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something like this perhaps?

4033d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But isn't the PS vita already has this function?

1. Does this thing act like a Roku but also play games?
2. Can u play digital ps4/ps vita through Gaikai without the need to purchase ps4/ps vita?
3. If you have disc base game on PS4, can you remotely stream and play it through this?

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe MS review the trend on N4g console gamers and they found that people are already complaining about $5/month for xlive or psn+ multiplayer, do you really think those same gamers (which are the majority on this site) would fork out $15/month to play it?

let me ask you this: it is true that when Sony buy exclusive from 3rd partyy or indie games, they stay exclusive right ( cause that what Sony fan always boast about)? doesn't that mean that Sony restric...

4037d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

see you guys don't get what i'm saying. Graphic vs art are two different things. Here people are complaining about the technical aspect of a game (lower resolution, fps, etc...). Those games i mentioned based on art because obviously the tech aren't impressive if at all. Does lacking in tech make those game worst? No right because obviously those are good games.

Here you guys criticizing Titanfall for it technical aspect and equated it to being crappy or no...

4048d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

then u must really hate indie games on ps3/4 because you will get a lot of them. U must hated Journey as well although it was a critical acclaimed game. Do you like FF13 instead of Crono Trigger now because of it outdated graphics? Is Vita games like gravity rush is crappy because of graphics? Do games like Star Craft, WOW, diablo sucks because they can be played even on laptop with no dedicated graphic cards?

When people bring in PC for graphic debates, everyone care more...

4048d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


please keep going. I really want to know how evil MS is in DETAIL; as detail as you possibly can.

4049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


1. So how do you prove the last of us, UC2/3 or God of War 3/acension are technically better? Any tech analysis to back them up?

2. Does Sony exclusives get better (techwise/graphic wise) with sequal?
example: is UC3 vs UC2, GoW ascension vs GoW3?

Is this for real? Did Sony just created religion?

4049d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think Sony should focus more on showing their 1st party exclusives because as of right now, people who want to buy the system this holiday for those exclusive might have to wait till next year or so before more high profile games rolling out. It is not really promising for early adopters.

4049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so now you don't count all those indies games on x360 as game? There are tones on xlive (just look at Neogaf comparison of the exclusives games on x360 and ps3, they neglected all those motion and indies games from the picture), but they never consider as games why? suddenly now indies are important? You guys don't count xbox/pc game either, but you do count them now, why?

There are nothing wrong with indies games or game that on both console and pc. At the end of...

4050d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment


1. kinectless sku at $350 (most likely not)
2. Cross functionality between all devices (mobile pad, xbox, pc, laptop, cell phone). This was their plan for the longest time so let see if this is the time they finally push it.
3. release date (most likely)
4. More features?
5. Backward Compatible?

4052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So why not get an Xbox now for the games then buy ps4 later once the games come out? That way you always have game to play. Why wait if games are the sole reason why u buy these console in the first place?

alot of people on here don't understand the main reason why we buying the consoles for, or what is the purpose of a console?

4052d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

here are the differences between xbox one and PS4:

For TV Streaming:
Both xbox and PS have streaming services/apps (movie,music,etc...). Don't believe me, go look them up on both Live and PSN right now. See who actually have more streaming services and apps (movie, music, etc...). Xlive even have Sony streaming services on it.

For People who already have cable services:
1. Xbox provided added UI feature (HDMI IN):
- snapping (mu...

4057d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

so let compare them:

Stream Services (movies, music):
- both xbox and PS have stream services or apps for streaming music, movie etc....

For people who already have cable services:
Xbox One:
- allow you to use Xbox one UI for snapping (multiscreen) and switching between games and tv or apps etc...
- Instant information update for sport etc.. (like fantasy football as example, can be used for soccer or other sport as well)

4058d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL, one of the few better comment on this site

4061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so how the hell did Sony make money if you pay only $50 and they give you $1000 worth of games? Is there something wrong with that math?

4061d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Actually that would prove that Patcher is correct because that is exactly what he suggest to revive the vita :D

Would people pitch out $200 plus just to play the same game they already have on the ps4? for general consumer, I would think not.

Are we really underestimating the mobile phone or devices out there when it comes to game? Those new devices can play high graphic game along with adaptable controller accessory for those ...

4062d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Then i think better match making system need to be implemented to maintain it's balance/competitive.

4063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, it almost die because they try to treat (or rather convert) physical media as if it is digital with restrictions. It wouldn't be a problem if they went pure digital like Steam.

It is give and take. You don't have much freedom or rather accessibility with physical media, but i guess you do kinda own it?

4072d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here is something that people keep forgetting. MS is not trying to sell u PC (they don't own that true). They do try to sell u software (window os, DirectX, etc) or cloud services (SkyDrive, azure, etc).

the only reason why people say you don't have to buy Xbox to play game that are on PC is that, they want to show they don't support MS in anyways. Here are some problems with that argument:

1. If you purchase a PC without any OS, then PC is ju...

4072d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So how does Sony copy ms in advertising exclusives at E3, and we all knowMS is all about advertisement right,support your claim that Sony doesn't feel the need to advertise, because apparently they did through out their presentation (and u already confirm that too)?

You have contradicting arguments here

4072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment