
CRank: 6Score: 53080

For one, the jaggies are totally gone ! Something like that couldn't be seen coming from a dev like Koei, for another aspect the environments are really more diverse than were shown ever before. There are also jungles, lava caverns and glaciers with the canyons. I wonder how lengthy that game will be. I played 5 years back an excellent PC title named 'Star Wars Episide I : Racer' ! in which the 'pod-racing' aspect of the phantom menace was taken into detail. So obviously I have such afftectio...

6622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I have to say I've been more inclined towards the WarHawk I guess because of the different gameplay styles and an utterly seamless world, and also because they are using a much extensive next-gen technology like procedural synthesis for water, destruction and clouds + now there was that whole new aspect of next-gen gaming with motion-sensing that has made it so expressively into the WarHawk gameplay.......but, after getting the scans of that magazine about Resistance a few days earlier,...

6622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only required aspect in connection to this game is that it is a launch title...then it has online, insanely chaotic and what not, but most crucially is its GROUND MUD... that changes shape and effects gameplay, that's it. What PGR3 or any else did is the same current-gen stuff made only in HD and shaders, but we are here talking about true procedural synthesis, something 'out & beyond' of the current gen, totally 'physical' !!! Now there's nothing of the sort on 360 yet, and not even ...

6624d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This guy is definitely among the lost souls, and clearly his mind frequency was picked up by that unofficial RPG site. This article is obviously the result of one of those sinister experiments our government has been under-taking. Poor soul..., I wonder what's happening with him in the underworld !

6626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that perception of next gen you are talking about is on the PS2 as well, minus all the hi-res, shaders and a bit more simulations per scene. Kikizo mentions FF-XII as next-gen like or better than anything 360 has shown yet, 60+ hours Okami is coming on PS2, Spranos has been cancelled for 360 and is coming for PS2, Smackdown 2007, Rogue Galaxy and the upcoming god of war 2 are all in the roster for the PS2.

I admit I'm missing that shininess of Oblivion, but the collective ...

6626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been just waiting for the launch of the PS3 system, no doubt critics are pulling PS3's legs as much as they can but its quite clear to me now that they do this in order to balance up the market.......

.......If they don't bring up the least appealing system then that system is doomed and has no prospects and hopes to be in the market, and with this a huge chunk of industry is destroyed and the games industry fails to flourish. The people in the business including critics...

6626d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

but more accessible environments, as was in Champions series. Check reviews for Kameo at gamespot or ign, they are all concerned that the far off environments are inaccessible, the only thing Kameo showed were large groups of similar characters with similar and few animations and large fight scenes were absolutely non-interactive, they were just displays of models fighting each other, also repetition and under 10 hours of gameplay.

While this is what we are talkig about 16+ ho...

6628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, if we ARE gonna get dirty here, see what your Username implies, Ha Ha Ha, yeah well in your case, this IS the right assumption, HAHAHA !

6628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew that you're gonna bust out of the shell like every fanboy does, well to mark up more to you I must say just play Colossus on the PS2 and see for yourself if anything of the sort is available in the existing and announced titles of 360 or even the PS3 ! The monster size and its amount of tangibility and interactivity PLUS a seamless world of varying atmospheres and not even a single pop-up in view, Nah, you can't find a single title like that. FF-XII is just another of the sorts !!! <...

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, they also mention...

"While it lacks the sort of high-def shininess found in the latest Xbox 360 offerings..."

So you can say just take off the shader stuff and move more towards the polycount on the models, the world created and the hugeness of the environments and the activities happeneing all at once in them. The loading required for all the activities and their technical limitation, the way they are handled and brought about in the day and nig...

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its really strange for me why has this series been continued, there is absolutely nothing mind blowing about it. The 'burger' class really likes it though with cool-jammin' and cream diggin' remarks but EA's burnout series really leaves no other competitor by them. In the past I did like NFS 3 & 4 though. They were great at that time !

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even more fantastic is that its on a 6 years old hardware, that doesn't even have a dedicated GPU, and only visual memory is 4mb, PLUS only 32 mb of RAM that's all. No doubt PS2 has and brings the best industry has to offer !

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, only gears of war is what looks to be upbringing anything next-gen like on the 360, other than that, most of the stuff is like current-gen xbox games running on PC GPUs.

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, you need to check out that sanity meter of yours, for although I for one, am not interested in getting a x360, but do understand that gears of war looks and plays much better than this one. This title is a total swab, its about the ilk of current-gen, that's all.

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah !, and its a PS2 title at that. No doubt PS2 is still having the best what the industry has to offer.

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, broken by luck I may say !

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This IS a PS2 game. The reviewer has mentioned that the "the sheer impact the visuals hold" is what makes it stands up. PLZ read the full review. What RPGs make at most of a town is around 20 houses at max and a few NPCs for the amount of their animations and dialogues PLUS day and night routines makes it difficult to accomplish at a bigger number...but FF12 has surpassed everything as this game doesnot contain a little town but whole cities of individual characters wandering about ...

6632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, lets bet on it, that the launch sales record of the PS2 will only be broken by the PS3 alone. I'm right now holding this copy of 'guinness-book-of-world-record s-2001' and it states on page 120 that :

"A total of 980,000 units of PlayStation 2 were sold in the 48 hours following its release."

This figure has also been confirmed at the following link, in the 2nd paragraph of the 'History' subsection :

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