What are Supply Lines Connecting Planets in Helldivers 2 and How to Use Them

Helldivers 2 screenshot of the Galactic War table

Supply Lines are a hidden mechanic in Helldivers 2, so this article will explain what they are and how to use them. 

The gist of Helldivers 2 revolves around conquering and defending various planets. The Galactic War is constantly shifting. Sectors are changing hands, planets can be under heavy attack that requires the full attention of all Helldivers, which in turn leaves other parts of the galaxy vulnerable to counterattack, and so on. There is never a dull moment in Helldivers 2. But, not every planet can be attacked at any point. There is a hidden mechanic that deals with that, called Supply Lines. Read on to see how to use those Supply Lines in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: How to Use Supply Lines

You can only attack planets that you can draw an imaginary supply line to. In simpler terms, you can only attack planets that are connected to planets under Super Earth’s control. Usually, if a liberated planet is right next to a planet under Terminid/Automaton control, you can draw a supply line to it and therefore you can fight on it.

Helldivers 2 screenshot of the Draco Sector
Image by N4G Unlocked

To extend Super Earth’s Supply Lines, Helldivers have to fully liberate planets in the sector. If you want to know how to reach other planets in more detail, there is a fan-made Galactic Map tracker. On the upper right corner of the map screen, there are options for different overlays and filters. Among them is an option to display Supply Lines and that way you can see which planets are connected. For example, to reach Fori Prime, you first have to liberate either Crimsica or Estanu.

What Are Supply Lines in Helldivers 2

Supply Lines are a term used in Helldivers 2 that represents the connection between planets. You can only fight on planets that can trace a “supply line” to a liberated planet. Usually, that means that there is a liberated planet next to it, from where Helldivers can stage an attack.

If a connection between planets is somehow severed (for example, by losing a planet that gives you gives you access to other planets in the sector, like Ubanea being the only way to reach Tibit), the now-unavailable planets will start to rapidly lose their Liberation percentage, until the connection is re-established. 

Helldivers 2 screenshot of the Galactic War table with Malevelon Creek and Ubanea on screen
Image by N4G Unlocked

That’s how the Major Order to liberate Tibit during the first stages of Swift Dissasebly was lost. Helldivers focused on Maleveon Creek, instead of protecting Ubanea, and time ran out before Tibit could be reached.

For more Helldivers 2 articles, check out Top 10 Coolest Armor Sets, How to Get and Use ARC-12 Blitzer, and Best Solo Loadout.


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