
CRank: 5Score: 58290

But what u bought is a civic, not a Lambo.

3617d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

So what this mean is that they guaranty lossless compression of an already loss compression MP3 audio files? Like guaranty you that you wont lose anymore from what you have already lost?

Good to know

3618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so how do you suppose to stream from any other devices, like let say i'm using an old laptop running Ubuntu (yeah i need to run Ubuntu because running Window would just cause it to explode)?

It stream quite fine and it doesn't have dedicated chip for streaming either. Any ideas?

3619d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If the game have problems, then u have to admit that it does. Deflecting it toward something else doesn't mean DC issue suddenly become is just me or this is just a typical self defense mechanism?

3621d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

N4G IS the worst site, so what exactly do u expect to get from here?

Oh the irony...

3621d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

Na, FH2 actually has better sense of speed and rush...why?
- you have to rush toward that finish line while dodging traffic, trees, bushes, etc...when you drive fast and directly into a stationary or slow moving objects (that actually move in oppossite direction from you) that is when u can truly feel the speed that you are going. When every car drive at similar pace/ don't feel it as much. Plus there r more thing u had to worry about while trying to beat opponent to t...

3625d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

Want to know how I know that predaking77?

Because FAT Man GO BOOM above is that fat man sitting behind his computer on a borrowed dial-up network (he has been constantly losing money for years so he couldn't afford one, no less a data center), sending you those pictures. I know, i saw it.

C'mon, do you really think any legit hot girl would give you 1080p boobs for FREE? GET REAL. He is all you gonna get.

3625d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


About your analogy, what if it is more like this:

- you overestimated your intelligence?
- she doesn't think she is the only one, but rather she think you aren't the only one?
- she want to get out of a dead end relationship because uhave nothing to offer?

About the new girl:
- you met her online and she treat you wellbased on what she said/promise, but you keep getting disconnected but she promis...

3625d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


What do u mean by playing for one hour but you can start another session?
- like immediately without wait time?
- what do you need to do to start another session?

Thanks man for at least answering something.

3627d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So I get disagree for asking a legit question and no answer?
- how long can u share the game for?
- can I play my friend games if he isn't on it?
- what are positive and negative (limitations?) associate with this feature?

Any answer?

3627d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

So how long can someone play their friend game for?

3627d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

So shouldn't people be waiting until it is complete or at least have some more apps/function that could replace other streaming devices?

3630d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

I think EVo & Sony should change the name. Drop the word CLUB and change Drive to Drove.

New name: DROVE

3630d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Na, just phantom dust is enough reason to buy xbox one.

Now when dx12 release in 2015 and does what it say it does, allowing xbox one to use PC Apps and games (every PC game in existence since pc always has BC), going hard would be an understatement.

If that does happen, and if games are a big part in your life, I cant see why you have no reason to buy an xbox one (or window 10 compatible mobile/PC devices)

3633d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

if Sony said delaying this game was the right decision earlier, they should delay it some more, cause this game is no where near ready for launch.

3637d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

hum....let see:

1. One year delay
2. Review embargo lifted = ~70
3. Many people want to try out PSN+ instead of full digital version (just N4G peeps alone is a testament on that)
4. Full digital version available, but not PSN+ version?
5. Reason: online issue?

I wonder why?

and now there that new issues where people have to get out before someone else can log in? Like waiting to get into on to a train ride? it ...

3637d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

Amen, cant agree more. I don't know what is wrong with gamers now a day.

Have any one been able to identify all 100k plant species that DC has? If this is a botanist game, they are doing it wrong.

3640d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

You know you don't have to tweak anything if you don't want too right? If you just want to drive as it is, you can. Perhaps you don't like options?

3640d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Then why did they release an incomplete game at $60? The rating will be for what the game is currently, for those that actually paid for it.

When DC patch up with all the features they promised, then perhaps another review would be appropriate.

3640d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

- Protagonist (AKA The Twig) fall into a small dark room in an endless White Open World and found that he has lost his other half, AKA Little Twiggy.
- Objective: Find little Twiggy, fight the lost souls and solve puzzles to find clue on the where about of missing Little Twiggy

- Main Objective: find your missing Little Twiggy and go back to your small dark room
- Side Objectives: solve puzzles as you walk around in the empty w...

3640d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment