
CRank: 5Score: 58290


Sony fan should stop working, and go and apply for a job at Gamestop. Spread the good news about PS3. See you gotta to start thinking.......strategy. Hopefully Sony will thank you for your hard work with give you a pad on the shoulder, here, a $400 dollar price tag and say you are welcome.

Everyone on here talk as a fanboy, but not as a gamer. Go and enjoy games offer by both console. I think people forgot the most important thing about game is that i...

5834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Killzone2, uncharted 2, god of war 3, and LBP are not out yet. They can be "potential" AAA, but who knows, so far Killzone and uncharted has not been AAA title. LBP got a lot of hype for it and it does seem like a potential GOTY (but it seem more like something you want to create and post up on play wise kinda boring). Graphic don't make good games, if you think graphic make game automactially AAA then go play Crysis. I'm pretty sure ...

5838d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The super-accessible ability for you to use cover was one of the main
"things which made the original Gears of War stand out and Epic has
been very vocal on how it has improved it further with the addition
of mobile cover and some internal tweaks. The result though is less
than astounding and we honestly couldn’t pinpoint any difference
from the original system." or "just run n shoot game"

Covering in Gears is not just for coverin...

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well LBP is aiming for casual gamers, family, and kids demographic. I have read some where on N4G that some guy want to buy this game so that he can get in touch with his kids, helping his kids making levels, etc......guess what....he might be in for a surprise. You know kids now a day would jump on this in a heart beat. How LBP gonna prevent this because kids can still share among themselves if i'm not mistakin. For adult and hardcore gamers (hopefully are adult) is pretty creative (funn...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Either you are married, or you are single, but you sir seem very frustrated. I don't think gaming will help your problem.

5842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What about the Sony stand alone blue ray player or Samsung or any other company that make BlueRay player? There would be no need for them since PS3 is obviously a better choice.

5842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why don't they just buy a stand alone blue ray for the movie?

5842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do you need so many PS3 for? And you trade in your PS3 to get a PS3, but you end up with 2 PS3s.......something wrong with your calculation there...

5842d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think this is a good holiday season for either consoles in general. The economy is in crisis (CNN and Bush recent talks on television). Gas price is still pretty high. One of the largest Bank just went out of business and got bought out. People are loosing thousand of dollars on 401K (if you have a job, you would know). Homes are on for closure (bank selling houses for cheap since home owners can't pay the mortgage) So in time like this, people tend not to buy things or buy expe...

5842d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

tsk tsk tsk....

No wonder the Wii is killing every one without games......make me laugh every time. Dam hard core gamers just don't enjoy game anymore. Game are for fun, but it is quite lacking now a day. Then again, there are many time travelers here on N4G so they know what they talk about. guys.....i actually love this site very much. Good humor after a hard day at work or during work. Keep it up.

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Exactly, that is why Xbox is better since it is cheaper and does exactly what i need. I don't use wireless (i hook the cable to a wireless router that i already have at home which i think PS3 will also need to have wireless connection). Plus Xbox 360 also have alot of cool trick hidden as well (ex: duo monitor, invite a guess who doesn't have gold membership to play for free online, and swapping hardrive for a standard laptop one like PS3)

Blue Ray: ...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Through XBL you always know what game your friend is playing or what he/she is doing. XBL have ingame messaging, an instant invite where the other person just need to press accept or reject (you don't need to send message saying join CoD 4). If you want to chat, send them a private chat invite (which doesn't require you to write any message)while playing game. It is very fast and convient to connect with a friend. And you can also invite people, who does not have gold membership, to play ...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Console becomes a religion now or something? Last i heard it was used for games only.

5855d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no wonder you didn't like the game, cause shotgun and sniper rifle is the best combination. Lancer (without the chainsaw is pretty crappy). Just my opinion, but gear sniper rifle seem to be the best so far (when you blow some one head off)

5858d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone2/Uncharted2/Wh ite Knight/Versus/Gran Turismo 5 (wow talk about another year for those game to come out. Now beside gran turismo 5(if it has damage) or killzone2 (from hype), i don't see other selling as much.

5858d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

then should amount of online player from Gear 1 ported increase to 30 something if it is ported to the computer? (PC tech >>>>>>>&g t;>>> Ps3)

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps3 has Most quality really?, the overall rating for games tell you other wise.

5864d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well i guess killzone 1 suck so i don't think killzone 2 will be anybetter......using your logic i guess.

People learn from mistake (i hope) so don't judge the game until they are out. Did time travel technology already here or something, cause it seems like a lot of people here know which game are good and which aren't already.

And if you guys want to find out about games that are available now for each console, read this article (but please do read through it wi...

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"the thing is that at this point the PS3 has more exclusive than the X360".......i believe you mean the exclusive that are coming.....????, not the exclusive that are out now. You can go here and read on this topic by Geo147. But please do read through the entire blog, it may helps to clear things up for you a little.

Why don't PS3 remove the Wifi (which you also need a wireless router in your house) to make it more affordable? I'm still using the cable by the way (since i don't plan to move the xbox around with me where ever i go.) While it is nice to have but it is not needed.

And Sony really need to charge people for online since people claim PSN is comparable to Xbox live. It doesn't make sense for people to work for hours maintaining, adding contents and other stuff that you might want...

5870d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment