
CRank: 6Score: 53080

1080p video, Dolby 7.1 audio, 20+ gb content, motion-sensing, 40 players online !!!!!!! Wow, future will be here on 17th Nov. !

6599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...that 'test versions on 360' sounds about right. I too was thinking that Full Auto 2 looks much better than Full Auto 1 on 360, and that the features in Ridge Racer 7 appear to be far ahead of RR6 on 360, same is the case with FNR3, so obviously all with the motion sensing controls, full backward compatibility and BD, PS3 comes up to be the true next-gen machine !!!

6600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YUP ! I too am getting insanity bites waiting for LAIR, its just getting too difficult to wait anymore, I hope Sony bring out more content of it before TGS !

6601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet this game is going to be great, the features they have mentioned like car tuning and customization, stickers downloadable online, 44 environments and 160 missions, all in all this game is really shaping up hot, no doubt RR6 was the most lack-lustre 360 game last year, but I think its the price of getting first in the market, Final Fantasy XI on 360 was also the most lack-lustre RPG that I've scene, but Final Fantasy XII is a stunner even on PS2, so I bet come this weakend, we'll be sure...

6601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess the damage system is more blended within the heat of the action, as was in the E3'05 trailer, rather than that obvious cut-through same animation sequence that was there in the 360 version for all the fighters !

6601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...have you seen the Virtua Fighter 5 GC-2006 trailer folks ?! I hope you have for I'm still pretty much shaken by it, just saw it again and thought to ask on the board, for DAMN !, Wolf's detail seems as much as Shrek's and the authentic action is just so overwhelming, every muscle bump on these fighter's bodies is actual and not some mapped texture, while there is no...just no polygon clipping issue taking place, Wolf's upper arms perfectly slides over his chest sides, so much detail is sim...

6602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My computer isn't so strong enough to run these HD 1280X720 vids in proper frame rate, ah I'm missing big on the show here...any chance of getting these vids from somewhere else folks ?! Damn I just can't wait to see the LAIR video, now that JIN has mentioned of its greatness too !!!

6602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely stunning footage, don't miss this one out, the fighters are shown so upclose, they are so detailed that it looks prerendered, this title really is showing what this powerful machine is capable of. Total polygons, no normal-maps, it simply unbelievable !!!

6603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, who doesn't like 'sky captains' and their stylish WWII/retro adventures, and this guy here, in this game is made up taking care of all the attributes that can enter in, from fluffy hair to broad chin to whacky attitude, although the game itself is not a strict action adventure title, but this hasn't tore down anything from such a detailed looking character with self-shadowing to individual hair straps, DAMN, he might be the Dante of the retro-spect !!!

6607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would certainly feel real prestiged and honoured while owning a system that has a worldwide appeal. It not only creates wonderful worlds but helps in its accompanying world as well, to find solutions to critical problems ! AWESOME !!!

6607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Folks...The launch lineup is UBER HOT ! This obviously hasn't happened to any console launch, but even greater is the TGS playable lineup, 27 next-gen games.....WOOO-HOOO-HOOO ! Dante is there, man, now this is what we are talking about, and finally the Gran Turismo news is confirmed, so much next-gen lineup even when the system ain't out yet really depicts what speciality Sony owns in the games industry !

6608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hah, the news is obviously a lie, how many news of theirs have been found true before, all they wanted to say here was that Xenos is better than RSX, and they used 'NVIDIANS' insiders from 'planet NVIDIA' to say this. Such crap news mart, you are now beginning to suck !!!

6609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn right you rock man !!!

6609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man you can't just say that Resistance is 22 GB for they only wanted to show how much BD can afford, dude the game ain't out yet, so how long does it play, how much HD content is in there, the hell you don't know, so upto that time just STFU, while Saint's Row is out and it is looking worse than True Crime New York City, for in that game when it rained, the entire roads used to become like glass and the entire city buildings and cars reflected in the roads, even GTA had reflecting floors in t...

6609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hee Hee Hee, read on...

6609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have yet to see SpeedTree technology to its fullest for as we've seen in Oblivion, PGR3 and Full Auto, there is nothing but cross-textured branches without individual leaves(as the SpeedTree images show, there are all individual branches having individual leaves) so this procedural approach has yet to be developed to the level that even the wind effects may be shown !

6609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How was bill's, oh sorry you are a ruffryder, so yeah how was bill's ars, you felt cozy inside Han ?!

6610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment're such a chick !

6610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...mix #67 with #16 and there you have it : A COMPLETE RETARD, Ha Ha Ha ! damn right its becoming more and more fun talking to these mindless fanboys with each passing day !

6610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment