
CRank: 15Score: 431570


I think I'll just use my PS4 controller on it

I would like them showing us a game which isn't a Turn-based strategy. How about a fighting game or something else. I'll tell you something with the button layouts and the non existent analogue sticks it'#s probably going to feel awful.

With the FPS game it seems uncomfortable as well

4002d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment


I think I'll just use my PS4 controller on it

I would like them showing us a game which isn't a Turn-based strategy. How about a fighting game or a FPS...hell what about an RPG because I'll tell you something with the button layouts and the non existent analogue sticks it'#s probably going to feel awful.

4002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

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4002d ago 38 agree9 disagreeView comment



4002d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

You know I'm not saying he's good enough for blockbuster films but Hayter does do acting....just that he's more into writting scripts, directing small budget films and voice acting.

He can act though, especially if it's doing the moves to a character he adores and has voiced for 15 years

4003d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats what I was thinking....voice actors arn't big Hollywood actors, they don't get the money they do

They have all their films and TV shows....leave voice acting to voice actors

4003d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

and he couldn't look less interesting

4003d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

No...I'm a gamer with common sense

I will support and praise the company who is doing well at the present time. Since Sony is doing well for gaming and us as a community then they have my full support.

Would I follow them blindly...no, if they do something wrong then I'll voice out on here just like I would do for any company in the wrong. Thats what this place "looks" like a PS fanboy fest on this site...because the ones who aren't fan...

4003d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

We get it AngelicIceDiamond you love Microsoft and the Xbox One but to try and twist it so MS look completely inncoent and they are the victim is ridiculous.

"What is MS doing right now that's so bad and rotten?"

It's not about they are doing now, it's what the tried to do and probably will continue to do if we let our guards down. They only did a 180 on everything because people took a stand instead of taking their crap they tried to do...

4003d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

"I find it hilarious that the word "hate" is even used for a video game console. It's exactly that sort of mentality that this article is about."

I never said the console I said Microsoft.

"why we would hate them"

Keyword - "THEM"

You don't have to twist peoples words to make a counter argument you know.

4003d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

No but I'm not them am I besides your trying to make it look like I said something like that or tried to imply it with my comment above when that simply isn't true

The point of this is that you shouldn't group together a bunch of people who hate something and call them all fanboys. If people say racist, homophobic, sexist stuff then thats them, they are immature arseholes but every single person isn't like that

It's the internet, immature ...

4003d ago 85 agree44 disagreeView comment

Playstation fanboys....oh yes because anything negative pointed at Microsoft with the Xbox One is just Playstation fanboys.

I'll think you'll find other gamers, me included have perfectly legit reasons why we would hate them and we aren't fanboys.

4003d ago 216 agree138 disagreeView comment

I think in my opinion if you do a CE you should have a few mandatory stuff inside

- a Steelbook
- a FULL soundtrack to the game...physical
- A unique ultra DLC code that gives you all the pre order and future DLC

That's where you would get your value for money from....then you have the physical replica or statue you usually get.

4003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"actually says something everyone thinks its false"

Maybe because they've had their hand up Microsoft's backside for so long and the fact an exclusive from them is one of the Xbox Ones main launch titles...I mean what are they going to say, they won't criticize it will they, they want as many sales for Ryse as they can get.

4003d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

This DLC is probably totally different to the one they announced for Saints Row 3 since SR4 (SR3.5) is basically the old Enter the Dominatrix glorified DLC.

Probably used the same name so people wouldn't catch on to what they did. Paying full price for an expansion...it's a practice which shouldn't be supported in my opinion

4003d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

"I love this double standard that people who like Nintendo are not allowed to point it out"

I never said you could, I never once said "You guys are NOT allowed to say how much you love Nintendo" or tell off obvious haters

I just said defending a company which clearly have issues is silly. It doesn't help the company and it doesn't help gamers in general. I like Nintendo I just can see that they can do better and if you go along put...

4004d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Lara Croft...and then look in the mirror naked for hours

Reincarnation well spent....

4004d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Nintendo defending in the comments here is off the chart....why is it people don't want to admit that Nintendo is slowly going down a slippery slope.

I get defending comments that say things like "Nintendo f***** sucks" etc as it's exgerated and immature but the business decisions they've been making since the end of the Wii's lifespan is ridiculous.

Iwata is the problem and he needs to go...I don't care how he made the Wii ...

4004d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

It's not the point, if it had a terrible launch and had a ton of bus...a feature in the overall game which clearly wasn't ready despite the two week extra development time they had given themselves then it should have points knocked off

In my opinion this should of effected the overall review score, it's make me wonder if Rockstar knew it wasn't clearly finished and didn't want it to effect reviews so they postponed the online untill the reviews came out. ...

4004d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Last of Us all the way for me

It had a fantastic story, great character development, beautiful scenery and graphics, lets not forget this is all without Rockstars budget.

Oh and it's a new IP...we've always complained that we see fantastic new IP's get overshadowed by sequels to old franchises so I feel like The Last of Us has one over GTAV there.

At least ND has their online working at the time, I'm wondering if Rockstar post...

4004d ago 77 agree15 disagreeView comment