
CRank: 6Score: 53080

Well, lets get one thing out of the way, no console launch has ever been so complete and promising as the PS3's shaping up to be. Check this out:

Now, I'm truely amazed how "particularly/sharply next-gen" titles are in there. No other system has such an uber usage of Procedural Synthesis to boast so early in its life, not even the 2 years...

6582d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

...the MS360-exclusive-franchise's next-gen title possibly exclusive on the PS3. HaHaHa, whether or not you folks get the DMC4 as well, but YEAH, Gaiden is coming this way, SUPERB !!!

6582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...This title gives such a deep feeling of its D&D nature. I know I'm gonna enjoy this one a bit after launch !!!

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This one burns deep:

"Phew!!!".......the PS3 launch lineup is insinuating !!!

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This latest update has me so blown away that I've decided to keep an eye on this one, I might be getting this one in my first buys as well. Wow, it just came out of blue, day after day KOEI is starting to speak volumes for themselves, can't believe they are making this one. Hot !!! check these out:

..."IT HAS BEGUN!!!",

Yes folks, everyday more and more great news for PS3 are stocking up with much, much more media and downloadables...DAMN, its not even launch yet and we are being treated with third-gen PS3 titles like MGS while even the first-gen 'Resistance' is a deal undigestable. I say AWESOME ! and then I feel pain for its really getting unbearable to wait !!!

6582d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

is the game COOL on the visual side with its unique and distinct art-style but also that it has those butt-load of features to boast ! Like MGS series, Okami, Colossus etc. the colour-scheme remains to be what retains the unique title-exclusive feel. Everybody looking at Ratchet would call it a japanese title for its anime-like characters, in that way when Insomniac moved towards mature themes with Resistance, they clearly picked up another note of excellence to display their game, coming as ...

6582d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Definitely, Japanese folks are real special, I've totally been spell bounded by looking at the art-style and story depth of 'Unknown Realms', its real captivating and immersive and looks like you are playing a bit comedized episode of 'Carnivale' or 'Hell-Raiser'. Please can anyone here confirm it for me that one hell of a beauty title(unknown realms) is a PS3 launch title ?! Thanks !!!

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here comes a 360 exclusive and yeah it was an exclusive from day 1, so sad for the 360 fanboys, they cheered everything on hearing 'finally' that assassin's Creed is multi-platform, although it was rumored right from the start, 4 times or so, way back to the last TGS ! HaHaHa, and now a true 360 exclusive has come into PS3's dominion, yeah, true one that has been launched on 360 in Japan as a total exclusive but is obviously not selling even first ever RPG and its been shared...

6593d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's just awesome N4Gs, now we are absolutely getting somewhere. That was one thing 'not-appreciative' about N4Gs that fanboys were able to relay mindless comments with full freedom, if that management is in place, I bet there will not be a better and most updated games board that will exist on the web...congratulations !

I'm out to take a 'bubble' bath !!!

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The greatest thing about Sony is that they have such an influence over industry that they are on everybody's mind far before even their machine is out! the 360 fanboys are making their final guesses on the software even a good 8 months befors its release, such desperate little folks, see how much improvement Resistance has undergone with all that lighting stuff!!! indeed those effects have yet to be seen in LAIR screens having a HUD, thusly no one in the entire world can say this is the final...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its very intriguing and original to look at, I wonder what the game will play like, I'm totally sold if the game comes up to be an animal life simulator, I just love educational games !

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, we'll have pretty racers in due time, as we've been having 'em all around the entire current-gen. The greatest thing to have is something entirely new, and with MotorStorm, we have something that boasts procedural programming in an outstanding level of nuances, from entirely destructible vahicles to breakable environment like houses, trees and the utterly astonishing ground deformation that actually effects the gameplay physics, WOW, there we're talking. Yes, there are jaggie...

6593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks Sevir04 I thought we've lost Nioh forever, this news is a gust of fresh air indeed, these 4 Koei titles are really making up strong Japanese lineup pre-eminent on the PS3.

Really getting emotional today on listening to the orchestral music on DMC4's website, totally falling in love with the 'Unknown Realms' title for the PS3 after watching its screens and art-style and knowing that Nioh is still on board, I guess today has been some of the finest days aound the news-lin...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...on the website made me emotional, DAMN ! *sob* *sob*.......Japanese folks are really special, wow, how they've crafted the game's music is stunning, now what is that trinity-fates DVD book ?! I wish I could settle in Japan !!!

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Dante, Kratos, Ratchet, Snake, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Cloud, Dragon Quest and Gran Turismo PLUS new ones like Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Lair, The Wall, WarHawk or Monster Kingdom are on PlayStation platform, nobody on this side would like to go for a switch, CONCLUDED !!!

6593d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only unreliable link out there is MS, remember what they did with Xbox, losing 4 billion dollars, they just pulled the plug in 4 years, HaHaHa, while even upto 2007, in the 8th year, PS2 is having excellent titles coming, same is the case with PS1.

6593d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...for Sony alone, not the gaming division, and as the fuc*n 360 fanboys think that Sony was good at games because they had no competitor then they are dreaming their a$$es off, for even today, the major yearly awards are won by Sony, for they are the quality ! and Nintendo has been a much powerful competitor than Xbox can ever be, plus Sony has always made everything in-house, not bought it from other processor companies or so, and that's how PS2 is still living even today and enjoying some ...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6594d ago