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Well, PS2 is doing better than 360 right now, let alone the talk of next-gen PS3 or the innovative Wii !

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is how you are made into a complete fuc*in fanboy, if MS DID use motion-sensing in the first place with the launch of 360, you would have been more than happy with it, and you know retard, all games that use it in PS3 have the option of turning it on or off, so its just an awesome existance of Hi-Tech that accompanies the PS3 package from the first day and if anybody likes to use it or not, its their decision, but YEAH its going to be there being a definite show factor of a true next-gen...

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony got the first motion-sensing games running with eye-toy and GameTrak, but everybody just did say Sony is copying Wii for the Gimmick, can't you see nerd ! so now declaring motion-sensing 'unnecessary' first and then going for it agin this very gen, or even mentioning of its importance and work upon, absolutely makes MS an even copier, that's it ! Hah !!!

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never got even a single place where Sony and your so assumed "friends" talked BAD about the online play dude ! But yeah MS did talked BAD about Motion-Sensing this generation and now they are going for it ! Hah, such retards...with 360 costing 700$ with HD-DVD and Wireless, and a broken upgradation like this, its more of a PC than a console. You know all MS cares for is business and they are raving mad to get the market share they so badly lost with the original xbox ! HaHaHa !

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks buddy, you're one of the first among the X-Freaks who have accepted the idea that all X360 worths is a 4 years of lifespan, unlike even the PS2 which is going to complete 7 years and is still kicking !

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again, who care man, in just 100$ more than 360-399$pack we are going to have 'Motion-Sensing', Blu-ray(yeah Hd movies, more spacious games, more content), backward -compatibility of the entire catalogue of gorgeous PS2 and PS1 titles, a system that can support Linux/Windows/OS-X etc. and you know most importantly, highest profile Japanese games, YEAH-BABY-PS3-IS-THE-WAY-TO-GO !!!

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah, the one thing you X-freaks can't even begin to understand is that in Sony's case, technology ain't the power factor. They have this history of hardware maufacturing, and know how to make it dance at their finger tips, look at PS2 for yourself, the most ill-equipped console of the entire lot this generation and still it delivered equal or better performance than xbox. PS2 didn't have a dedicated GPU, it only had a 296 MHz processor, only 4mb video-RAM and only 32mb RAM, and the only thing ...

6617d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Absolutely great article to post man, that EbonySeraphim dude really rocks, there is no biasing at all in the entire description, he balanced the complete structure of all the rivalling platform together here and clearly it shows how PS3 is the finest machine to survive well past 5 years as PS1 and PS2 did and have been doing ! Awesome !.

yeah the only concern is that PS3 is relatively difficult to program for...but wasn't PS2 even more difficult ?! Yeah, and it didn't sto it ...

6617d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No doubts about it, before PS3, PS2 is the way to go ! Can't believe its still getting some of the finest there is to offer. I just wanted to add for the American and European fans that there are some great non-rpg titles are coming this way that has already been launched in Japan, they are like 'Yakuza' and 'Okami', while 'Rogue Galaxy' being an RPG is a far cry from the strict boundries of the genre, those who have played dragon-quest-8 and dark-cloud-2 for the PS2 know that, its Level-5's ...

6617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A screenshot is a screenshot, the above is not a camera-captured, its direct feed, shows everything in one blow, similar characters, ugly trees, ugly water and typical hack & slash button meshing, you know you can't find a screenshot in which all the above things appear any 'prettily' for Samurai Warriors 2, so instead you got rabid and laughing to wear your shame off saying a better pic of the game should've been posted, HaHaHa, such an idiot, insead of barking plz post a pretty one that...

6618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's a screenshot of one of 360's 3rd generation softwares, Samurai Warriors 2 :

Hah, another gonna-be loser along the lines of Bullet-Witch, 99 Nights, Sylpheed and ZegaPain HaHaHa !!!

6618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Why I am 'NOT' buying a 360 this November "

Just simple. With demopods in the shops running RESISTANCE and Samurai Warriors 2(360) besides each other this year, a PS3 launch title and a 360 3rd generation software, WOW !. Imagine that, what will you choose?

Wii is among the new iterations, even the PS2 is whooping xbox3sh!tty's ars right now! HaHaHa!!!

6618d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...I think I'll stick with my PS2 and PC. For PS2 still has the finest the industry has to offer at the year's end with Okami, Yakuza, FF-12, Rogue Galaxy, Valkyrie profile and god of war 2... and if its the Oblivion you think defines the 360's being next-gen, then its utterly fine on the PC too. PS2 gen started with games jumping from 700 mb CDs to 4.5 gb DVDs, a 6+ times more storage requirement and its the same that's required in this gen too, but YEAH, if you call those normal-mapped text...

6618d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh we might not see Dana anymore in the OPM issues to come for she won't be around playing PS3 games so how would she be able to EDIT anything !!! Alas she should've been happy with the 500$ version but you know she had to just hear the 600$ pricing package. Oh within just 500$ she would've had gotten not only motion sensing + 20 gb games from the very first day, but also the entire PS1 and gorgeous PS2 titles in progressive scanned HD, again from the very first day onwards...oh in just 500$....

6618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

4 getting down this very week buddies...

1.Bullet Witch (CRAP/Super Boredom)
2.Sylpheed (Hilarious Arcade GFX)
3.ZegaPain (pain in any player's a--)
4.99 Nights (Ha Ha Ha failed motion blur, frame rate drops, smilar ugly animation...check out the review yourselves!!!) ...

6618d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This passes well as a XBLA game but as a mainstream title, who'd get this one ! but yeah there is that 'every party' game and that 'Ziria' title too that accompany the ugly league !

6620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did go for original Xbox, 1.8 million of which sold there, most devs showed their interest on it, all silent hill games came on it too, an onimusha was made for it, Otogi was there, way of the Samurai, Soul Calibur 2, tenchu series and an entire dev team from Tecmo dedicated itself for the Xbox with Ninja Gaiden and DOA series. All that was to appeal the Japanese market, but it was still doom and gloom for the xbox. Now MS has been saying all along that capturing the Japanese market will...

6620d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

There ain't no cuing and panting 15 years old half naked babes on DS or PSP and...let me guess even PS2 doesn't have DOAX or any so you know, 'problems with X360 gaming' lies somewhere else !!!

6620d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Every week its another proof that MS cannot perform out of its previous consumer base. Those 1400 consumers have to be among those 1.8 million ones that purchased original Xbox in the current-gen, now where are the rest of 1.799 million who got the xbox ?! HaHaHa !!!

6620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the technology in PS3's case that's the actual winner, not the pretty normal-mapped textures. The entire package of MotorStorm in flooding with next-gen technology with full procedural deformable ground, full damage models for cars, deformable environment, life-like captured drivers on all the vehicles, customizable and in-engine synchronizable music, mud attaching to the vehicle and driver bodies, burnout style thrilling rampage PLUS some very decent graphics from shining crome vehicles ...

6620d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment