
CRank: 5Score: 58290

Isn't this game primarily digital/online o ly? If it is, what is the point of preordering it? Can't you get it at anytime since it is digital?

3770d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like to confirm something:

1. Didn't many member on N4G already stated that the fidelity between gameplay and cutscene in UC/TLOU are the same?

2. Didn't they also posted countless cutscenes shot as proof of gameplay graphics?

3. Didn't UC/TLOU have seemless transition between cutscene and gameplay, which was used as supporting evidences for the claim as stated above?

So if those claims are true, what was stated...

3776d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

You can look up cloud provider (u know the actual backbone that support Gaikai) that Sony rent and compare it to MS Azure. 2 things to look at:

1. # of actual server centers (stability)
2. Location of those servers (higher distribution = higher chance they might be closer to your location = less latency)

Gaikai is just a streaming service, how good it is (stability and less latency) depends on the cloud provider that it uses. Just like Netflix runni...

3780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So said a self proclaim "gamer" who play games based entirely on certain console rather than play games regardless of console.

guess I'll be playing all games u mention while u sitting here hating on games you aren't gonna play.

3784d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So let put what u said into actual math

Just example:
Psv: 10mil unit sold, 5mil bought a game -> 50% attach rate

PSP: 50 mil unit sold, 10mil bought a game -> 20% attach rate

So what u are saying is that the less unit you sell, the higher attach rate = more profit?

You should apply for PR position immediately, cause we need PR who has your spinning caliber.

3796d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So playstation now is also rubbish? What do you think process games on PS now? I'm waiting to see your expertise or technical discussion on cloud and what does it do? How about describe the differences between PS now and MS cloud processing?

I want to know since you make such bold statement about cloud processing. Or should i just go read actual tech sites rather than reading these rubbish comments on these sites?

3799d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well at least some of them get paid, while no one get paid for saying anything on PS front. So what is so wrong about that statement? Is that a true statement or not?

I didn't say that it is the right thing to do or it is legal to do such things, all i see is that they get paid illegally. You didn't see me confirm that part about FTC should strike MS down with hammer of justice? I never once said i condone such lies. I just said that some do get paid (illegally) ...

3805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so the problem here i see is this:

On MS Side:
- you get paid (under the table) for saying nice things about xbox, though it is illegal (shame on MS, FTC should strike them down with a hammer of justice)

On Sony side:
- you don't get pay at all saying nice things about PS and it is totally legal

I can see why PS fan are so piss.

So what have we learned from this fiasco and lies:

1. Don...

3805d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Phantom dust is the only game I would consider buying a console just for it. I sure hope this is true. I would just be happy even if they only bring back online for the original; I still play offline/local link quite often. Nothing out there is like this game. the best game ever.

Nothing better than shooting down a jumper from a distance with psycho bullet, pump up your speed and dash toward him as he landed, then stomp kick his face while he on the ground. cornered him ...

3816d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"And yet, for all their talk about the marvelous cloud, they did NOTHING with it" because you can't see a bigger picture Hicken. Let me ask you these:

1. Is there a difference between a cloud provider and a cloud user? Example: Netflix is a streaming app that supported by Amazon. Which one is the user and which one is the provider? Which one is actually the back bone, the foundation that support all of these cloud applications?

2. Is Gaikai ...

3818d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


*hug* righ back at ya bro and have a happy Holliday; and to you too digitalraptor.

Thanks for the tip, I'll use my hand for the controller instead of my assymetrical organs from now on *raise eye browse*

3835d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


So what if I want to use the trigger instead the D-pad on DS3/4? Doesn't that make it assymetrical (my left thumb would be lower while my right thumb, on the BUTTON would be higher)?

Unless you are suggesting that people on the box use the right trigger instead of the 4 buttons, which would mean they can't really play anything anyways, therefore, the assymetrical design flaws hold true. who the heck play using only the triggers?

3835d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


do you know human body are actually not symmetrical (it looks symmetrical, but it actually isn't)? Go take some anatomy courses so you have a better understanding of something before making such a bold statement. I don't think you know anything about human anatomy to even make such claim.

Why do we have only one heart (shouldn't we have 2, one on each side if we are symmetrical?), why there there are only a few amb...

3836d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Articles like this make this site seem so...uneducated.

3838d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So what are the top selling games right now on PS4?

cOD (everyone hates)

it is just me or FPS might still be the most popular game currently?

3850d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Phantom dust. No other game like it. No game out there allow u to eaves drop on your opponent team strategy conversation in real time as part of your in game skill set (if you set it as part of your arsenal) Most original and probably the most strategic game play, even more so than hard core RTS games likes Star craft for example. It also has almost limitless style or type of gameplay that you can choose from which base entirely on how far your imagination can stretch. If you can think u...

3857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But KZ doesn't have dynamic shadow or better AA like MSAA (they used an updated version of temporal AA calling it TSSAA) either. They still use pre-calculated lighting and bake shadow (GG said so themselves in digital foundry article articles so dont take my word from it).

And since you guys are so concerned with 1080p/60fps, as well as high rated exclusive, why dont u guys go get the WII u instead because it does have more games running at 1080/60fps and have higher ...

3860d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

So what type of lighting and AA they used for KZ:SF? Is the frame rate consistent or fluctuate between 40-60 (for MP)? You guys can probably get this from digital foundry analysis and what Gg actually said about the tech they used.

seem like people are being selective on the information here.

3863d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seem like a rush job to me. Should have release it as a prologue (kinda like GT5) at cheaper price. Im disappointed in the reduced contents and the Crazy microtransaction that follows.

With that said, the game is still as good as ever. Fanboy bickerring need to go. It doesn't do anything for the game industry. all it ever do is making gamers look like a bunch of idiots.

3864d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is why graphic doesn't equate to good game (KZ or RYSE). I guess I'll go play bayonetta on Wii u then cause for sure I'm not gonna be disappointed with the addicting gameplay.

3865d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment