
CRank: 6Score: 53080

WTF, see what 360 is capable of after a whole year of its launch Hee Hee, in the 3rd generation of its software lineup !!! Real Deal, you're such a moron criticizing a game 3 months before even its system is out, and see what this 'oh-so-easy-to-program', 'finest-library' 360 is capable of, HaHaHa :

6517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha Ha ! all he thinks about next-gen is the improved textures, he knows sh!t about game content and world development and cares about only how pretty texture is placed on flat surfaces HaHaHA, CHECK OUT WHAT HE WROTE ABOUT PROCEDURAL SYNTHESIS IN #67, its simply laughable how ignorant he is. Sh!t Deal check out #98 so your eyes may open open up to witness the next-gen !

6517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looky here what you wrote in #67 about procedural synthesis HaHaHa :

"It uses algorithms to produce high quality graphics out of extremely small files."

Man do you even know what Procedural Synthesis is ?!!! damn it, I thought that you are here for you do have a hint at things yeah, and I couldn't just believe that you'll turn out to be just another fancy shooter fanboy, do you really think procedural synthesis is all about getting data loaded from tiny...

6517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While clearly you know it yourself that Sony isn't just going around with this game alone on the PS3 launch, and also that clearly this game is showing procedural synthesis, one of the most affirmative next-gen techniques that has to be shown yet on any of the 360 titles, and being a launch title, on day 1...yeah its a true next-gen software totally not possible on current-gen as it requires much of a CPU horsepower rather than shiny normal-mapped textures based pure GPU games that deliver sa...

6517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...than any racing game on 360 even today after a whole year. Who needs GP or PGR3 sort of games when they'll be coming sooner or later, and Sony knows that, so they are not just stuffing the library with casual past-gen games but giving the audience something purely next-gen from day-1 !

Jaggies, motion blur, canyons...whatever dudes, its the game with 'procedural-synthesis' and is big on it, so while all other issues will get fixed up in time, the fact that the ground deform...

6517d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graceful, gruesome, grudgy, gorgeous.......AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH HHH! can't wait for PS3 anymore, PLEASE somebody tell me is it in-game ?! man now I'm getting suspicious, such beauty can't be in-game or real time with all those physics and destruction...Nah !!! you see those rubber growths on motorcycle tyres...they are 3D! men they are 3D!!! they are not normal-mapped textures, all this reality, is it real?, is it on day 1 of the PS3? is this NEXT_GENERATION really coming ?! tell me is it a dream,...

6518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

.......assured to kick some major butt come this November. By the looks of what we are seeing here, this is an AAA movie quality title. I surely wasn't expecting to see Nathan Hale is such detail, the 2nd and third pics depicting also what excellent art style they are using, have simply taken my breath away, loving this game each day more and more and waiting for more news about it...I'm sure its a game big, big time !!!

6518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if does arrive on PS3, I wouldn't be getting it for its enough already with--"army loves terrorists, terrorists hate army, army hates public, public loves government"--games, a whole bunch of such crap is around us with battlefield, call of duty, medal of honour, army of two, mercenaries and I'm pretty sure a dozen all this approach towards games simply seems so amateurish, sinch GTA:SA came out every company has been making its clones with True Crime New York City, F...

6518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remind you again buddy, its a launch title,and even if it looks much downsisded than any other PS3 launch title, its quite exquisite in its comparison with the 360 games, check out the graphics for EveryParty, Ziria, ZegaPain or the new Samurai warriors they are the games coming out after a whole year of the 360's launch, they're 3rd gen titles and you know you can easily compare them with N64 games. Well for 360, its really funny to see that the only games that seem to boast next-gen...

6518d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The water is highly reactive, than just a running animation, the Mage's cape is stunningly rendered as we know now from the IGN's preview that an entire SPU is dedicated for his cape's cloth simulation...the moves are great, the exploding skeletons are great but none of this is entirely awesome, the greatest thing about this game is that even being a launch title, it boasts 20 very diverse and appealing stages with 16+ hours of gameplay, new online episodic content, 4 player split screen and ...

6518d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This little thing is all that's pinching in the rest of the near perfect PS3 launch image, yeah I have to admit. I've never really been a user of Rumble feature but I do understand its important for MGS games quite a lot, although Kojima did mention of using another way of making a player realize its the panic state ! but no doubt if rumble is back, its awesome for the already stunning games into becoming even more immersive and entertaining !!!

6519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I'm sure god hand will come up to be a fine title as it hits the shelves with all those Dante like styles, gameplay variety and that essential funny tone that accompany Clover games, I'm more excited about the Okami title and that stunning 30 milion $ Yakuza that Sega is cooking. That game is simply stunning and amazingly immersive. Before we get our hands on FF-XII and Rogue Galaxy, these titles are gonna own the day !

6519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

200 vehicles, procedural ground, 20 players match, ambience level of the musical score, total physics based experience, online downloadable PS3 launch lineup is simply HUGE !!! I really get the chills when I think about it, even the Dark Kingdom runs 16+ hours with 3 story nuances, not to mention Resistance and WarHawk.

6519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Real Deal lost his mind about an year now, what's so funny that now he has lost his glasses too ?! HaHaHa !!!

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a great new feature that hasn't been shown ever before !

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It's extraordinary quality, that's the starting point. If people are seeking the ultimate machine, the PS3 is clearly the best spec machine as far as next-gen goes. As with all things in life, you have to pay for quality. It is absolutely beautiful to look at and you are getting virtual interactive cinema in the comfort of your own home. It's a very compelling selling point and Sony just has to educate people that yes, it's a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.".......!

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It's extraordinary quality, that's the starting point. If people are seeking the ultimate machine, the PS3 is clearly the best spec machine as far as next-gen goes. As with all things in life, you have to pay for quality. It is absolutely beautiful to look at and you are getting virtual interactive cinema in the comfort of your own home. It's a very compelling selling point and Sony just has to educate people that yes, it's a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.".......!

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw the revealing of 360 and thought they are in the game this time. And look what I got out of the 360. Total and utter crapola. Games that looked worse than N64 games, but we'll just compare with the PS2.




Yeah, its really clearing up now that Sony is in for delivering true next-gen from day 1, absolutely. With all these motion-sensing, 3D camera, blu-ray, backward compatibility, online, multi-OS support and procedural content features, it really is a huge system, and anyone would be really lucky to have such a device at day 1. I really can't see where the lying part of Sony exist, as some press and 360 fanboys suggest...the '05 E3 videos were target vids and already Heavenly Sword & GTHD l...

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The answer to most parts of your question is what you already know, 360 launch titles were Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero and PGR3, the first two are enitrely current gen with some fancy texturing techniques in the same way as common PC titles do, only PGR3 was something to be reffered as the start of the next0gen that's, such easy to program system, already known techniques and a history of software development, where did it all go when it came to the launch titles of 360 ?!


6523d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment