
CRank: 5Score: 58290

Happiness happens only when you find something, but since nothing is permanent, happiness is short lived. So don't seek for happiness because all you find at the end are sadness and sorrow.

Happiness is something only you can give to yourself, not from anyone or anything else. It is all in your head so think wisely.

Seek for acceptance, not from others, but within yourself and you'll see that all of which you have search for was there along within ...

3314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone see the bigger picture here,

It will be just called the MS platform (AKA Window platform). Why restricted your self to a single device?

3330d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


I think u need to take some pain medication, cant believe people are actually hurting this bad over this. 😒

3336d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Don't worry, not everyone have limited servers like Sony.

3338d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Man this series and quest for glory are the best classic sierra games. Sadly Not many gamers would know about these games.

3343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hum im not sure just streaming. If you play project spark you know what I might be saying,

I download the free game on xbox one, as well as on surface 3. I can login and play the same game that I created, directly from either surface or xbox, under the same account. I can log off of xbox one and continue the game on surface. I bought some DLCs on the surface and find that those same contents are now activated on xbox one as well. That is what i'm trying to say about ...

3377d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So does that mean that all games from PC and mobile devices will also come to xbox?

Strange that no one ask this instead?

3377d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if window 10 can emulate x360 with full functionality, and x360 already have an emulator to ran origins xbox, I don't see why not?

Playing an emulator on an emulator? Genius.

Phantom dust
Panza dragoon orta
If only they add Otogi 1 & 2

3381d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

so let put things into perspective.

1. Does steam own the pc, mobile devices or other platform that use steam? If not, does steam make profit?

2. If Window 10 is just like steam service, will MS make profit from being a center for distribution of digital entertainment contents?

3. If MS put all of their 1st party on window (which doesn't require you to have specific platform to play it), does it means that MS lost the exclusives or those...

3384d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

This console war is getting the best of you guys, no control over yourself if at all. Here are the thing to look at.

1. Ps4 can't do BC with PS3 because of the architecture, therefore, those xbox fanboy should just stop antagonize them over and over because they simply just can't. No point to the discussion.

2. On the opposing side, ps fanboy should just stop defending Sony PR.
- How many remaster games are out there in order to serve the pe...

3386d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sound like CDProjeck got inspiration from Fable game.

But got to say, the witcher series is one of the best Rpg out there no doubt.

3396d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

At first I thought the issue on here is just reading comprehension, now I see comprehension just isn't there period.

3414d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here ill give you a more direct example of why the idea of self is an illusion.

Kowsky down below just said that I'm awesome. Some may think that I'm wise. Some one else may think what I said is nonsense, and others may just flat out think that I'm crazy. None of these people know me correct, what they said about me is what they think they know using their own perspective.

In turn, I will most likely identify myself who said that I'm awesome...

3428d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a mockery of our society and how we are trap in this illusions of self = ego. Everyone here can also be a great one if only u can see through the illusion 3rd eye, or we need more eyes in bloodborn). In the search for the meaning of life or who we are, we turning ourself into beast, because there is no self, no separation, no differences, no layered of dimension, or Label of things that we don't understand. Our perspective of who we are based on our surround and others help created...

3428d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you read it correctly?

He said keep pushing us, not them.

“But keep pushing us, I was a fan of [Lost Odyssey] and [Blue Dragon] on 360."

Kinda like how gamers can give input so they know what gamer wants? They revive phantom dust and KI, now with some Rare games. Maybe if enough people push MS, they can try to get LO2 or something.

3438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Na, Sony is just tired of supporting fans who have no clues on how to help Sony prosper.

I want to see how thousand of entertainment providers (game, tv, movie, music) going to massively adopt PS now for a mere $20/month (and people already complain about the price for its limited content provided currently). Do you guy know why Netflix spent billions to make their own shows for their own service?

Just for gaming alone, why would large 3rd party developers ...

3463d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


You should. If you agree Red dead redemption is the best at portraying the West, Witcher is the best at portraying medieval period, with some magic and fantasy mix in. The dialogue, the amazing story, the badass characters, pretty tactical and challenging gameplay, the stagerring contents, branching story path, no BS black and white moral...real consequences...should I say more. This series is the creams of the crop, in my opinion, in the RPG genre (wrpg & jrpg)...

3466d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

So what do u think enabled all of these integrations, or make these integration possible?

3466d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


So do u agree that MS approach has always been about paying 3rd party for exclusive ( almost in most case are just timed exclusive) and still allow them to develop game on other system too correct?

Do u also agree that Sony tend to actually buy out developer and make them 1st party or just straight up buy out the IP?

So why on this site, people always blasted MS for being evil while praising Sony for smart business tactic, or sm...

3472d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Based on the gamers view in general, a great game should be played by as many as possible because the creator deserve it.

But business is business, so if u want to play something that bad, go out and buy the consol to play it. Gamer buy consol or what ever hardware necessary to play THE game that they want. If they are buying game based on consol of choice only, they are doing it incorrectly.

3472d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment