
CRank: 5Score: 58290


I guess you forget something, the casual gamers have already jump on the Wii bandwagon, and the Wii's games are actually fun due to the controllers. The wii is pretty much invincible right now and it might stay that way. Both MS and Sony know that.

The games you have listed are for hard core gamers, do you really think those games attract casual gamers (i highly doubt that). Those games may be interesting to you but not to others, so don't be so su...

5773d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


"You wanna talk about sales? Omg Banjoo and Kaz.... whoops, flop. Too Hum.... whoops another flop. Fabl... whoops another flop. Damn, i never knew the good old 360 had soo many flops this year."

LOL, i think you should pull that plug on the grenade to yourself

Let me guess, you pro sony......if what you said is true, Resistant 2 and LBP are major flop this year.

Fable has good review and are selling really really well....

5775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is funny how people don't mention the wii or brush it aside. I guess N4G are consist of only hard core gamers, which aren't that many compare to the casual crowd. Stop this war BS and play your game. I don't see a point in this war. It is like Bush fighting over in Iraq for no apparent reason. And PS fan.....stop using that next year is getting really old.

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stupid article,

The Jasper is for fixing the hardware problem, the glitches are software, so why would Jasper has anything to do with fixing the software?

5776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think JRPG just well....OLD. I think western RPGs are rapidly surpassing them.

5781d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

It seems as though any PS3 games seems to be good on N4G while other are trash or mediocre....hum a little fishy?

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So i guess i can bring in software sell as well for Microsoft since this isn't just about the console sales discussion. Microsoft strong point isn't their hardware. They are afterall a software company. They also just don't make billions just on making a gaming console.

But since the economy is currently in crisis, companies without dept (Software company like MS and Google) may have better chance of survival then company that has debt (Hardware, ma...

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, give the guy a break. I'm pretty sure he is feeling the heat from this economy crisis.

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

forget this...i'll be a fan boy for today....

GT5P for graphic all the way....wait....just don't look at those PS1 pixelated trees in the back ground, you can't see it anyways at that speed.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hum....cause they don't have an award for innovative controllers?

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Why the hell are you on here posting? Go back to R2 and finish up those unlockable you mention.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so installing a game is not last gen? I have been doing that shizt since the computer started. I don't remember you have to install game for a console. Unless you saying installing is the next gen for console? What year is this 1939? The first 2 computers ever built was around 1930s when the WW2 started. The German used them for simple encrypted communications. They are called the Enigma and Lorenz.

If people can't even get up to do something for a change, man no wonder ob...

5784d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

So, i get disagree for stating my opinion? What make my OPINION different from any of you guys' OPINION?

5784d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@all of you

This is stupid, aren't we suppose to be talking about games, but no, we need to talk about install or disc changes. Who F&*cking care, well i guess you guys do. What about the F&*Cking gameplay, nothing gonna affect the game play either way you put it. And stop comparing my game machine is stronger then yours, it doesn't matter how it is, the only purpose is to play GAME with it. Game is important, not the console. I don't see anyone complaining about gam...

5784d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


One of the few things that i hate about controller is the D-pad. It really hurts after using it for a while. The controller on the xbox put less stress on the finger since it is like a joystick. It is easier to navigate with the joy stick then trying to press multiple buttons simultaneously on the D-pad. The PS3 controller joystick works as well, just the placement is a little weird for me. The PS3 controller seem a little smaller and slippery. The xbox has more g...

5785d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well he seems a little upset for being realistic. If it is real and challenging to master, that is a great game. That what most games are missing now aday, no challenge if at all. People playing without skills. Gears of War required skills, you can actually destroy the entire team by your self if you have skills and that is why it is fun. If KZ2 required learning curve and mastering skills, so be it. That is exactly what we need. Bring back the challenge that the old games use to have....

5786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would casual gamers jump ship to buy a PS3 for Killzone 2, Gow3 etc...?

5788d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 need a price cut period. It is not going to look good during economy crisis. However, they can't. Well only time will tell.


Are you sure PS3 has more variety? I don't need to show you the list of games available for each systems do you? Do some research please before you talk.

5789d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If the SCEA said there are more than 14 million "activate" PSN account, i would believe him.

5790d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Are you the CFO for Sony or something, cause it seems you know exactly what they are planing. Calling other economic expert blind for using actual data, while you using your opinion as fact is laughable. Data is FACT, there is is no way to dispute fact and that is the common ground where everyone can agree on for argument and debate. Ask yourself something, if someone present you with hard cold facts (DATA) and someone else giving you their opinion without anything...

5790d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment