
CRank: 6Score: 53080 beautiful, so early that I just don't believe my eyes. No launch lineup has ever been so strong as PS3's !

6486d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Check out the page would you ! have you even clicked on the link, man the entire gameplay videos are there on the page and on the pages numbered below, from arcade to konquest mode to 'motor kombat'...everything is there. Only the first video on page 1 is CGI intro movie, and that's just the most awesome opening cinematic ever !!!

6486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With even PS2 engine at work, this title is pretty much hitting the PGR3 stuff off. No doubt PolyPhony has always been some of the most talented folks outthere in racing games and their games were utterly photorealistic when other devs only dreamed of it. Undoubtedly when almost every critic has compared PGR3 with PS2's GT4...GT5 will be the definitive king of the genre when it comes out. The new Switzerland stage is simply breath-taking. HOT !!!

6486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn this Looks pre rendered, really, really beautiful game !!!

6486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...environments are good but such destructible environments in seamless worlds with procedural waters, volumetric clouds, intense ambient land and air battles with multitiple gameplay transitions are a fascination to behold. More stunning is the pic where the plane is so close to ground and soldiers are running, who could expect such great nuances like equally outstanding on-foot campaigns from a flight shooter game ! AWESOME !!!

6486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...YEEEHAWWW!!! I knew they'll prove it:

-"Earlier this year we were quite skeptical if that would be possible, but the final kits really were a revelation in terms of power. Sony delivered what they promised and after a bit of tweaking we had the game up-and running."

And it can't be run on 360 for motion control, DVD9 and lack of 1080p. AWESOME !!!

6486d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

SWEEEEEEET !!! Everything real-time...water, fog, VOLUMETRIC CLOUDS !!!, fire, smoke and it has WETNESS !!! the dragons' looks will change and get shiny with rain engine running just ike the demo and the pre-rendered looking demo will be with the game all in real time and interactive HOT !!!, HOW AWESOME MAN I'M GETTING ALL EMOTIONAL AND HAPPY AROUND HERE. Simply put...the best on 360 even after a year, in the 3rd gen software lineup doesn't even stand up technically upto PS3's first-gen soft...

6486d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

3 cores is a subset of 7 core/SPEs, a 7 cannot be stuffed into 3 but a 3 can easily be supported by 7. You 'stink' man, don't you know this is called porting ?! And by the way, there is also no logic or game out there to support your comment, neither has any other developer made such an indirection !!! HaHaHa !.

6486d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


-"When we thought of hundreds of dragons in air, thousands of troops and creatures on the ground, a gritty, dark, and photo-realistic style, and taking controls to a new level there really was no other option than the PS3 -- it was a match made in heaven."

-"I think Lair proves how much you can get out of the PS3 even with a first-gen title if you hand-tailor your engine to the platform and take full advantage of Cell, RSX and of course the...

6486d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment've been seriously fu**ed up in the head, oh my !!!

6487d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally natural lighting, even when there is still a whole year of work left to be done, while Resistance, MotorStorm, WarHawk and Heavenly Sword are the delights fast approaching...MGS4, DMC4 and FF-XIII will be the delights of 2007. All 360 fanboys think of is the 'one year later coming' gears of war...HaHaHa !!!

They don't even know what exactly is good in any game, they totally drool over even 'bullet witch', '99 nights' or 'Sylpheed' at the same time as on 'gears of war' ...

6487d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...can't have resistance for itself, you see its just a launch title and already its blowing the bones out of gaming standards. The 360 fanboys should be pretty scared for what comes out in the structure-place of PDZero(360 launch fps, and an utter crap) has already captured critics to start comparing it with 360 3rd generation software like gears-of-war or too-human. I wasn't really ready to understand that PS3 titles will be making the quantum leap so early, but yeah its getting quite vivid...

6487d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

...needed to be seen now is a cinematic trailer, you folks can check out a new teaser video at, but a breathtaking cinematic trailer has not been released yet for any of the PS3 games. Once they start coming in, the world will be shaken. MS is all basing upon CG+in-game mixture trailers and what's inside the game is nothing.

Check out Test Drive Unlimited, it has gone down, its only got '7.8' at how great it looked !!!

6487d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you know when fighters fight in watery environments, the water gets adhesive and their clothes get all wet and beautifully shiny. YEAH !!! check out the 'WOLF Vs. EILEEN' video(21.3mb wmv) at At the Buddhist sanctuary, Eileen enters the match with dry clothes but as the fight progresses, her clothes get all wet and look really astounding at the winning pose animation. The water is simulated in an out-of-this-world animation !!!

6487d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PLZ check out #8 before you sleep, its twin racing surprises for PS3 fans today !!!

6488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...and going to sleep while you may like to see #8 Jin Kazama !!!

6488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment might enjoy checking #8 !!!

6488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Technically, 1080p is the awesome achievement of this game all in all but the premium mode is really giving me extra thrills...Wow, what's gonna be in there, the Switzerland stage is alone having me drool over the place. Stunning !!!

Wanna get another racing surprise folks ?! check BURNOUT 5 out on the PS3:


Its Hot!Hot!!Hot!!!

6488d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely stunning true CGI quality game. No doubt the art style with natural lighting techniques simply makes it a stand-out title. There is no crappy exeggerated usage of insane level of light blooms or 'shiny' surfaces, entirely believable visuals and stunningly real too. Its the art-style that makes it a solid CG-movie like product. Really a power at the PS3 side. AWESOME !!!

6488d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...that we're going to see a lot of that Squid camoflague in just a few hours, even more awesome !!!

6488d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment