
CRank: 5Score: 58290


This is not where you should post your comment. You should go out, form a group of people, put up anti xbox 360 signs and parade on the street so other people would know about it. There are only fanboy in here, i don't think it does anything. Good luck

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


If games store aren't selling xbox, they wouldn't get new shipments. Why would they buying more when they can't sell it. Because people are buying the console, that is why they need more unit. Same for PS3. Nonetheless, do you have any proof somewhere that sony really only count console sell to customer? I need something concrete please. Like NPD and charttrack to back up Sony PR claim (not VGchart or Sony PR giving percentage increase)

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


True, a good soup take time to make, but i bet you people eat cup noodle alot more and alot alot alot more often then real soup that take times. Like eating Vietnamese Pho for example, it takes time, probably one entire day to get that great taste, but do you see people making it or eat it everyday? No. People would spend time watching Rachel Ray on Food network, making a 30 mins meal and be done with. They are doing that every day. It is decent? Yes. It is as good,...

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Tusk tusk now sony is leading in other unknown european countries where there are no tracking for it. Quite convincing eh. But i don't know, it is just me, or those country don't seem to be able to afford PS3. If they can't even track something, how the hell they have money to buy PS3. It is like saying they are beating Xbox selling pS3 in 3rd world countries where people don't even have food to eat, but they do buy PS3. Funny really

5761d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Otogi is a great game. But from the look of Ninja Blade, the fighting mechanic isn't on par with NG2. What make NG2 crap is the story, camera angle (but you are not suppose to just stand still, run around will help witht he angle), clitches etc. NG2 is about killing with speed (which alone make the game totally alsome). Hope ninja blade is challenging.

5762d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Price and a library full of games sent PS2 console flying, not because of GoW 2. Get that metal out of your head for once. How much did PS2 sold at the end of two years on the market?

5764d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Since you are at it, care to list PS3 games that didn't sell well as well? Thanks

5764d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


"great lighting don't make great graphic" tell that to Kill Zone 2 or GT5P. If you have taken a photography class before, you would know, lighting is probably the most important factor to make a picture look good, and it is the same for games.

Nevertheless, I think you are missing the point. Graphic for RPG doesn't make it a good game. RPG is all about the STORY and of course game play as well. What about valkiry chronicle and other rpgs that has...

5764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Surely you can't be serious about what you said. I felt like you are being sarcastic. Who in their right mind would choose to stay at home visiting a virtual vacation spot or go to a concert from your TV. I'll bet you that People would rather pay thousand of dollars to go on to real vacation spot or a real concert then sitting at home then go into virtual home to do that. I can't believe what you are saying. You need to go outside more like NOW.

5764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Top fighting game would be Capcom Vs SNK 2 by Capcom. Next would be KI. These two games require load of practice and when you are able to perform those nasty comboes (i think KI actually has a better combo fighting mechanic than Capcom vs. SNK) it is quite satisfy.

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You are disappointed of a game because of graphics. Graphic don't make good game. But seriously, Fable has really good graphic i don't really understand what people are saying. It might have been that people don't like the art style, but the graphic so far is the best out of all the RPG games currently. Best lighting so far. But that isn't what fable game is about. If you spend some time with the game, you realize that fable world feel real. Example: I took a guy o...

5765d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good for littlebigplanet, they deserve it for being innovative. God, since when a game rated at around 8 is a flop or sell less than 1mil is a flop. It might not make money for the company but as long as it is enjoyable to the gamer, it is not a flop regardless. Though it might force the developer to make something else which is kinda sad really. Some may find it enjoyable and some don't. I still play Phantom Dust for the old xbox till this day. I still think it is the best game so far ...

5766d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


""Xbox 360 offers 200 family freindly games" its just the beggining becasue they know they cant compete with the Power of the PS3 in 09", it is not because it can't compete with PS3, it just want to get that extra market share from the casual gamers, don't you see the PS3 is trying to do the same thing with LBP, motion sensing control, eyepet game...? Who wouldn't with that kind of sell numbers that the Wii has (PS3 is labeled as hardcore pl...

5766d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah same here XI,

I don't want to see Rachet and Clank 4/5, Uncharted 2, Jax and daxter, killzone 2 or God of war 3 either. I want something new to keep me interested.

5766d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


"The PS3 is exactly what Sony has always said - A computer entertainment system"

No thanks, i already have a computer, who here n4g doesn't have one. PS3 can never be a computer. It can't be update hardware wise except HDD, how can it be a computer. Can you install a new BR player, can you increase your ram, can you get better graphic cards, can get better CPU, etc.....PS3 should just be a game machine or well play BR movie. Hardware changes...

5767d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


NG2 and lost odyssey are flop? These two are good games. NG2, while the graphic isn't eye candy like it did with the first one for the xbox, the fighting mechanic (which was the main focus of this game) is second to none and it is quite challenging. Games nowaday are boring since they lack the challenging element.

Lost Odyssey, to me, has better story than FF7 -> FF12. It is defenetly mature (well except the 2 annoying kids), and the 1000 dream...

5767d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know what to say, you are closed minded. Only games on PS3 are good while other aren't. You haven't play any of those games on PS3 or games on the 360. How can you tell?

I'm actually interested in a couple of those games mention on 360:
1. Kingdom Under Fire 2 (i love the first one from the xbox 1)
2. Star Ocean and Cry On (Lost odyssey "TO ME" have the best story so far comparing to the old square soft or enix games FF7 - FF10) ...

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BECAUSE THEIR LIFE JUST DON'T REVOLVE AROUND GAME LIKE YOU DO. As a gamer maybe, but most people aren't. They have other things to do. $400 dollar price tag aren't helping. Why do you assume other people think like you do?

5769d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think FANBOY use facts and i do mean both PS3 and 360. They don't think about the business aspect of the game industry. They think like they are the center of the universe and their own opinion is the truth that represent for everyone else. for example (my game look better than your game = fact?).

"Why 360 fanboys make me mad...
Because the state their opinions, or just flat out lies, as FACT.
PS3 fanboys state facts."

I think you are ...

5770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"it just needs wkc and the price cut followed by killzone 2 and ffxiii that will put the nail in the xbox360's coffin"....

It is just me or i feel like i have been having daijavu over and over again?

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment