
PS4's Deep Down: Debut Gameplay Vs Revealed Gameplay Comparison - Not Quite As Good?

PS4 Exclusive Deep Down blew everyone's socks off with its Debut Gameplay, but with the recent reveal of more Gameplay we feel the new gameplay doesn't quite match. Heres the comparison.

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iamnsuperman3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Didn't we know the original, as you put it gameplay, video was a CGI video. I didn't think it was gameplay as it was never announced as such. It was just a typical CGI trailer (I dislike how it is such a common practice. AC series does it all the time)

codelyoko3940d ago

Nah man it was Gameplay, they have the in game HUD and all. + i believe it was mentioned somewhere.

GameNameFame3940d ago

So i dont know where this article is coming from.

Literally non hardcore gaming media blew up.

It even made top list on reddit which never really cares about graphics.

Forbes going nuts. and news making gifs.

black0o3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

it's more like comparing real-time cute scene to a gameply (not cgi)
take a look at ND games all cute scene are in game-engine not CGI the deep down debut was a cute scene running in game engine and the fire effect is almost the same BTW

bottom line whom ever write this has no clue maybe next time u can compare between agni's philosophy demo and Final fantasy XV

GameNameFame3940d ago

^^ Agree 100 percent.

Running in game cut scene real time. Is not same as CGI.

If you want real deceit, look at X1 BF4 at E3. Or Ryse at E3. Every real game play seen was never good as the E3 gameplay.

IcicleTrepan3940d ago

So in regular gameplay are we going to have shields that melt from fire?

Eonjay3940d ago

Well, being as though the recent gameplay has the smoothest physics and best graphics of any console game (ever) I don't think anyone will be complaining.

UltimateMaster3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Latest Gameplay had amazing graphics.

Lol, if you want to laugh, just look at the article, because it IS the same game play footage, it's just the screen shot's resolution is not quite on par, but that's it.
Here, look: http://n4g.com/news/1372084...

Nah, if you REALLY want this kind of Article, compare the original Ryse E3 demo VS latest gameplay footage.

The E3 one looked very much next-gen high end graphics, but the new one just looks current gen, like a glorified Wii U game in comparison.


Latest Trailer:
Note at the bottom of the screen: "Not actual gameplay" on the first intro.

colonel1793940d ago

It was target gameplay, not actual gameplay. Just because it has the HUD doesn't mean it's actual gameplay.

BitbyDeath3940d ago

Game has 4 player splitscreen and is doing 1080P+60FPS all while looking simply amazing.

What more could you possibly want?

CommonSense3940d ago

Reddit doesn't care about graphics? what? I'm on Reddit...i care about graphics.

FlunkinMonkey3940d ago

So you 'believe it was mentioned somewhere' that it was gameplay after doing a 'gameplay comparison' with no sources about that in your article? That's some serious journalism there, great in-depth research (NOT).

It's a target render with a serious amount of time left in production, this game will look astonishing on release.

loulou3940d ago

grfx look great, gameplay not so much.

i wanna see alot more.

FamilyGuy3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Black0o and GameNameFsme have it right

The original debut trailer was all "IN-ENGINE", running on "Real PS4 hardware" http://www.youtube.com/watc...
The models used were definitely higher in polygons but none of it was CGI. It was a situation similar to the cut-scenes in Uncharted.

The actual in-game footage still look amazing, the link they posted still doesn't do it justice.
Watch the 720p 60fps gamersyde videos to see how good it really looks. http://n4g.com/news/1357589... They aren't very exciting like the dragon gameplay demo but they do a great job showing off how amazing the lighting and dungeon really look, how smooth the character animations are and how accurate the hit detection is.

Bimkoblerutso3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Edit: I can't even joke about that. The game still looks incredible.

ShinMaster3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Why compare with a cinematic announcement trailer and then ask Sony "what's up" when it's Capcom who is developing the game?

And the author completely cherry picked those last pics. We've all seen better screens and from the latest gameplay footage.

Dee_913939d ago

wait,so the gameplay doesn't look as good as the trailer because the camera isn't cinematic or because the graphics got a downgrade?
If its the former,I don't see the issue with that..If its the latter I will have to disagree..

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3939d ago
Ezz20133940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

the GFX from the latest build looked very very Next gen to me

also this article didn't show side by side
any downgrade at all....no real proof at all
i really couldn't tell what different between the debut trailer and this gameplay video

EDIT: @codelyoko
ok where is the proof that it doesn't as good?!
there is no side by side here to back him up
i'm not saying there isn't downgrade nor i'm saying there is
just need solid facts not just an opinion

codelyoko3940d ago

No one is saying it doesnt look Next Gen :P what it says is that it doesnt look as good as the debut game play,

Yo Mama3940d ago

Wow!!!!!!! Those GIFS look amazing. If Deep Down wasn't on my radar already, it sure is now.

speed3893940d ago

it looks amazing, i dont know how anyone can argue it... its easily one of the best looking new games coming out

Beastforlifenoob3940d ago

The game's graphics have quickly devaluated and I now serioisly belive battlefield4/killzone SF/Driveclub/Watch_dogs/Ass4 smash it into bits.

Twignberries3940d ago

@iamnsuperman actually it was stated by the developer, and on the trailer if I'm not mistaken, that it was all in-engine. The later gameplay vids that were revealed have the exact same graphics anyway, the only difference being that the original "cg" trailer as you called it, had more cinematic animations and camera work

trancefreak3940d ago

This website has more sponsor shipped ads than actual article depth, story, quality.

It's come to this blogisphered world we live in; were people can write, publish, toss some screen grabs of high res production shots vs half arsed pixelated, crappy off screen grabs from some gaming convention. This is to conjure some story stating teh graphics are worse than that were promised.

Lets wait and see until the dam games start rolling out. Until then, they are not finalized unless stated otherwise.

Well that's how I feel about it.

andrewsqual3940d ago

And the actual gameplay is 60fps too.

ape0073939d ago

that's why it's downgraded, if ps4 and X1 were 100$ more expensive, it would make gfx like PC, like the first two watch dogs gameplay vids and BF4 PC Gameplay

damn straight

Orionsangel3940d ago

Apparently you haven't seen this?


Yes, it's game play and the first next gen console game to look like true next gen. The first next gen game you can say that 360 and PS3 could not do it.

Mkai283940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

This site captures videos well at 1080p at 60fps. Thumbs up, game looks amazing at 60fps..
A little off topic http://www.gamersyde.com/st...

LetoAtreides823939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Plenty of PS4 games that can't be done on the PS3 unless you water down the graphics and particle effects. Killzone, Watch_Dogs, and Resogun for example.

Blaze9293940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

lol, so now everyone just "knew" the debut trailer was a target render?

People have been saying this about Deep Down for weeks yet it was rebutted rebutted and rebutted some more.


People were fools to really believe this - free to play - game would look like this:


But...hey. Nothing better than sitting back and watching with a smile at the end.

imt5583939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Blaze, yes is a F2P game. But when was announced that it will be a F2P game? A month ago, right. Off course many believed that graphics in first demo will be in final game until F2P announcement.

Tell me, what is the release date of the game? Some rumour said that the release date is somewhere in late 2014.

This game look pretty good for a F2P game and for a really early stage of development.

Ezz20133939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

before you sit back and smile
point what in the latest Gameplay don't look the same as Debut trailer
because this article fail to do soo
it was nothing but opinions with no solid facts nor side by side
so tell those "fool" people why it's not as good ?!
in full detail with facts plz
also while at it tell all those "fool" people what's wrong with the latest gameplay gfx as well ?!
since everyone saw the latest build said it was jaw dropping and said it's one of the very best looking next gen titles
and it's 1080p /60fps as well

i will wait...

JackISbacK3940d ago

for your kind in formation ac never youse to do that this deep dow looks like shit and ac is a big hit ,you fucking compaering this lame gameplay with ac franchise fuck you.

Shuyin3939d ago

I think you hit your head if you say AC looks better than DD.
P.S: AC turned shit after 2. 3 was a HUGE let down for not only me but alot of people.

ramiuk13940d ago

i always thought the first video was in game engine but not a cgi video.
the demo looked amazing from other day .
he must be a xbot and wants to defend Ryse,which was faked

BallsEye3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Blind fanboys were still insisting it was real gameplay and even made comparisons to Ryse. How sad. -.-... this is exactly what happened with kz2 and blind fanboys get fooled once more, always forgiving.

Ezz20133939d ago

looking at the latest bulid
it still look far better than ryse as well and in 1080p with 60fps

and i dare you to point me to what different between that Debut trailer and THIS latest build gameplay with SIDE BY SIDE too
because this article didn't
he simply saying his opinion and didn't back it up
every one who saw the gameplay is saying how the gfx are beyond incredible

as for KZ2 comment
E3 build (left) vs final build (right)
any one who have eyes can see how much better the final build look than E3 trailer

what else ?

DigitalRaptor3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

The fact remains is that it IS in-engine, tech-demo gameplay, not CG. The original trailer contains gameplay artifacts and this was before anyone could have guessed it was an online game. So NO- no one's blind for being reasonable, and no-one's blinder than those thinking the latest Deep Down footage we've seen looks worse than Ryse.

Ryse only looks impressive when things are slowed down, control is taken away and you see the animations close-up. In fact, if Ryse looks so much better than Deep Down, how does that make the original trailer shown a graphical impossibility, when it's running on more powerful hardware?

And nope, this is nothing like Killzone 2 situation at all.

Hicken3939d ago

Nobody claimed it was gameplay. In-engine? Yes.

But NOT gameplay. Not that original trailer.

Keep trying, blind fanboy.

BallsEye3939d ago


Or maybe it is not more powerful machine? Recently there were articles about ps4 having R290 gpu inside...which is quite funny when console is only using 100wats while XO use more double of that when really stressed. MS still didnt come out with their GPU specs so I'll hold my judgement.

DigitalRaptor3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Well BallsEye. Of course you will hold your judgement, cause you have nothing else working in your favour and this entire coming generation will be spelling it out to you a day at a time. It's delusion here on out for you guys.

The "bu-bu-bu but wait until...." argument has already disintegrated since it's been used by you guys so much, with nothing to show for it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
AndrewLB3939d ago

The trailer looks closer to a combination of CGI and real actors. Then to completely deceive the viewer, they throw in a few seconds with the weapon selection HUD. Those few seconds were clearly showing gameplay which looks far better than the latest gameplay videos out there.

please, take off the blinders and just accept the fact that you got duped.

iamnsuperman3939d ago

"please, take off the blinders and just accept the fact that you got duped."

I clearly wasn't duped as I thought it was CGI. Some of the comment here are telling me it is in game engine (which I might have gotten wrong) but when I first say this I thought CGI because no-one said gameplay. So I could have I been duped (unless you are talking about me being duped into thinking it was CGI)

BallsEye3939d ago

Fanboys will reject the truth...just like with killzone 2 demo back in the day.

3939d ago
Irishguy953939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

The hypocrites on this site just don't like to admit Sony mislead people too. It took GG 3 years, that's right, 3...to finally say the Killzone 2 reveal was a target render.

This reminds me of the FFXV reveal trailer. No one seems to know that was a target render and not actual gameplay trailer.

avengers19783939d ago

I guess its a good thing they still have LOTS of time to work on the game then, geeze it's like it's coming out next week not next year, I'm sure when it releases it will look amazing

Convas3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

I can't believe what I'm reading from some of you folk in here.




Those articles are full of them. People did breakdowns and all kinds of mental gymnastics to confirm it was running on PS4 hardware.

And then, to make matters even worst, the used the February footage in that Ryse Vs Deep Down comparison.

So no. "We" didn't know the original was a "CGI" trailer. It was touted as the real deal.

Yep3939d ago

Lmao. All of a sudden the original was CGI when before all the fanboys were hyping it up as if it was actual gameplay.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
Thatguy-3103940d ago

The gameplay looks next gen. I randomly came across the multiplayer gameplay and was honestly amazed how it looked. It's honestly on my radar from now on.

Beastforlifenoob3940d ago

Only thing is its freemium and that can either be good or horrible.

Silly gameAr3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Thank you for the comparision gaming website that's here one weekend and gone the next. I like how you compare a CGI video to actual gameplay. Real quality work there.

sorane3940d ago

Why would you think it's cgi when Capcom themselves said it was running on PC?

codelyoko3940d ago

It wasn't CGI :) it was confirmed in-engine footage. Notice the HUD in the debut trailer.

Silly gameAr3939d ago

Disagrees aren't going to change the fact that it was a CGI trailer.

sorane3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

You're really in denial aren't you. No matter how many times you say it was CGI won't change the fact that it was realtime on PC.

Silly gameAr3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

No, I'm not in denial, just know the difference.

sorane3939d ago

Apparently you don't since you still think it was CGI when it wasn't.

Lunatic_Medic3940d ago ShowReplies(3)
Abriael3940d ago

So now we're comparing what was basically a tech demo, calling it "gameplay" because it had a hud for show purposes, with actual gameplay.

Yeah, I see how this comment section is gonna become fun.

Kayant3940d ago

I still can't believe people thought that was actually gameplay. No where did it say it was running in-engine or was gameplay. Like you said it was a tech demo.

AndrewLB3939d ago

It had a HUD bozo! When there is a HUD, they're supposed to show actual gameplay. Having a HUD over CGI is about as deceiving as you can get.

ADodoBird3940d ago

When you show an HUD and pretend its actual gameplay, then you cant get away with calling it a Tech Demo. If it was a Target Render they should have said so. -...-

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Layden Has 'No Idea' What Happened to Capcom Deep Down Game

Former Sony executive Shawn Layden has "no idea" what happened to Capcom Deep Down game, which disappeared after announcement.

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SullysCigar1056d ago

I thought this looked fun. I hope they do something with it eventually.

Rangerman12081056d ago

From what I have read, they wanted to delay the game to make the graphics "realistic". Imo, the game already looked good as it is. My guess is that perhaps they shifted their focus for a ps5 release but only time will tell.

Michiel19891055d ago

considering it looked basically better than any other game in that trailer, they were probably too ambitious. They also wanted to have endless dungeons, have several historic periods that they wanted to realize, infinite randomly generated loot. its not being made for ps5, it went in the dumpster, no way capcom would let them work on it from then on until now. it was like 9 years ago or something that trailer came out?

Ashunderfire861055d ago

I remember seeing demo footage of this game on the PS4! It already look like one of the best looking games on the PS4, like a prenext gen game before PS5.

Shinox1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

This was never meant to be a game and it was more like a showcase for their engine "Panta Rhei" that they never used in any game ( which probably named RE Engine now ) , yes this project was meant to be a low budget free to play game for the PS4 and planned to release in Japan but all of that was canceled in a matter of few months , this whole project has been silently canceled long long time ago and people does not know Capcom well when it comes to sideswiping projects

Giraiga131054d ago

@Shinox if what you said is true then that's a big shame really. I was really looking forward for the game, and it had some cool ideas and mechanics that caught my attention (though making it a F2P title was somewhat worrisome).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
darthv721055d ago

I always thought it was because of this games questionable development that they were able to do the deal for SFV in its place.

SyntheticForm1055d ago

As far as I'm aware not a single game was developed with the Panta Rhei engine. Some aspects of the engine may have been folded into Capcom's current engines, but who knows, really?

I thought it looked really good at the time it was shown.

Giraiga131055d ago

Agreed. The game had a lot of promise, jankiness aside. Plus, I sorta loved the survival horror aspects of the game in certain areas.

ManInRed1056d ago

Still sucks we haven't heard much from it. Really liked the concept behind it, and I feel like I was one of the very few who liked the game's music. A shame it's in hiatus as of now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1056d ago

I think Platinum has been overextending itself for a good while now. Scalebound was canceled after missing deadlines and Bayonetta 3 has shown nothing since its announcement in 2017.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

Posted my comment on the wrong article..,

Rangerman12081055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

Like Darkborn said, you still have a good point, even if it's not related to this newspiece.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

@Darkborn and Rangerman1208

I think Deepdown's disappearance is simply due to Capcom focusing resources on their already established IPs ( Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and too a lesser extent Devil May Cry). Despite the vaporware nature of Deepdown, Capcom has been doing quit well for the past 4 years or so.

TheExecutioner1055d ago

even capcom doesnt know .. no one knows what happened

Rangerman12081055d ago

Honestly, I want to believe the game will happen but after what happened with Wild, who's to say Capcom won't consider on pulling the plug on the game?

A shame cause the game looked very interesting.

Barneyco1054d ago

Excuse my ignorance but was Wild cancelled or delayed? I didn't hear news about that.

Barneyco1054d ago

I looked Wild up. I had no idea it was cancelled last year. I was looking forward to it.

spicelicka1055d ago

It's quite deep down this game

hulk_bash19871055d ago

Deep down seemed like Vaporware from the start. There was never anything shown beyond the initial reveal trailer.

Yppupdam1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

There is always games like this that look cool and excites everybody...and then it disappears. Look at "8 days", everything about that game looked as cool as hell, The Story, Ving Rhames as one of the characters and pretty cool game mechanics (of what video leaked out of them) That game still stings to me, I really wanted to play it.

Giraiga131054d ago

Same thing with The Getaway for the PS3. I always wanted to try out English GTA from Sony, but it sadly never came to be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
DVAcme1055d ago

While the game never came out, I don't think it was time wasted. If you look well at how the camera follows the character and how it moves around during "gameplay", you'll notice it's spot-on identical to the camera in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Deep Down might have been cancelled, but it most likely became a proof of concept for Capcom in development of the REngine.

Magic_Spatula1055d ago

I always thought it was a tech demo never intended to become an actual game. Pretty sure it's just them showing off what would eventually become their proprietary engine Reach For The Moon Engine or "RE Engine" as most people call it.

gleepot1054d ago

capcom calls it the RE Engine, because thats what its called

Giraiga131054d ago

To quote from the other guy, it's definitely likely that Phanta Rei probably transformed into the RE engine. Still, it sucks the game might not see the light of day, especially considering how ambitious Capcom was with it.

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Capcom Renews Deep Down Trademark

Don’t count this game out just yet. Are we going to see Deep Down release on PS5?

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_SilverHawk_1491d ago

Hopefully its still in development and will be released on ps5 because deep down trailer looked amazing when showed years ago

Sonic-and-Crash1491d ago

i hope this to transform to " Dragon s Dogma 2 Deep Down" ....would be smart move and excellent to revisit DDogma elaborate world

Lore1491d ago

I’m hoping for both

camel_toad1491d ago

Capcom is really sitting on Dragon's Dogma and I don't get why. It was an out of nowhere fantastic game.

They need to come out with the sequel already.

Hakuoro1491d ago

That's actually what I always thought, that it was just a code name for a Dragon's Dogma game.

bouzebbal1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

heard good things about DD.
didnt have a chance to try it, so i hope the series gets some love cause i think it was successful.

Michiel19891491d ago

@sonic I rather hope for a Monster Hunter deep down, that could be amazing

Army_of_Darkness1490d ago

It's probably gonna be a ps5 game now.

nitus101490d ago

I will agree Dragon's Dogma is an excellent game and having the ability to climb on huge enemies is fairly unique, however, I really hope that Capcom (if they make DD2) reduces those "escort missions" or at least makes them much more interesting. Of course, if I hear "Harpy!" one more time I am going to scream.🤪

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
1491d ago Replies(1)
ActualWhiteMan1491d ago

Deep down, it’s just vapor ware..

NVMGaiden1491d ago

Absolutely, I'm more interested in games that exist like Pragmata and Resident Evil 8.

Yui_Suzumiya1491d ago

Those are two games I'm most excited for as well

NovusTerminus1491d ago

Renewing a trademark is a sign of life because they cannot just indefinitely renew it, they only get so many renewals before it is rejected and open to the market again.

Relientk771491d ago

Good, hopefully we see Deep Down on PS5.

Kavorklestein1491d ago

I kind of have a feeling that Deep Down was put off until new hardware because the Quality of what we saw in the trailer looked like it was causing major frame issues and stutters on the PS4 the time.

The PS5 may finally be able to handle the visual goal of what they were going for.

drizzom1491d ago

Actually would like to see it on PC too.

isarai1491d ago

Hopefully it maintains the technology (like their fluid/particle simulations) and 4 player co-op

lildudexst1491d ago

Oh now they wanna work on it again

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