
CRank: 6Score: 53080
2283d ago Show
2283d ago Show

From the article:
"Microsoft has completely pulled back on plans to support virtual reality headsets on the Xbox. In an interview with, Microsoft’s chief marketing officer of gaming Mike Nichols said that “we don’t have any plans specific to Xbox consoles in virtual reality or mixed reality.” Nichols goes on to say that the PC is “probably the best platform” for virtual and mixed reality, and that for the Xbox, “our focus is primarily on experiences you would p...

2285d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

So, you're more delusional than Phil himself hehehe, you think revenues in a 'quarter' gets MS more marketshare i.e. more stakeholders, keener interest, more business partners, more investment from the 3rd party???
This past year ending March 31st 2018 saw Playstation business garnering 18 Billion$ for Sony among other businesses. You add MS' 2.25billion four times (which it is not) and you still end up under 10Billion for the whole year hahahaha XD :D

2285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could be right about 'playing', 343... doesn't mean sh!te though regarding console selling and marketshare raising :)
-FFXV moved consoles
-DQXI moved consoles
-Persona 5 moved consoles
-Zelda always does that
-Overwatch, Fortnite DOES NOT move consoles, they're everywhere !!! ...

Hahaha GUILTY you're just playing naive executing MS' card, 'our hardware doesnot move, so lets show '...

2285d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No he's not trying to say anything, just presenting empirical evidence... its YOU who's stating the obvious, yeah basically these 3 ^^^ ARE pretty crap, not everyone in MS ;)

2285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha yeah man I upvoted you, we know this 'objectively', how they destroy their own studios is vivid enough... the destruction of Rare was epic, Eurogamer did a whole article on it by the name of "Who Killer Rare?"...

But my point was the satire on these ^^^ articles... hahaha damn they're trying to salvage anything that can work for MS, hehehe they've been trying to even put a positive spin over MS showing multiplatforms at E...

2286d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

Funny, NOTHING... absolutely NOTHING MS does this generation works... BC, cloud, X-play... nothing helped them save upon their falling marketshare... hehehe while Sony keeps loading up more and the highest marketshare all along, this new move itself sees only Ninty getting the upperhand... more proof crap stays crap, no matter what you do... zero improvement, that is xb1 ;)

2286d ago 16 agree9 disagreeView comment

Heh heh BeardedDrachen and jznrpg, you guys totally justified the post I was going to write, these drowning xbots even see straws as boats n' ships... its natural they're behaving positive to even MS showing off 'multiplatforms' at the E3 hehehe!!!

2286d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft’s New Studios Will Help Them Appeal to the Market in the Future" - NPD Analyst

No, really? I mean, I thought they acquired 'em for fun!

2286d ago 27 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yes, also see the previous video, you can fully walk around in the city.

2286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simply spectacular, something as decent, complete and immersive as the Resident Evil 7 VR itself... and that is saying a lot... some of the finest games are exclusively present on PSVR, of all the 3 main systems!

2286d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

With only 2%-4% of total xb1 sales, 1X is a hilarious amount of lightyears away from world domination hehehe, over 96% of xb1 family only gets the worst of multiplatform gaming on the 1S... mostly skulking between 720p-900p, hopeless framerates and abysmal lack of effects.
Yep, 4K60fps would be real sweet but just for a fraction of the xb1 install base... it won’t even dominate the 1X-ONLY install base either, as not ALL 1X owners even have 4K TVs yet, add them up ...

2289d ago 24 agree45 disagreeView comment

I’ve always wanted to have a gears game with more lifelike characters... damn these puppets have to go. I am amazed they haven’t put in subsurface scattering for the skins to this day, the cloth physics is just absent but it is understandable due to armour and stuff... but then again hair FX are also crap, can’t stand that girl’s plastic stucky hair... I mean in the days of Kratos’ beard reacting to wind physics... hahaha or Nathan’s chest hair simulation or even Lara’s TressFX... Gears serie...

2289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@The Commentator,
You liking flat textured, low poly, glitch-fested, non-interactivity laden, budget quality games on da '1X' like SoT, SoD2 or the upcoming CD3, hahaha is your choice, PURE SUBJECTIVE OF YOU...
While we do enjoy highest quality production values with industry defining exclusives here at Sony... OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR critical acclaim wise, people's voice wise and any acid test you could put on it...
So all that 1X hardware is just a sore...

2289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

pointless as usual,
-neither xb1s nor xb1x is gaining any marketshare for MS...
-same abysmal 1/3rd numbers sold against PS4/Pro week after week...
-what stronger hardware if no game to show for it...
-only higher awareness in US for the 1X, the rest of the world TOTALLY IGNORES it being devoid of any good hardware intensive games.
-And this 'only-in-da-US' awareness also doesn't matter with PRO being sold more...

2290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Death Walking"

Hehe yeah it was funny, but darn man, we 'objectively' know this game's gonna rock hard, I really love your wanton skepticism, its all you can do right now when even the last MS XB1 train left devoid of anything other than gears/forza/halo possible launch-ables and we PS fanboys told-ya-so from 300 miles apart ;) :D

So yeah we're gonna savor you guys' suffering with the ultimate trailers and prev...

2290d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nor would calling it X and taking 100$ more from the mere 2%-4% of total xb1 audience will get it out of the xb1 shadow, wherein its stuck with the same low production value crap as the rest of the xb1 family, the likes of SoD2 or CD3... easily washed floor with by competition's any style of brass like god-of-war or Detroit gfx kings any day, and we're talking mere 1080p versions of these tech-kings here and NOT the Pro versions at all heh...

2290d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Switch is Ninty's 2nd 8th-gen offering, launched earlier due to utter failure of Wii U. It has similar processing specs as Wii U, similar coding schemes, lesser in capability than other 'older' systems of the same gen from competitors i.e. no newer researched technology employed... henceforth with Switch gaining steam, it'll pass by xb1 in no time and that paperweight of a machine will again be in the 3rd place ;)

8th Generation Conso...

2290d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hahaha r2oB, you totally pwned Kumakai... the super objective reality... hardly 5% of the XB1 demographic has xb1X... rest of the 95% or more are stuck with 720p-900p sh!te on xb1S, dead framerates and missing FX... hahaha...

While 100% of PS4/PS4PRO demographic enjoy gaming in 1080p or more upto 4K... 100%!

2290d ago 36 agree8 disagreeView comment