
CRank: 15Score: 423580

She was boiling so she took some cloths off to cool down

The End

3935d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rockstars Warehouse better ship mine off in time for the Wednesday...it's the only day I get free a week because of Uni and work.

3936d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure it's not following from the old games...if it is they have shown no hints to it continuing.

The clock tower was destroyed in Deadly Shadows but now Garrett is living there in this game...doesn't make sense

3936d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does anyone know if there is an oldie station like Flash FM in Vice City or K-DST/K Rose in San Andreas ?

3936d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Call of Duty: Prestige/Care Package Edition...but no Fallout 3 or New Vegas Collectors editions. Much better in my opinion

Plus some of the Assassins Creed ones aren't that bad.

3936d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I havent seen anything in the new Thief which appeals to me (as an old fan)

It looks like they are dumbing it down for a new audience and that never ends well.

Why not just continue from Thief 3 instead of rebooting it with what seems like a new timeline

3936d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh and the new Cortana model for Halo 4 didn't become a little sexy compared to her past ones.

3937d ago 47 agree4 disagreeView comment


He's been pretty pro Nintendo/Wii U in the past few months in my opinion even to go as far to say he wants to be bought out by them

3937d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

After how bad the SimCity DRM was.....REALLY Microsoft

3937d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

These are the last people to talk about creativity or innovation. Seriously it's like they actually believe they are creative or because of CODs sales/success they think they are above everyone else.

3938d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

People can review games differently with their own opinions on them but I still think the site they work for in general effects their opinion a little.

I mean as the guy above said it's the same guy who gave the Last of Us a 7.5...with terrible reasons to back his review up with

3938d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment


If I'm paying a lot more by supporting a developer like Rockstar...yeah I kind of do

3938d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

And this is why Nintendo need to do more Collectors Edition....they would sell a ton and having some quality items from the game would be pretty nice in my opinion

Shame this didn't come with a replica Wind Waker

3938d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Capcom...makes good games

RE6 - Fail
dmc which they oversaw production with NT - fail
Lost Planet 3 - Fail
Bionic Commando - Fail
Dark Void - Fail
Remember Me - Fail

They've either ruined franchises, dumbed them down or ignore them (Mega Man)

As for Square Enix...it's not just about FF13, it's about their attitude towards fans aswell. It stinks like Capcoms

They keep shovin...

3938d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think it kind of has, theres a few games out there that do well but the problem is Capcom and Square Enix the two biggest publishers/companies in Japan.

I know what this guy is saying but the guy works on MGS, one of the biggest franchises that do well regardless of where it's released so of course he's not going to see the full picture because a game he's worked on over the years isn't being affected by the state of the Japanese market. While on the other h...

3938d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn right boo

I've ordered mine from the Rockstar Warehouse aswell....I want to play it on the day it comes out. I mean what the hell, so I'm going to have to wait untill it comes for it be sent off, that could take untill Friday untill I actually get it

Send it out earlier so we get it on the day, jesus, whats with them. I mean I payed extra for the collectors edition I should at least get it a day early

3938d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved Ni No Kuni but I did find it a little cheesy

The voice casting was the problem though, they sounded kind of bad

I did love Drippy though

3938d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Theres changing things or adding things to make it different but this takes the p***

Hell the game looked different enough without this digimon crap

3938d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope theres a way to turn these off in the game

Its easy enough for me not to uee them but other trainers will use them and thats the problem.

I dont get how people can like these, they are ridiculous

3939d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"PS4 is attractive but the Xbox One is just simply providing more and showing more"

Please tell me in your own words a well written list of features that Microsoft are doing that are better then what the PS4 has got, shows us how they are providing more and how they are showing more

Providing more - Nope, you can do most stuff on the PS4, most things which arn't behind a paywall.

Providing more - Nope, Microsoft blew the majorit...

3939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment