
CRank: 15Score: 431580

My take is that they rushed the online, delayed it because they didnt want it to bring the overall review scores down so they held off untill well after launch.

4001d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Careful now

4001d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look at the end of the day they f***** up, gamers had every right to be angry.

But no.....apparntly because its Rockstar they cant be criticized

4001d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

You know I would of liked Rockstar to make a free roam mode or something and having like 64 players in the game....that would be chaotic.

I mean they've wasted so much time setting up races and missions yet the sad thing is that people just want to kill each other.

Instead of races you could of had Demolition derby mode in a stadium or instead of missions working together to rob a bank you could of had a mission where it was whoever could get to the ban...

4001d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I suppose but they could of just balanced it out fairley...15 exclusive Pokemon each

4001d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How come Pokemon X gets the short end of the stick....14 exclusives compared to Pokemon Y's 16.

I really hope Pokemon Z is announced early next year

4001d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You would think the original red toad would be a main character....they did this in New Super Mario Bros Wii, had a yellow and blue toad instead of the red one and Peach.......they couls of made Daisy replace Peach as the one who needed rescuing

4002d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Ready At Dawn wasn't willing to speak about multiplayer, or if the game will feature it. It said: "We love multiplayer games, and when we took on this project it's definitely something we kept in mind... We want to do right by the IP first; build this right"

They have the right idea, I hope they just focus on the single player for now.

If your going to developer a new IP like this then it's best to establish it first and impress us...

4002d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

An unknown Zombie game...don't they have Dead Rising 3 as their Zombie franchise.

Wouldn't that game be the one which is able to do this ?

4002d ago 9 agree18 disagreeView comment

I could give you a crap load of reasons about why the game sucks, the one thing I never understand with the RE games is why they never use old fan favorites and shoe horn in un interesting characters we don't care about and never will.

I mean I'm glad they didn't now since RE6 was crap but still we had the god awful Pieres with Chris instead of Jill or Barry especialy when in the game Chris has fell into a depression when his team mates all died. Jake was just sho...

4002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and they had 200 people working on the game...it boggles my mind how they did a worse job then RE5

4002d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

"action setpieces weren't horrible either."

I think you'll find they were...I mean we have the whole helicopter thing in Leon's storyline, you know the scenario which is the horror story according to Capcom then we have the whole jumping from rooftop to rooftop on a motorbike with the bland and boring Jake.

I mean the action scenes were horrible, they were way too over the top for the game.

I'm actually surprised the...

4002d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL 7 Disagrees for saying it looks nice and how I loved the first one

Unreal...thats N4G for you, say something possitive or negative you can never win

4002d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Oh dear what have they done to Jeanne's hair and her design...I kind of liked it in the first game when it was shorter

Looks really nice though, I loved the first one. Might not be able to play this for a long time though which is kind of sad, least I have other games to keep me going in the mean time

Does anyone know if Luka is returning?

4003d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

"Sony fanboys are ridiculous on this website."

Heres another one...what the hell is up with people bringing up Sony on articles like this.

The guy above didn't even mentioned ANYTHING about Sony.

It's trollish to try and start arguments on here by saying things like that. Theres no need for it.

4003d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

Again....whats with bringing Sony into this

Do all you guys have a problem with them or something and are hoping that the Steam Machines will out do them...because thats how it's coming off.

I said I'll use my PS4 controller because like others on here have said in the past the Steam Machines are open...which means you can use your next gen controllers on them whatever one you will get.

4003d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

You really hate Sony and anyone would like them don't you....sad

4003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" It looked very comfortable when he played CS:GO "

Not really...he also had to swipe like twice to somewhat turn...I can do things better with a normal controller or a Keyboard and mouse

4003d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

But it's fine for people to praise it when they haven't played on it...double standards much

Hypocrisy at it's best


By the way

"it isn't a Sony product!!"

Whaaaaaaaaaaa......what the hell has Sony got to do with this. I mentioned I'll stick with my next gen controller, nothing about Sony in general

Marked for trolling, theres no point trying to start fanboy ...

4003d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

It wasn't a very good one that's why, you know when a comedian tries too hard...yeah it's like that

4003d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment