
CRank: 15Score: 431580

I feel like it would be better then those ideas, hopefully they arn't true

We know what happened with Ellie and Riley it was in the comics and we played a little of Ellie already when Joel was out during Winter.

I want to see what happened after <spoilers>

Joel's daughter was shot, what he and Tommy did during then up to the point they parted ways

How Joel met Tess

What Tess did during and after...

4010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With how log it's took them to do these two, one of them we're not getting untill next year I doubt it. I'd rather at that point they focus on a new game for the PS4

4010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Id rather they focus on Tommy, Tess or othrr characters like Marlene.

4010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know

I think people (older gamers) are just noticing things being lackluster compared to last gen or the gen before that or even them feeling short changed compared to then and they are simply speaking out when something dosen't feel right. The ones who call them entitled are usualy the white knights of that franchise in question or people new to this gen/gaming who don't understand what where comparing things to.

4010d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Skyward sword was boring, repetitive and lackluster for a Zelda game especially when the last game was Twilight Princess.

I wouldn't say the motion controlls make it a good game, in fact I hated using it. There was no option for a normal controller.

4010d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It does not suck, Wind Waker is amazing

It's better then that Skyward Sword crap which was a step back for the franchise

4011d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

Small stuff like that was your argument....LOL

Whatever man


"Small stuff? I listed major changes, lol"

LOL...Major changes

New powers which are in every Mario game
Music...every game out there today has new music for each game
Co-op...again it's not online, not a huge thing
Overworld "new twist", nothing to brag about

Yeah they are "...

4011d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I never said they should

I just said it's hard for people who have came off GTAV to come into a game like WatchDogs which is also an open world game which is limited in stuff to do outside of the main missions.

However if it's an open world game they have to keep it interesting for people who want to explore.

4011d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Read my comment above please...I'm sick of people on here who don't read whats already there

" All it really has is the same stuff most Mario games have these days, nicer graphics, bright art style, new items, new enemies and that's pretty much it "

Adding new power ups dosen't make it different

The music is obviously going to change like how music changes in every other game out there which comes out.

4011d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I did watch it....

Jeez I hate when you say something on here, the people who disagree with your opinion saying something like that, like you know what I have/haven't done.

Just don't, it's my opinion, don't like it fine but don't make s*** up like that to try and make my opinion look small. I wouldn't do it to you.

4011d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I saw it when I watched the direct and I didn't say it didn't looked good...it just looks like stuff we've all seen before which ends up getting hyped up and get perfect scores when it really doesn't deserve it. Watch that trailer on a low quality setting and you would think it was the 3DS game. All it really has is the same stuff most Mario games have these days, nicer graphics, bright art style, new items, new enemies and that's pretty much it

I just wan...

4011d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

"that I'll go out on a limb and forecast Super Mario 3D World as the best game of the longstanding series"

Every new game that comes out is the "best" in the series <sigh>

Seriously this game looks like nothing special, it's a console version of Super Mario 3D Land with local co-op.

Why is it when you think "Finally, people are starting to realise that the same old Mario games arn't going to cut it&q...

4011d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

I really feel like if your going to do an open world game these days then you have to give us the freedom to explore the place with as many ways as possible.

Least it's a thing to add onto Watch Dogs 2. When you have a game like GTAV for example where you can do so much with the world and you go onto ANOTHER open world game your mind will want to do the same kind of stuff in that game aswell because you've been exposed to so much....if you can't you might feel a t...

4011d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I feel like the game felt so different and refreshing when I saw the first few trailers for Pokemon X and Y that it didn't need stuff like Mega Evolutions.

If it's just a feature for the region where in this game then fair enough but it's not something I want to see in future games.

Still though I can't believe they don't want to make a console version. Imagine a huge map, hell half the size of GTAV would do where you can go out and explor...

4011d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well some think otherwise



4011d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

"I really want to have infinite worlds so you’re not just stuck to one world. You can travel anywhere. I want more biome diversity in that, too"

Sounds like he's talking about Starbound, I think he seems a little bitter his old friends are doing a game which looks better then his in terms of content.

Before he quit he talked about events in the game he wanted to put in like Volcano's, Tsunamis, rain floods, heatwaves etc and also enemy clans...

4011d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I highly doubt in the games created universe that Joel and Ellie will be able to live happily ever after in Tommy's town somewhere in Wyoming.

It could be heavily attacked and they are forced to seek out a new place to live or Ellie will find out Joel lied to her and decides to leave him promting him to go out and search for her

I still believe there is a few ways they could go about this.

4011d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Perfect Score? Or will the horrible iffy launch lower the score?

Kind of think it should to be honest, you can't give it a perfect score like the single player when it has flaws or had flaws

4011d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hope when they do Fable 4 it will be purely single player focused if they are doing an online focused game with Legends. May aswell make two Fable franchises, one focused on single player and one focused on multiplayer/co-op.

4011d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

After all the s*** she caused with the Sim City fiasco...

4011d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment