
CRank: 15Score: 431580

I was going to get the controller but even that’s out of stock

Really stupid time to do it when people are at work

Should have done it at 6pm or something

51m ago1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only one will be quality and more respectful to the culture let’s be honest

6h ago4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean…this could mean anything really

It’s still AI at the end of the day

Using it in hardware I get but when it comes to the creative side (art, design, writing) that’s where I have issues.

6h ago1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The thing is aren't journalists up their arse anyway? Even if Shadows was buggy or didn't live up to what was promised they'd still go easy on it, especially after the controversy as they might be scared them giving it a low review will set people off on Twitter who will use it in their arguments.

Outlaws was a buggy mess at launch and is still in rough shape for being a game made with 600 developers at 11 studios yet it still did better than other games that wo...

19h ago5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of all their franchises and this is what they want for a Fall Guys like game

Not something more compatible like Rabbids or something.

21h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s far too smart for Ubisoft though 😅

They seem to rely on the franchises names to sell copies, not the games quality. That arrogance is what will finally kill them one day unless they shake things up.

The two biggest games I’m waiting from them are remakes. It’s pretty sad.

21h ago8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guess with how shitty Outlaws launched they want to spend their time on quality…or they think delaying might give some more breathing space to any of the controversy surrounding the game. Who knows really. They do need this to be a massive hit:

Really surprised because I don’t think I’ve ever known a main AC game to not come out around Oct / Nov in recent years.

With it being delayed to 2025 it will definitely be compared to Ghost of Yōtei now so yeah…goo...

21h ago11 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hope they do a collectors edition, the first games one was beautifully done.

1d 2h ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"You are so far up in the internet that its crazy"

This makes no sense. Nothing I said was over dramatic and it's the first mention of this as it's just been revealed.

I think people are turning this into something it's not just because it's a female character rather that the simple boring option...I liked a character and was excited to see where his character was going to go. That's it. That's all. The really boring answ...

1d 14h ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

Really? Are we just suddenly going to shit on the first game now?

Jesus Christ, some people

The first game was amazing and Jin was aswell, his arc was fantastically done, it would have been good to see it continue in some form.

This isn't

"Oh it's going to be shit"

It's just expressing disappointment a character I liked was thrown away, it's not like I'm not going to ...

1d 15h ago 14 agree28 disagreeView comment

Jesus. Don't start that. It's got nothing to do with that at all.

It's just liking a character and his story from the first game, that's all.

1d 15h ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment
1d 15h ago Show

"and have two characters for part 2"

I doubt it considering this is like hundreds of years after the first game.

Like I said if it's a spin off, that's fine but 4 years for a spin off when they could have just easily made GoT II. Least with Miles Morales it was only 2 years later.

They could have taken Jins character in so many places with his arc set up at the end of the first game.

1d 15h ago 9 agree44 disagreeView comment

Did they get rid of f****** Jinn?

Are they serious...

Or is this a spin off and not GoT II? But then why bother with this and not just focus on GoT II

1d 15h ago 13 agree93 disagreeView comment

The Last of Us....AGAIN

Come the f*** on Sony. Jesus.

1d 17h ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Until Dawn and Horizon Zero Dawn

We know about them but they'll show them off

1d 20h ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

*monkey paw curls*

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

Gravity Rush 1 & 2 Remastered

Until Dawn Remastered

2d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What will they use Universe wise though?

I’m guessing it will be brand new since Kevin Conroy has passed and they’ve butchered the Arkham universe

3d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


When we wanted a remake, it was just a remake, what they give us was an over ambitious massive budget styled game split into three parts with a new storyline of a multiversal, split timeline narrative to justify changes.

They are good games but we never asked for that.

Just the original with improved graphics, visuals, voice acting and maybe some expanded upon areas. That’s it.

Hopefully a IX, VIII and VI re...

3d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

By the time we get a game that utilizes the PS5 Pro's power to the max, especially if it come from someone third party, the PS6 will be right around the corner where developers will want to focus on that instead because they know more people are likely to buy a brand new base console than a mid gen one.

Why waste time on something only a handful of the audience will experience when you could focus on making something for a brand new console the majority of the old inst...

3d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment