
CRank: 5Score: 58290

Well I don't see why they can't release it on PC. Halo is owned by MS, so they get money anyways. They can release it for window 8 PC only too if they want to sell more window 8. :)

But I gotta say, 80-90 MP maps that you can switch on the fly is pretty dam good deal. 343 did a really good job on this one.

3750d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess it will be a good thing to see how the gddr5 handle multitasking/OS works beside graphic.

3756d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


thanks for helping Spotie answer some questions but you should also remind him that he should stay on topic. This is about API right or are we talking about CLOUD now? It is kinda a trend here that the people i ask, never able to answer them while others have to jump in to answer for them. Very strange.

since you are at it, who do you think are more ridiculous in their claim about what their API can do? MS (50% = 1.5x) or Sony (10x-100x/bananas...

3756d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment


where did u read that MS said dx12 can make Xbox 3x-4x stronger? Didn't they only claim to reduce CPU workload by only 50%? Removing Kinect help increase performance by 10%-20%?

On the other hand, people on here never question ice team when they say new API optimization can improve performance by 10x-100x, or using words like bananas?

Are u sure u not twisting the fact around or because you have some reading comprehension issues...

3757d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

phantom dust did it. That was all i waited for at this e3 and they announce it. Can't freaking believe I have been waiting 8 years for that one. Fu@# yeah, i was speechless. That game was way a head of it times as well as being addictive and ORIGINAL. Best announcement period.

overall, both were just alright (mostly multiplat)

ms e3 were a little overhype and got so many spoiler before e3 kinda ruin it a little. But Phil does seems to listen to Fan r...

3759d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

no F**Ing way. Is this for real?

People say u don't buy a consol just for one game, but that doesn't apply to phantom dust 😊. Best news so far coming out of gaft if real

3777d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if they can implement AI like in fable 2, than it could be interesting. Fable 2 so far has the best interactive NPC in games, nothing like it.

3779d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

so tell me the differences between cloud computing and cloud streaming, luckas_Japonicus, am-no-hero, kayant? In technical term and in your own words would be appreciated.

you guys sure know the differences between MS cloud and Sony cloud computation, so I want to hear from you expert.

1. how gaikai work in the first place, is the entire game COMPUTE on the cloud and stream over? So if your internet is slow, the entire game is slow than?


3804d ago 18 agree64 disagreeView comment


so does that mean it requires that your ps4 to be on and connected at all times (if it uses ps4 as a server)?

so now go back to what MS said about always connected. What do they mean by that and what are they trying to do with that (beside the DRM, which didn't happen) because people on here wanted them off and other internet connection issues?

3804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so how do you think they do it? Through hardware or cloud technology? How do you suppose that ps vita can play ps4 games when its hardware are no where near ps4 level (hardware or cloud)?

So with that said,
What does MS actually means when they said, improve the power of xbox one with cloud (the actual hardware itself or it is the cloud that doing most of the work)?

If Gaikai (the backbone of playstation now) is possible through support of actual cl...

3804d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

sorry for posting incorrect youtube video earlier:

Here is a microsoft demo of their holo deck using kinect (doing most of the work for mapping hand movement for 3d object manipulation.

3804d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is not force, but it isn't BC compatible option like incendy said also, you will be paying for the same old contents every month (as long as u keep the service) = old content eventually cost more than newer ones that you owned with a one time purchase.

Now if PS now give u access to new contents/games as well, that might make it worthy of a service a(though people might just activate an account when ever they see something they wanted, and quite right after they done p...

3805d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, the problem is that you will be paying over and over for the old games that you already purchase (that u still want to replay them) unless you suggesting people only pay to play old games that they haven't tried before (eventually you will still be paying over and over for them too after you try them)

In either case, a software emulation (game that u already own) or cheap digital version (game that you miss out on or want to try) are still better options than a stream...

3805d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know about these demos are revolution as claimed by the article title, but real holographic object manipulation with Kinect seem like a better idea for AR. Like this demo:

3805d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


Ps now is just like onlive a streaming service. Why onlive doesn't work well because the people has limited connection at that time, and still are. until you solve this problem, PS now will probably end up the same.

What limitations?

1. Bandwidth (your internet provider problem)
2. speed (distance data have to travel from server center to your location)
3. Stability (the amount of server to handle traffic...

3808d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Why does it have to be shown on Xbox one or PC, when the purpose of the demo was to show how cloud computation can help improve performance of the limiting hardware? calculation are being done on the server, not on the hardware,so why would the hardware power being relevant?

Did you not see the high end pc framerate drop drastically when computing that physic heavy Scene entirely on the hardware vs a stable framerate when the computation are being do...

3809d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


here is your point, which actually doesn't prove anything.

It's one of the reason you anti sony fanatics don't understand why a lot of ps players didn't cry to much about having to pay to play online. It's because that's the ONLY thing you have to pay for unlike with the xbone where if you don't have a gold subscription you can't even surf the net on your bone.

so then i would ask, what is the pur...

3828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


This is your respond to :@bx81

"Your post made little to no sense, did not disprove a singleI point I made and sounded like the whining of a 5 year old girl whose mommy took away her lalaloopsie and you want to call me a fanboy ?"

but you said this earlier:
IF this was microsoft, they would have made you pay for the game, pay for in game DLC, pay for a monthly subscription and still have popups in the game (yes...

3830d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not just indie, you guys should see their development tool for AAA games.

3862d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You dont play Xbox game that is for sure, and you havent play fable either.

if you want GoW game on Xbox, you should try out ninja blade on x360. I would say that it is the GoW for xbox except with ninja and a more SciFi modern setting. It is not a bad game. It baTtle mechanic is a little more intricate than GoW, but it is still not on the same level as NG, Dmc, or bayonetta.

If you want pure hack and slash, you should try out Otogi (one of the best hack and...

3863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment