
CRank: 5Score: 58290

Seems pretty easy to make money out of the consumers nowadays:
- Make a black only console, and they will want a white one.
- Make another slim, which does practically the same thing, and they will get it. Even better, make a white slim version only and they will want a black one. But wait, you can make an even slimmer version of the slim version and they will get it (remember to make it black only this time)
- Make another version that can now play VR games, or s...

3006d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

People who have no fear going up against the norm or the criticism from others are the only one who can make a difference/change. If you conform with the norm, or just following the same thing, obviously that you will change nothing.

3006d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

People on here were pretty sure about software cant make up for hardware limitations correct?

Forget about VR, just look at current games running on PS4 itself, it is easy to reach 60fps without degrading resolution, texture quality, AA, etc? Look at ND (they are Sony tech wizard right), can they ran their game at 60fps at full 1080p without compromise? No, so what chances do other 3rd party developer have at maximizing games to ran them at 60fps on PS4 without any compro...

3070d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

But what if you didn't know that u are a sheep?

Want to figure it out? Treat it like a lent season where u will not buy it and see how u feel.

If you feel agitated, unhappy, hurt when someone else has it, or uncontrollable urge to get it, you might already be a sheep.

Now if you feel nothing and it doesn't affect you at all, you know you aren't a sheep.

This simple test work because these things that u wa...

3073d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well Sony demand that all developers to make all PSVR games at 60F fps at a minimum. The developers look at current PS4 spec and give Sony the finger, hence PS4 neo is born (if true that is). Sony really want to push forward into the VR generation, so sacrifice has to be made.

Even ND (consider to be god and tech wizard among developer) cant even make UC4 to ran at 60 fps running on just one screen, no less two of them at 60 fps, what chance do other developers have of out...

3079d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let see possible announcement (given xbox is practically a window 10 pc now)
- steam or equivalent apps on xbox
- all pc games playable on xbox (retrospectively and prospective)
- digital game auction house
- revival of some popular Rare games
- a new slim/upgrade (external add on) that fully support all VR that are available on PC, plus BC and FC
- OG xbox BC
- a more robust/flexible support (a bit more Ram access) for DEV with x...

3079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I like your analogy vs kes, so let take it up another level.

MS is a greedy fat man with diabetes and having gangrene on one of his leg (xbox). So they should cut it off to save his life.

Sony is a malnourished man where the only thing he has left is his head (PS), his extremities are quite useless with or without cutting it off.

What a brutal war we have here. MS lost a leg while Sony lost everything ...

3079d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

well they just pick up the controller since yesterday, so I don't think your suggestion would help if at all. :D

Been playing games for 30 years now, and man, it just getting worst everyday. Nobody like to play game for fun anymore. At this rate, they should have a Esport like for the fanboys debate. Who ever wins the debate get no game for a year.

3081d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People going skiing because it is a full physical body experiences and mental
concentration simultaneously. You feel every muschle burn, pressure on your knees,
real sense of speed, you feel every friction and real danger associated with the experience. The experience is REAL.

With VR though, what you see doesn't match up with your body. You sit on a comfortable
couch and move around with a controller. There is no friction, no real danger, etc....

3084d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

but you are batman, I know, cause I'm Alfred.
More tea sir?

3088d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me too 😊, got some funny dialogue out of it as well. It is also kinda cool to see the real life tv show have added content if you complete the chronons/collectibles how I stumble upon a board in the lab with an unsolved equation, and will help solve it for them...and the next thing you know, people in the tv show were talking about some mysterious guy solved problem ( good will hunting Easter egg there).

The TV show was actually pretty legit as well. Grea...

3093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you intentionally ignore the part where MS said u don't have to put it on window if you don't want to? What more do u want? Linux can still ran by itself if they chose to, they don't have to put it on window, but no way they going to be more mainstream going solo (how long has it been and has Steam propel it to unprecedented recognition to the masses on PC?). Linux is very good OS (allow great customization or have full control over what u want to run on your PC) but require...

3095d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

other OS are irrelevant regardless if MS put Linux or android on window or not. See latest March 2016 OS market share link:


Linux: 1.78%
Mac OS: 6.11%
Window: 92.11%
Android: ??? is not even on PC

If you own Linux, would you prefer to have only Linux PC at 1.78% or would ...

3095d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just some questions:

1. If your r a gamer that play games, what reason for wanting to get ur content be locked to a hardware vs u can have full access from any devices anywhere anytime?

2. As a developer, why would it be beneficial for you to cater or optimized for many different hardware's, instead of just focusing on one standard spec?

3112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe if you look at MS as more than just a console and beyond the stupid imaginary console war on here, you might see a better picture. :D Hopes that help.

3122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


so how come steam is doing so well without having any contents of their own? Same goes for Apple and Android? look at MS previous and current attempt at providing their own contents for their mobile devices (since most digital contents provider just focus on apple and android), has it working? No, nobody care. If you want to succeed in getting the most contents, it has to rely on 3rd party/independent/indie, etc...developers.

Same with x360, P...

3122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well MS does want to have the most diverse contents available, but since they are closing these studios, it means they might be able to get contents from some where else and they don't need these studios for that. Here is a theory, but most likely something MS had in mind given the current situations:

- unify window app across devices
- azure -> an all out digital space for all digital contents providers/application designers
- xbox one = PC, so digit...

3122d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The problem is they didn't pretend 😊

3125d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


Do you have to upgrade if u don't want to? It would still be the same as what you have now with console right? If you want an xbox that stay like a console, you can. If you want to upgrade it, you also have the option. PC been doing this for years, no one say anything. Upgrade is an option, not mandatory. Why do u think they implement backward and FORWARD compatibility?

Nobody forcing you to use their OS either. You have Linux, steam OS, I...

3127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so think of it like this:

Current situation regarding optimization:
- 3rd party developers need to optimize for xbox on, ps4, NX (?), and PC (scalable)separately (which they aren't).

With this new direction (if true):
- xbox = PC
- 3rd party developers now only need to optimize for ps4, NX, and PC/Xbox
- less optimization right? Why more?

- 3rd party developers will just prefer to use scal...

3128d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment