XDefiant Fans are Hyped Up Following the Battle Pass Trailer

Screenshot of an agent in Xdefinat firing a weapon.

On May 20, the official XDefiant profile shared a new and exciting trailer for the Preseason Battle Pass. With the game launching on May 21, fans couldn’t be more excited to see what’s in store for them. Judging by the reactions, expectations are flying high. Players worldwide can hardly wait for the launch. The XDefiant Battle Pass seems to have left many fans very intrigued and definitely hyped up.

Community Excited Over the Reveal of Battle Pass Contents

According to the official profile on X, The XDefiant Battle Pass boasts 50 tiers of rewards, on top of the free track rewards, including a new weapon, unique skins, player animations and so much more. We got to see a preview of the free new weapon, an MDR Assault Rifle. Several unique Skins were shown as well, we got a sneak peek at Blaze, Hi-Velocity, Game Over, and Anarchy Skins. Finally, they introduce several Player Animations, Up Top, Gunfighter, and the amazing Superhero Landing.

After the last trailer left people a bit dissatisfied, this one has them pumped and ready to go. And just in time! Buckeye put it nicely: “Bro this is LITTTT”! Bangalore_401 confirmed: “You’re not lying, that was legitimately fire as f**k”.

Redditors, on the other hand, were a bit more cynical. Lanky6-9 said: “Ooouuuu a free gun on a battle pass as a game gets released, so hot”! The free MDR Assault Riffle raised some concerns among players. Superbone1 explained: “MDR was already in a playtest. So they locked it behind Battlepass progression. Not exactly surprising, but still disappointing, that content that existed already was taken out and then used as a carrot on a stick”.

As several fans marked that move as “scummy”, PoppysDaddy2017 reminded everyone: “On the positive side, it is a free Battle Pass unlock, so no need to purchase the BP if you don’t want to”. Several other fans jumped in and defended the developer’s decision to offer Battle Passes. They explained how as a free-to-play game, the developers had to find a way to make it self-sufficient, by earning money through the aforementioned Battle Passes.

Image of a preload dates and time for XDefiant
Image via Ubisoft

Players are Unable to Reach an Agreement

Another common complaint is that because of all the goodies included in the Battle Pass, the players will have FOMO, and feel pressured to buy it. A fan, simon7109 said: “So an actual gun in the battle pass? What happens to those who miss it? Will there be another way to unlock it for free? As far as I know battle passes are not permanent in this game”. Rafahil concurred: “Why invoke FOMO to the players? If I want to take a break from a game and want to come back after a while I know I missed out on a lot which makes me not want to pick it up again”.

Thankfully, there are still people like Significant_End937 who just plan on enjoying themselves. They said: “I have thrown $$$$$ at Apex and CoD, f**k them, I will buy everything in the store on day 1 for you guys who can’t afford to support the game. I wanna see this game succeed”.

Whether you decide to buy the Battle Pass, or not, we are sure that you’ll be able to have fun in this game. All the indicators point out that the game is well thought out. As of the time of writing this article, there are around 4 hours left till the launch of Preseason. We can hardly wait! How about you?


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