
CRank: 5Score: 58290

Well there go jobs for people who love to play games for other people and get paid for items, upgrades, or. Characters like in ever quest for example. :(

Where is the fun in that?

3960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps4 UI should just stick to either tiles format or like the old xmb (but better). It seems they employing both which seem rather confusing(constant switching between the 2). If they want to give them as option, then let people customize their interface (contents wise, not just cosmetic).

But overall, im thinking Sony will get into more problems if they want to add more multitasking functions (later on if they do consider it) MS already built for multi function purpose so...

3968d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you can still see others even if they hide in the fog? What is the purpose of having fog in the first place?

3969d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


So before when only MS charge for online, u guys said it was of greed and not because they wanted to improve online a(look where they are now with azure). U guys said that it should be free and you refuse to pay even a small amount of $5/ month out of PRINCIPLE?

So where is that principle you guys speak of now? Why suddenly you guys become so understanding of why Sony need to charge for services, when that never occurred to you guys before when MS ...

3969d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I heard MS will start using monthly subscription base for their OS and software. Just something to consider since u gonna need latest window and DirectX to play their games.

I hope u do know that monthly subscription software services will probably be the norm in the very near future, if it hasn't already.

3975d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

- so i guess no one here can explain why they would support ps vita tv to play ps4 games at low resolution, or play low resolution psp/ps vita game on big screen, or even indie games (can possibly be played on SNES) but turn right around and say resolution matters here? I rest my case.

so why can't people buy games because they like certain exclusives/genra or just like game for what they are (kinda like how people buy ps3 for the exclusives but have...

3980d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

sO why people on here our bought the ps3 when most muptiplat games (since the beginning and even to later in its life cycle) doesn't function as well as x360? Example: GTA4, RDR, Bayonetta, etc...?

people on here have no problem of paying extra $100 for ps vita tv just so they could play ps4 or ps vita games at 720p and possibly with lag (since it requires internet connection)?

So it is about the resolution, frame rate or it is souly about the games or ...

3980d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wasn't that part of the submission requirement?

3988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so that what gamers are all about, playing spec of which they know nothing about how it works (most if not 99% just regurgitate what other have said, without any input of their own, leading to problematic debates when developers say different things). If you don't know then the best bet is to say nothing (you aren't helping, just proving your lack of knowledge)

The people on here also don't know what hypocrisy is:

- Ryse reduce ...

3989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So can u give me a run down list of the differences between MS and Sony on HOW and WHAT they do to support Indies?

Self publishing?
Full access to console/dev kit?
Software support?
Other perks: cloud support?

It seems u just like to listen to what people say, but not on what they actually do. Any idea on how sony gonna support indie developers? Xbox lay out their plan, where is Sony?

3989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So how many of u on here support Ps vita tv? Any take? Gravelord or mikeslemonade?

3998d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

so how many of you here gonna support PS Vita TV?

4005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


1. I'm guessing u gonna give both consoles the finger and go for PC instead (it definetly does everything better and more)

2. Even if some how u getting the ps4, I'm thinking u wont support PS Vita TV?

3. Most importantly, did u buy the pS3 or convince people not to buy the ps3, because 99.99% of its content didn't ran at 1080p,120fps,4d as advertised?

4010d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so would u say MGS2 would have been better if it was made exclusive to xbox/pc instead of on multiple platform where ps2 was the lowest common denominator (hardware wise)?

4015d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Man after all those years and u still haven't been able to get his spit off your face eh? That is one hella stinky spit. Sorry to hear that bro.


The entire metal gear (starring solid snake with espionage concept) start back in 1987. It was also on NES (Nintendo), So Im guessing You must have been wearing diapers at the time?

4015d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment


I think u are asking too much from most people on this board, since they aren't programmed for reading comprehension (I would be surprise if they even read anything in the first place). They are programmed for only 2 functions:

1. Worship their "preferred console"
2. Attack anything else

4015d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You actually don't need gold to play online as long as one person with gold account is logged in. You can play with them as GUESS (Halo 3, Gears of War, etc..) online on one console. The draw back is that u cant play rank matches (I'm not sure if u can get achievements though) when u play as a guess.

4024d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So u can share a DISC base game for 2 people concurrently?

4029d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

How have JRPG fair outside of Japan compare to just in Japan?
How J games (especially JRPG) exclusive to PS doing outside of Japan?
Which platform get more support in J, PS or Nintendo?
Do u think J developers themselves dont want to expand their demographic?
Do you think J developers are behind western dev in software (graphic engine) development for HD gaming?
You guys don't think that the gaming industry has shifted toward more western (including...

4031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks good, but the online only part could be iffy since most people on here have unreliable internet connection.

4032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment