
CRank: 6Score: 53080

General, you made my day man...AWESOME !!! I never knew that there will be such a classic level of on-ground campaign as well, now that's talking 3D, entirely in the sky and on the field, superb ! and that water view is killer in its wake as well. Thanks for posting these here.

By the way, why did you say 'WTF happened' ?!

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

300 mb per loaded unique environment...

40 unique environments...

=> 300mb X 40 = 12 GB

only the unique, non-repetitive data on 40 levels crosses DVD-9's capacity. Not to mention vids, cut scenes, scripts, unlockables, online-coding and assets, regional coding stuff, multiple voice overs in different languages and also a BIG multitude of 'non-unique' data, clearly makes up around 5 gb more, thusly around 17gb at the minimum, easily ipto 20gb.......even more...

6594d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hee Hee Hee !!! the first 360 RPG coming to PS3 ! not that it 'needs' any, for even next-genish FF-XII, Seiken Densetsu 4, Valkyrie Profile, Disgaea 2 and the awesome Rogue Galaxy are more than just enough to be playable on the PS3, but that's good to know that we're not gonna miss anything. The X-clusive 360 title is coming to PS3, HaHaHa yummy, everybody knows that Assassin's Creed will always be better on PS3 with motion-sensing and blu-ray(no compression needed), so its going on 360 won't...

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...first of all, this news post is pointless, better to be said retarted ! CERULA putting it up like it was all the PS3 hardcore fans on the Eurogamer forum, you can tune up any forum filled with 360 fanboys and you'll get the same response. I'm amazed how moderators 'approved' this post. Well, for the reality of it all, no doubt the Europe delay was disappointing, I really feel sorry for all the European fans. But clearly with PS2 running great with all those upcoming titles, anyone can wait...

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really I appreciated that post, no doubt the delay news was shocking, I have to agree with 360 fanboys that Sony has fallen to MS's level when it comes of talking about production, clearly they are currently at the same position as was MS last year and onwards. I do feel sorry for all those fans in Europe, although their compensation will be greater with more running titles but that's right the delay was disappointing. For Sony, it doesn't matter much with PS2 still running well, it will fill...

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only racing freshness on 360 continues to be test drive unlimited...this title really rubbish. Well, unlike 360 fanboys who try to decide the fate of a game before even its system is out, I must say I wish to see what that 3D grass can do. But that is also true that 360 is out about an year now and Forza 2 is been in making for quite some time too, also that it hypes to be up against GT series, so its supposed that the team needs to show uber-ambitions, but as the screens sugge...

6596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment explode, hahaha, any game over ranking 8.0 is tagged 'great' at IGN, HaHaHa did you think they put it there just for Kameo !HeeHeeHee, you'd be a child if you did, its hilarious how playing on 360 is shrinking your brain every minute ! HaHahAHAhAHA !!!

6596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and gamspot says its not next-gen at all ! check the review !!!

6596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're such a shameless liar RD, GTA:SA came in October 2004, it isn't October 2006 yet, which means less than 2 years, and it has sold 13.44 million on PS2 alone, before even 2 years, may be 12 million in the first year alone !!! oh how desperate you are to declare Halo 2 the best selling game in history HaHaHa, your only foothold of the now demised current-gen system you purchased, it fell from the cliff, and now its your turn ! Here's the link :

Halo2 isn't the best selling game of all times, hahaha, you have to be a retard to write it here without checking it before, it only did 7 million, check out the wikipedia. While MGS2 did over 7 million and Gran Turismo series has been doing all over 8 million each. Not to mention the entire PS2 version GTA titles each doing 12 million. So, when Xbox folks had nothing coming out the 2nd year of their purchase...the swarmed around buying Halo2, that was their only good title coming out back in...

6596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...ain't mean nothing ! At GDC 2006, its was told that about 50% of PS1+PS2 games will be rendered unplayable on PS3 due to TRC(Technical Requirement Check), OK this means about 7000 will be left playable ! so who's gonna play 7000 games at all, now that GDC news is over and it was told at E3 and afterwards that almost all of'em will be playable which means 14000 existing titles !!! Hah, so who's gonna play 'em, its the beauty of Sony that they let their consumer's options open, even if it tu...

6596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...if they are showing the same trailer so that means the in-game quality is finally like THAT, WOW ! Dante is gonna fry the 360 ARSE !

6597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...for as far as anyone can say, with only 4x DVD, no HD-Drive and only 32 mb RAM, PS2 ran Colossus, Jak1,2&3, god of war, Primal and Ghost Hunter etc. perfectly that had seamless worlds, also that the new Rogue Galaxy is said to have no loading times at all...most of the above games are dual layered and above 8 gb in size, so as a 6 years old system can load and display hi-quality textured, seamless games without any difficulty at 4x speed, more efficiently than Xbox or PC(both having mo...

6597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not that I was desperately waiting for this game, but no doubt it does show MS 360 falling even behind in Japan...and with all those 360 games whose PS3 versions are so much more (Fight Night 3, Full Auto 2, Blazing Angels) plus the awesome PS3 launch lineup that already look like 360's 3rd generation software and inside its also so much better(with motion sensing, procedural content, game length, hi-quality due to blu-ray...none of which is on 360 anyway) and also the insanely impressive bac...

6597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great words in #21 man, darn great words. You know, those fanboys who commit to even the obvious faults in MS's 360 strategy, are not gamers at all. they don't want industry to improve, make possible more nuances and totally revolutionize the past gen, they just wish to stick to whatever they've bought, may it be transitional, broken or temporary. The time when Sony was taking up 4.5 gb DVD as a PS2 standard(year 2000), MS was making 'midtown madness' with under 500mb. So you see, it was Sony...

6599d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn that motion-sensing capability is gonna come in handy ! I am betting this right now that this game alone is going to shake that year-ahead-launch-of-360-advan tage games !

6600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man I can't wait for this beauty anymore, its obvious how the new lighting system is working ! can't imagine how the hi-res versions of the screens will look like ! Damn the game is packing insane punches !!!

6600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A game, announced 4 times a multi-platform, 4 times denied a multi-platform and now finally announced again as a multi-platform.......and they are su@king their balls out, HaHaHa what's so outstanding with the game anyway, other than its unique art-style, we all know all prince of persia were multi-p, far cry came only for Xbox other than PC, did they made any progress for Xbox over PS2, nah ! and even if game had been announced exclusively for 360, then it might have had made any sense of yo...

6600d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...that we'll ever going to need is with PS2, the system that has only 32 mb of RAM and no hd-drive, ran DVD-9 with 8+ gb games perfectly. Games like GT4, soul calibur 3 or burnout are insanely immense in theirselves, but it made no problem with only 4x DVD rom, not even GTA:SA ! The greatest challenge came with hi-quality textured based, non-loading games like god of war and shadow of the Colossus, did these games falter running ?! Nah !!! they didn't even had loading screens at all, they we...

6600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment