
CRank: 15Score: 431570

"They will just create new games like deus ex the fall, chaos rings,ff dimension"

and they were either crap or average at best....especially something like Deus Ex when we would of rather seen a new game for next gen console instead.

"Also no-one forcing you to buy it. The original version is still there for you to play."

It's not the point, Sqaure Enix shouldnt be focusing on the mobile market, it's why there are ...

4004d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol 9.5 despite the bugs and a really crap launch....yeah ok then

Just because it's Rockstar doesn't mean you can't criticize them you know

4004d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

I was actually talking more about how with KH they've went on with spin offs for so long which in my opinion arn't as good as the main series and because of this it's complicated the story for people who can't afford all the different handhelds that they are on

The games are all over the place

4004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel no hype with this game and that is never good

It's like they aren't even trying, I'm a massive Thief fan but I don't feel anything in the run up to this.

4005d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Look how many Japanese developers/companies struggled transitioning into this gen.

I mean how many Japanese franchises how been ruined this gen or decreased in quality which made the franchise so special

Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Mega Man (non existent at the moment)
Kingdom Hearts got too many spin offs
Dragon Quest X became an MMO
FF14 Online was crap they had to redo it.

I could go on, ...

4005d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they do another alternative world to Columbia where like Rapture the constants and variables have changed too much so it's in a new location for starters

Like on an isolated island, a city which is underground in Mexico (The dead zone), built inside some cliffs (White cliffs of Dover), a space station etc

Seriously they can do anywhere because like Elizabeth says "There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a ...

4005d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It wasn't long after that it turned into Arkham Asylum....read up on it man.

I was just given you a brief snippit from the web so you would take a gander for yourself

4005d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd rather have Far Cry 4 to be honest

I'd rather see Blood Dragon end up as it's own series in the future totally separate from Far Cry

4005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Around 7th or 8th century, humanity splinters, with many getting ‘beastial traits’, becoming ‘half breeds’"

What the hell is a humanity splinter

4005d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They could of just said Uncharted since it came out only a few months after Gears of War....actually Drakes Fortune was out in Japan when Gears was released, you could even say they released at the same time.

4005d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it would be a good idea to explore different settings but with the unique twist Ready at Dawn has given this universe when it comes to tec.

The Black Water if it gives the user a long life and I'm thinking 300-600 years...hell 1000 max you could see the characters change with the different setting they are in, how they become the person we see in this game, how they became friends with one another etc.

4005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" that people actually play the game and judge it for themselves instead of automatically writing it off because of some reviewers who clearly can only handle casual game play and somehow think their lack of ability to play a more difficult game should constitute a lower score. "

I know right...Lucy O'Brien did the IGN review. A big release like this one and they don't have anyone in their main team do the review. They chose an editor from AU IGN. Doesn'...

4005d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I enjoyed both but tlou was something new and it gets my vote!"

Yes...exactly what I was thinking

If it was Uncharted 4 compared to GTAV then you can't make that argument as they are both sequels. I'd say give the Last of Us the benefit of the doubt, we always complain we always get sequels to games, now we have the chance to give the praise to something brand new and different

4005d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How though, how has GTAV had an impact like GTA3 has.

It's not like GTA3 where people were like "Woah I've never seen this before, an open map, missions, free roam, this is great" for the first time. Things have changed we have many open world games now (might not be as detailed and amazing as GTAV but still) the ideas are there. Take the grappling hook and parachute for Just Cause 2, that thing is amazing and despite it's barron map it was HUGE, like ma...

4005d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

"That's the thing about multi universes is there are INFINITE universes so just because Elizabeth kills Brooker/Constock in this universe in another she didn't."

But she did because with her powers she manages to exist OUT of those worlds which is why they wander around all the lighthouses in the end. In this game her goal is to get rid of Comstock once and for all. Because she can go on the outside of all these worlds she comes up with a way to get rid of t...

4005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Above comments

...great but thats your opinion. I'm getting a sense that you two are basically like "Your wrong because our opinion is different" which comes off smug like in my opinion

Oh and starchild

" Just as I prefer digital music and digital ebooks for the convenience and the space they save, I feel the same way about games. "

LOL...your comparing music files which only consist of MB to games ...

4005d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It wouldn't actually exist anymore because the whole point of the several Elizabeth's and Annas that start drowning Booker is to eliminate all traces of Comstock and Columbia, destroy every single multi-verse world that would be created if Booker chose that path. So because they basically kill him in the place where he makes his choice it kills off all possible worlds which would feature Comstock and Columbias creation. In the end Comstock and Columbia wouldn't exist anymore, ther...

4005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


From the web

" The original name of the asylum was "Arkham Hospital". Its dark history began in the early 1900s when Arkham's mother, having suffered from mental illness most of her life, committed suicide."

Key words

"EARLY 1900s"

So yeah it's not really an Arkham Origin game is it.

4005d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I highly doubt WatchDogs will be better on the Wii U

4005d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

At one side you have Valves core audience, the PC gaming community where you'll have the majority of people who have some great, well put together gaming rigs. To most of them the question will be "Why would I want this, I built my rig and it's doing it's job". As for the controller most of them I'm betting would rather stick to what they like best, the standard Keyboard and mouse set up.

On the other hand you have the console community, yeah some da...

4005d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment