
CRank: 15Score: 431550

I'm pessimistic, I'm obsessive, I'm envious, I'm insecure and I'm a such a worrier about contact in all shapes and form that every one of my relationships, friend or lover is a long quest of despair, loneliness and hatred that always ends on the same bottom note; in a black hole full of crippled emotions and sadness.

....something along those lines :D

(pssst...by the way both of my comments are jokes)

4011d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Behind the eyes of Xbox One Kinect....is a fat old man with a big old bottle of lube next to him drooling over you.

4011d ago 22 agree33 disagreeView comment

...the BAD ending of Breaking bad

Woah Woah and Woah....WTF :|

Are you joking it was fantastic

4011d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cartoons were just better back then, hell even really old ones before my time like Scooby Doo and the Flintstones for example were better then stuff today. I still think it's got to do with political correctness, you can't get away with most stuff today then you could back then. Least old cartoons had small adult jokes only they would get

I HATE stuff like Adventure Time and the Regular show these days and how people try to say that the old Cartoon Network is back. Sh...

4011d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If he was a high profile comedian who is known for this sort of humour...take Frankie Boyle or Jimmy Carr for example then it wouldn't be as bad. Yeah it would be a horrible thing to say to her but the point is she would be getting jokes pointed at her from someone who is well known and people know what the comedian is like

4011d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

She must of felt really embarrassed but what I don't get is that she is being called, people telling her she doesn't deserve to live and all that. How is she in the wrong.

I'm more surprised though they hired Fraser Millward....who the f*** is he? Oh yeah one of those comedian no bodies that hardly anyone has heard of

Really Microsoft, with all the money you guys have.


Looking at the comments below....wow.......

4011d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment


But why it's just an option for older players

The way this game has gone, with the new look to it and other features BEFORE they announced these silly mega evolutions the game looked like had changed enough, enough to bring some new life to it.

This new feature just seems like it's forced and in for the sake of it.

4011d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

As I've just said below in the UK our Boomerang is crap


4011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We don't get that in the UK, our version of Boomerang only feature shows like Mr Bean, My Spy Family, Gadget Boy and other crappy shows you can most likely see on other channels.

So basicaly it's all crap for us

You know what the worst part is you would think past 9.00pm they would start to show older Cartoons because what child will be up that late, yet they don't they show re runs of the crappy cartoons they showed in the morning. What kid is go...

4011d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For Cartoon Network....the channel which has went down the s****** for years, where all they really show now is crappy live action stuff, horrible CGI shows or stuff which is just bad to look at.

I miss the old Cartoon Network...before political correctness got in the way. I thought it was me growing up but looking at what old shows used to get away with and the ones today you can tell something is up

To be honest thought the entire kids channel on Sky has be...

4011d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

That had 256 players though and heavily invested in massive multiplayer game it was

Even then I still wouldn't of paid full price for it.

4011d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say it's "s***" but for what your paying it's still not up to scratch with the PS4. Lets not forgot MS don't seem to have a clue what they are doing with the Xbox One, almost like they've been rushed into releasing it this year.

Then you have the policies they tried to force on us....but that's a different story completely.


I wouldn't say it's putting a bad spin on it on purpose b...

4011d ago 50 agree28 disagreeView comment

Bullcrap....the only two days I get off this week and the online still isn't playable


4011d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I know...one was enough, now they are doing two, one for each version.

It's the way it's activated aswell...a silly watch and a crystal the pokemon holds <sigh>

I wish they had would include an option to take these out the game. I mean it's easy enough for me NOT to use them but other players will giving them the advantage.

4011d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

If I'm paying full price for a game then I want a single player mode.

Sorry but even the multiplayer alone isn't enough to tempt me.

I hope this doesn't start a new trend with developers.

4011d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Real or not...

Local Co-op"

Hopefully not...it would be a bit of a p*** take to find out that the reason it's took longer was because of co-op or multiplayer

I mean I know people enjoyed Portal 2s co-op but for those people who like doing things by themselves there was no AI and apparently they shortened the single player for the co-op story. I'd rather they work on co-op for DLC to be hon...

4012d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If Rockstar look at what Saints Row has done and do it but make it 10 times better then they would own Saints Row in something the games currently doing better then GTA

I don't see why Rockstar haven't done this yet

4012d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Do you really think a tricked out bike would really be a great addition."

Probably...fit it with a small motor to give it a speed boost, give is a bigger bunny hop, better suspension, better tires for off road etc

The more options the better

4012d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You know I'm really getting the feeling that with Half Life 3 any bits of news, real or fake come in bursts. You hear nothing for ages and then you get 2-3 articles in one day.

I think it might be coming soon, they have nothing else planned or announced in the games department so I think this is the next release. They will announce it with Source 2 and this, Source 2 and the Steam Machine stuff will all be linked together for marketing.

4012d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lot of HL3 news latley...

4012d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment