
CRank: 5Score: 58290



I really like GOW but saying stuff like this really giving sony fan a bad name. There are differences between being a fan of a game and being a fan boy. You obviously should know where u stand.

But to other matters, it looks really good. If it is game play, pretty impressive. At least i don't see button poping up anymore in QTE. I like it much be...

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just think, if you could rent a game without late fees, man i will never go out and buy game again.

5604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yeah, i'll bet you fought in real war before. You don't know what war is like so don't say it feel like real. Just listenning to the gun fire make you piss in your pants. You probably hide behind a rock for hours sobbing. That is war for you. Don't take my word for it, go sign up for the army and go to a real war, you know what i'm talking about. Stupid kids know what war is like from playing a game.

5607d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem is not the game. The problem is the fanboy overhype the game to where it has to innovate, godly, physic/graphic beyond CG or Crysis, why do you think it get judge so hard. Didn't you see what happen to Halo.


5608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, so gears of war is really deep too, cause you need to shoot their helmet off first before you can get in a head shot. Jeez. Anything else? like bullet bending because of the wind, go see COD4. STop hyping KZ2 so much, people will be disappointed. Just play the game for what it is and you will like it.

I don't really mind the pause in between command, try to play Never winter night and you know what i'm talking about. What it needs is to be like never winter night but on...

5609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No single game will propel a system to the front.
A large game library with lots of variety and good titles will though

Death, you know you should not speak the truth in this forum. Fanboy or fanbot aren't program to understand. Sony or Microsoft only program them to talk.

5612d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe because KZ2 was hype to no end "define FPS, revolutionize gaming, etc....." and when people actually play it, it doesn't do anything different than other shooters. It could be a really good shooter, but since there are so much hype, people expect this to blow their mind and it didn't. See that is the problem with hyping a game.

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, Microsoft would want every games to go multiplatform, that there are no more exclusive games. Who would sell more if there aren't anymore exclusive? I'll let you think about it.

RPG for xbox should go multiplatform to PS3 and vi versa, so all this bickering like little girl about who has better looking barby dolls would stop. N4G at it best.

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Return Of The Bad Guy

And i guess people are still playing Resistant online? I don't like Halo because it is FPS or any FPS for that matter, but i give credit where credit is due. If Halo isn't any good, why there are still 700k playing each day for such a long time. People still play halo 1 for that matter. In the end, it is the fun factor that counts, not GRAPHICS. I guess you like looking at the game rather than playing it.

5614d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

As a Casual gamers, i walked into a Gamestop

Scenerio 1: I have no game console what so ever...

I walk into a store to buy a console, and i see the WII. Oh my god, i heard it is amazing, and fun and my entire family can enjoy. My grandma has been very inactive lately, hope this one will get her pump up. My wife has also been complaining about me and my belly, with all that swinging otta get me in shape and fun at the same time. I'll get it.

Scenerio 2...

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter what happen, Sony fully supporting Blue Ray is a good decision but at the expanse of the PS3. Sony needs Blue Ray even more than they need PS3, cause everyone watch movie or TV, but only a few play games ya. Well that and that fact that no one really thought that the economy crisis did an ultra...ultra...ultra combo on everyone. Let see if Obama can pull of a combo breaker.

5624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can kill at least one of them in like 5 sec with the scyth aiming at the head. It might be even less.

NG2 is the top action game for me. I'm still going back trying to perfect different type of weapons. This what make it better than the first. Currently practicing with the talon (probably the most craziest weapon in any action game so far).

5625d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Let me clarify something. Simulation by the mean of physical driving mechanic, traction when cornering, damage affect (not effect) on cars performance, etc... Real driving isn't easy, that is why alot of people may not find it "FUN" to play. It can also be frustrating sometime.

GT is very good at car modding based on real life parts that you can purchase. The modding also translate rather well into driving physic in the game. This is t...

5626d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


GT is know for good graphic, pretty good driving simulator, and crazy sell record. Does that make it the best driving simulator? The answer is NO. People don't really like real simulation, it is quite unforgiving if you make mistake so it is not for everyone. GT5 better add "REAL" collision damage or else.

One of the few things that Sony fanboy claim GT has good physic is the feel of the car when driving. Either you guys have driven all of th...

5626d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@shadow flair,

Yeah, and you are loosing to the chimp and apes, please tell me how does that feel?

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Why would 100million people buy an expansive console for just that one title (GT5)? Aren't there cheaper alternative that also have good games. Wii is like the PS2 now. Not 360 or PS3. I don't see casual gamers jumping on the PS3 bandwagon anytime soon because it is alot more expansive than it's competitors. If it becomes alot cheaper, probably.

Out side of the fanboy war, People only see that there are 3 systems that play GAMES and that 2 of them are ch...

5629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go buy the dam game and stop complaining. How is complaining and refuse to buy games cause it went multiplatform gonna help PS3? I don't get this Fanboy crap.

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess you create multiple gold accounts. Never heard of signing in as guess? You only need one person with the gold account, the rest can sign in as guess like Halo3. However, guess can not participate in rank matches.

Why did littletad & ambientFLIER get disagree when what they said is true unless people here have never use xboxlive?

5632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, let hope everyone is as motivated into game as much as AclayPS3.

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe shooter and RPG aren't his things or maybe games just aren't his things lately. Give the guy a break.

I love Fable2. Beside some clitches, it is actually feel very organic (alive) comparing to other RPG. Well Fable 2 and Fallout 3.

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment