
CRank: 15Score: 431580

It was a pretty good advert but I wish they included more games.

I don't see why they included Skyrim (it looks like Skyrim anyway with weirdly enough the Imperial City in the background from Oblivion, not to mention it's not an online game).

3999d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should of told everyone a week before hand so they could get peoples pre orders sorted and tell customers what was going to happen once Unisoft announced the delay

3999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a delay with consequences, I don't think Ubisoft even considered about the aftermath of this delay

Before they announced the delay this all should of been sorted

3999d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't get how they can say it's part of the series when nothing what we've been shown (and it's been a lot) has pointed to <Spoiler> ..... Juno being free.

Surely Desmond's father is planning something or even his mother if the Assassins bloodline is from her side.

I wouldn't be bothered if it was an AC3 entry but because it's AC4 it should of pushed the story forward.

3999d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What if those people don't like AC4 or don't want it.

They pre ordered the WatchDogs bundle for a reason you know...to play on WatchDogs

3999d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly, they've had plenty of time to work on this especially if they were confident enough to show it before next gen was announced.

3999d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Plus they give out obvious Bulls*** reasons like "Oh we want to make our game better, we don't want to ship a broken game" to be all noble like....as you've said you don't get a month before launch when you should be getting discs ready only to go "Gee Whizz I think we should delay it"

3999d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Doubt it...probably thought there's no point releasing this and AC4 at the same time

These are the guys who delayed Rayman Legends on Wii U just so they could get more money by releasing it the same time as the other console versions

3999d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude...theres nothing wrong with his and Emily's mo cap acting

3999d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'd rather take this then AC4

If they've delayed it then I expect to see new stuff in the game or maybe a expanded map. You know something to say "Look this delay was worth it"

3999d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment


Nolan is still the best in my opinion

Nathan Drake, The Penguin, The Adventure Sphere, The Space Sphere, David off the Last of Us, Deadpool

I think the problem with Nolan North is after Uncharted developers always want him to use his Nathan Drake voice which Nolan actually confirmed when he was talking about the Prince in the Prince of Persia reboot, how he asked the guys in the soundbooth "Oh hey do you want me to give the gu...

3999d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

As I've said maybe she knows she can't stop him, hell maybe she kind of likes it aswell. Thats the point of flashbacks they have to have something they've experienced to make Elena get a little scared of Drakes constant dangerous adventures. I mean she was with him all through Among Thieves, even nearly dying in the end but she still went with him now all of a sudden she's out of the game. Doesn't sound very Elena like.

3999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You will be lost, thats what I'm worried about

I would of said to someone a week back "Oh just wait for the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD remix" so you can play Dream Drop Distance but the arseholes at Square haven't put it in

You know the game they said was essential to understand Kingdom Hearts 3 story

3999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people keep saying he's experienced light and darkness....so has Sora.

He turned into a Heartless and managed to break free of it. I bet not everyone has been able to do that.

So yeah they've BOTH experienced Darkness, except Sora broke free of his straight away proving himself even more.

3999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"He didn't experience what Riku did, falling into darkness, and that's what made a difference"

The guy turned into a heartless....a heartless, that's like the definition of experiencing the darkness in KH.

I'm sorry but despite everything Rikku has "apparently" done since KH2, Sora still has him beat in my opinion. Rikku is the one to catch up. Just because Sora f***** up once then we're supposed to forget everything he...

3999d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He deserved to be one...no he bloody didn't. After all the crap he did, he's barely made it up and the only reason he closed the Kingdom Hearts door at the end was because he was trapped there apparently with Mickey.

Rikku hasn't done enough to prove himself, closing a door doesn't really compare to saving all worlds from destruction like twice. Especialy when it's mostly your fault that it's been opened in the first place

3999d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hopefully if it's Jak 4 they WON'T reboot it...because that's what they said before they did the Last of Us, a rebooted Jak game

Why on earth would they want to reboot it, there's still so many stories they could tell.

Hope it's open world though like Jak 2 and Jak 3 with lots of stuff to do off missions like GTA. Not a GTA clone but something just as fun. Theres one thing they have over GTA in the open world department, they don't hav...

3999d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

I would like to see Uncharted 4 only this time I want them to balance the character development out like Uncharted 2 while making it a Drake and Elena story. Three games we've had of Elena popping up half way through the story well enough is enough I want to see her with him from the start, both of them going on the adventure together and not because Elena is roped into it but because she wants to.

I kind of would like to see flashbacks explaining gaps such as why she lef...

3999d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still a little miffed about what apparently happens in KH3 with Rikku, I havent played it but my friend was telling me since I never had a 3DS at the time


Despite loosing his heart to the darkness, trying to kill Sora and his friends, destroy all worlds and becoming an obstacle to Sora over and over again...HE became a Keyblade Master while Sora failed the test.

I mean WTF...I know Sora wasn't supposed to wield the Keybla...

3999d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

What I always try to point out to those like liked FF13 (for whatever bizzare twisted unheard of reasons) is that with sequels to FF13 they might enjoy them but a lot of FF fans wouldn't. I mean I'm guessing the hate/love percentage is 20% to 80%.

So heres my question

Why would you support a game like this that you guys in the minority will only enjoy when you could get Square to make a new RPG (or old...we could of had FF15 sooner, you know before it...

3999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment