I hope they put at least some sort of free town exploration in Twin Mirror, the way Mizzurna Falls nailed it:

2302d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

OMGod Nyxus I am IN LOVE with Alan Wake's first 2 chapters... have it in 1080p downloaded in recording in my laptop, desktop, cellular, tab and everywhere... but I hate the devs for destroying the open-world aspect of the rest of the game... after 2nd chapter it just fell down to monotonousness and that ending was horrendous... I wish they remake it!

2302d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

My word, more Twin Peaks inspired games is just heavenly... I LIVE for this, loved every bit of Life is Strange, Deadly Premonition and PS1's Mizzurna Falls... just found about another of Suda51's PS2 Twin Peaks inspired game 'Flower, Sun and Rain' by a native Youtuber. Can't find the rom though, here's his intro recording:

You guys will ...

2302d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Haha yeah, I heart his comments ;) :P

2304d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Jaguar, I LOVE Labo, I think its genius and very, very well done... I'm all in for software prowess but 'SOFTWARE+MECHANICAL' models absolutely amaze me... its truly creative and unique esp as a toy, though I can't shake that feeling of such things being gimmicky at the end, hence I do agree with you that it should ADD UP to the whole package, instead of being just an overpriced package having an appeal just for under 15 year olds. Switch definitely need more, unique and ...

2304d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment
2306d ago Show

There isn't much of a substance on the horizon anyway, the term 'bombshell' is no longer synonymous with 'xbox-one' branding anymore... to me something that comes close is "Blue Dragon 2" tbh.
If they uncancel "Scalebound", its a given they'll be filling in the placeholder with 'almost-complete' but 'half-arsed half-heartedly developed' software "we canned before but lets release it anyway to put a spoon in our fans'...

2306d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft take notes, THIS is the proper way to access an event when all eyes are on you to sway the audience away...
But yeah, we all know what you guys would be left with if you spilled the beans earlier ;)

2306d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, why wouldn't it, the console that'll sell 'em through sky is the natural choice :D

2308d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Heh does it matter?!
90% of its sales will be on PS4 anyways, all royalties, content time exclusives etc. will be on PS4... yeah, every great thing this generation is kinda like a PS4 exclusive already, the sales difference is always that far apart... its appearance on xb1 just doesn't make a splash! ;)

2308d ago 20 agree3 disagreeView comment

gangsta_red: "is there a reason why they have to? (have a strictly SP game)"

...Hehe yeah, like, you tell me... quality SP are moving the hardware left and right for PS4... that sh!te SOT or SOD2 or PUBG did basically NOTHING for xb1... that's why ;)
But yeah, you can be right... empty SP like Quantum Break or Recore or even that 2D MS game doesn't move consoles alright hahaha... SP has to have that Sony touch to it!

2309d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great numbers for Detroit... I mean it almost sold neck-to-neck with god of war over there, both are not Japo's cup of tea, but they managed to move there, pretty impressive!

2311d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm... PS4 did outsell xb1 during April 3:1 ... here:
PlayStation 4 Monthly Sales: 1,001,652
Xbox One Monthly Sales: 315,045
Switch Monthly Sales: 664,606


2311d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haha yeah, but I'm keeping this tagline of mine wait until E3, it'd either be an immense comeback/saving of the xb1 demographic by Microsoft... or their ultimate screwup/devastation by them in all these years (that I'm much more inclined to believe, given MS' empirical track record) hehehe...
In any way, the 2nd tagline would be "how many exclusivezz!!!!11" ... ;)
Yeah, its so much fun watching an extremely high-profile software company suffering th...

2311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, instead of improving upon their own game that runs like crap, has fallen into mediocrity and staleness... they have resorted to sue Fortnite???...
Yeah, Fornite is going to invade Korean market now ;) adding to its growing popularity... this reaction was expected!

2313d ago 84 agree10 disagreeView comment

Hahaha yeah its insulting humans alright... that's why I'm LOVING it more XD !!!

2313d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not agree regarding N4G only... EVERYWHERE is same... N4G is the ultimate and prompt source of everything... I've been around since maybe 2005 and has never been let down!

2314d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep, but then again,its non-relative to everyone: Sony or MS.
-Only around 2% of xb1 install base can enjoy that 'resolution-only' boost, the rest of around 98% are stuck with the same old 720p-900p sh!te...
-That 'resolution-only' perk comes in at what? 100$ more, and meaningless if you don't own a 4K TV ;)
-PS4/Pro still holds the largest community of the best playing versions of every multiplatform... that almost 2% of a fully ravaged, overpri...

2317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys! MS fanboys were right... xb1's side of N4g IS the most entertaining charm for the PS4 guys... tell you what, we got the best of both worlds: "playing the best-est of what the gaming industry has to offer PLUS the insurmountable chance to chuckle at the ravishingly stupid MS decisions, offerings and the collapsed reviews of their most touted fake game-provisions" ... hahahaha ;) XD :D !!!

2321d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment