How to Unlock Weapon Aspects in Hades 2

Hades 2 image of weapons

In Hades 2, unlocking weapon aspects will not only change the appearance of a weapon but also its function. Different playstyles will depend on the weapon aspect used, making every weapon feel unique and fresh.

Melinoe has a few powerful legendary weapons she uses to battle through the Underworld. Additionally, every weapon comes with its strengths and weaknesses. Choosing a weapon is crucial in determining one’s playstyle, and all weapons and weapon aspects need to be unlocked first.

Hades 2 How to Unlock Weapon Aspects Explained

The Weapon Aspect mechanic is not available to players at the start of the game. There is a bit of work to be done before it is unlocked. To upgrade Melinoe’s Nocturnal Arms, the first thing needed is the Aspects of Night and Darkness incantation from Hecate. To earn this, players have to unlock all available weapons. But, since everything in Hades 2 is a little chaotic, there is no exact method to get unlock this incantation. What we recommend is that you simply play the game after unlocking all weapons, and the dialogue that will unlock the necessary Incantation will appear eventually.

Once the Aspects of Night and Darkness incantation is earned, it costs 5 Bronze and 1 Nightshade to unlock it using the Cauldron in the Crossroads. After the incantation is activated, players can use Silver Pool in Crossroads Training grounds to unlock new Weapons Aspects.

How to Unlock Every Weapon in Hades 2

At this time, there are five weapons that players can use in Hades 2. The first is the default weapon available from the start of the game, and the other four are locked. The following is the list of all weapons currently in Hades 2: 

  • Witch’s Staff – this is the default reliable medium-range thrusting weapon all players start with.
  • Sisters Blades – costing 1 Silver, this weapon offers precise, quick close-range attacks, and a slow but ranged special attack. 
  • Umbral Flames – is a pair of slow-shooting fire staves that cost 3 Silver and 3 Cinder.
  • Moonstone Axe – is a slow but powerful melee weapon, with a defensive special attack and costs 15 Silver. 
  • Argent Skull – costing 2 Glassrock and 1 Bronze this is a throwable ranged weapon with limited ammo. However, ammo can be picked up after it’s used. 
Hades 2 image of the Aspects of Night and Darkness incantation
Image via N4G Unlocked

All Weapon Aspects in Hades 2

Every weapon in the game starts with a Melinoe’s Aspect by default. However, using some resources, players can unlock multiple aspects for each of them. Below are the tables for every weapon currently in the game, along with its aspects and costs.

Witch’s Staff

Weapon AspectCostDescription
MelinoeDefaultUpgrading the default weapon form will speed up Melinoe’s Omega Moves.
CirceSilver x5 Lotus x5 After landing 21 hits or specials Serenity effect is applied, which restores Magick and grants a 15% speed bonus to Omega Moves.
Momus Lime x2
Pearl x1 
Increases Omega Special Power, and if Melione is under 50% of life, Omega Special can be consumed to regain 5 Health.

Sisters Blade

Weapon AspectCostDescription
MelinoeDefaultOnly this form can perform Backstab.
ArtemisSilver x15 Shaderock x2Omega Attack is faster, while channelling regular Omega Attack Melineo can Parry and Reposite after.
PanWool x1
Shaderock x2
Special will seek enemies within a cast radius and fire more blades after Channelling.

Umbral Flames 

Weapon AspectCostDescription
MelinoeDefaultUpgrading the default weapon enhances Omega Special.
Moros Bronze x2 
Tears x2
Every attack lingers for 6 seconds and explodes if hit by Special. 
EosDriftwood x2
Golden Apple X2
Attacks grow bigger and stronger over 4 seconds, and retour after Melinoe Sprints.

Moonstone Axe

Weapon AspectCostDescription
MelinoeDefaultUpgrading the default form improves recovery speed after attacking and Specials. 
CharonPearl x5
Obol Points x1
Cast duration is increased by 3 seconds and erupts like Omega cast if struck by Melinoe’s Omega Special.
ThanatosGlassrock x3 Dark x1 Hitting with Omega Moves increases the critical hit chances by 1% to a maximum of 4%, until Melinoe takes damage.

Argent Skull

Weapon AspectCostDescription
MelinoeDefaultUpgrading the default form gives attacks more Power for each Shell fired and not retrieved yet.
MedeaIron x4 
Nightshade x1
Attack and Special damage are increased, and Attacks explode in a large area on impact after 3 seconds.
PersephoneMoss x1 
Poppy x5 
Dealing damage generates Glory, which enhances Melinoe’s Omega Special.
Hades 2 three skulls
Image via N4G Unlocked

All Weapon Aspect Upgrades 

In Hades 2, every weapon aspect can be further upgraded up to four times, bringing them to Rank 5. Increasing the Rank of a weapon aspect comes with additional bonuses or a new power. In the table below, you can find all weapon aspect upgrades and their costs. 

Witch’s Staff 

Weapon AspectRank Cost Upgrade

2Silver x2, Psyche x20Channel Omega moves 15% faster
3Silver x3, Psyche x30Channel Omega moves 20% faster
4Silver x4, Psyche x40Channel Omega moves 25% faster
5Silver x10, Psyche x100Channel Omega moves 30% faster

2Nightmare x1Serenity duration increased to 7 sec.
3Nightmare x1Serenity duration increased to 8 sec.
4Nightmare x2Serenity duration increased to 9 sec.
5Nightmare x3Serenity duration increased to 10 sec.

2Nightmare x1Special power Increased by 15
3Nightmare x1Special power Increased by 20
4Nightmare x2Special power Increased by 25
5Nightmare x3Special power Increased by 30

Sister Blades

Weapon AspectRank Cost Upgrade

2Silver x5, Fate Fabric x1Backstab damage improved by 10%
3Silver x10, Fate Fabric x1Backstab damage improved by 20%
4Silver x 15, Fate Fabric x1Backstab damage improved by 30%
5XBackstab damage improved by X%

2Nightmare x1Omega Attack is 30% faster
3Nightmare x1Omega Attack is 40% faster
4Nightmare x2Omega Attack is 50% faster
5Nightmare x3Omega Attack is 60% faster

2Nightmare x1Special fires 2 more blades
3Nightmare x1Special fires 3 more blades
4Nightmare x2Special fires 4 more blades
5Nightmare x3Special fires 5 more blades

Umbral Flames

Weapon AspectRank Cost Upgrade

2Silver x2, Cinder x2Omega Special lasts 1 sec. longer
3Silver x3, Cinder x3Omega Special lasts 1.5 sec. longer
4Silver x4, Cinder x4Omega Special lasts 2 sec. longer
5XOmega Special lasts X sec. longer

2Nightmare x1Specials Blast deal +15% damage
3Nightmare x1Specials Blast deal +30% damage
4Nightmare x2Specials Blast deal +45% damage
5Nightmare x3Specials Blast deal +60% damage

2Nightmare x1Fully grown attacks deal +50% damage
3Nightmare x1Fully grown attacks deal +60% damage
4Nightmare x2Fully grown attacks deal +70% damage
5Nightmare x3Fully grown attacks deal +80% damage

Moonstone Axe

Weapon AspectRank Cost Upgrade

2Silver x3, Bronze x1Attack and Special recovery is 10% quicker
3Silver x6, Bronze x1Attack and Special recovery is 15% quicker
4Silver x12, Bronze x1Attack and Special recovery is 20% quicker
5XAttack and Special recovery is X% quicker

2Nightmare x1Omega Cast explosion is 15% larger and stronger
3Nightmare x1Omega Cast explosion is 20% larger and stronger
4Nightmare x2Omega Cast explosion is 25% larger and stronger
5Nightmare x3Omega Cast explosion is 30% larger and stronger

2Nightmare x1Max critical chance buff after Omega Move is 8%
3Nightmare x1Max critical chance buff after Omega Move is 12%
4Nightmare x2Max critical chance buff after Omega Move is 16%
5Nightmare x3Max critical chance buff after Omega Move is 20%

Argent Skull

Weapon AspectRank Cost Upgrade

2Limestone x1, Ash x5Attacks gain +5 power per spent shell
3Limestone x2, Ash x10Attacks gain +10 power per spent shell
4Limestone x3, Ash x15Attacks gain +15 power per spent shell
5Limestone x25, Ash x25Attacks gain +20 power per spent shell

2Nightmare x1Attacks and Special damage increase by 30%
3Nightmare x1Attacks and Special damage increase by 40%
4Nightmare x2Attacks and Special damage increase by 50%
5Nightmare x3Attacks and Special damage increase by 60%

2Nightmare x1Glory enhances Omega Specials by 15%
3Nightmare x1Glory enhances Omega Specials by 20%
4Nightmare x2Glory enhances Omega Specials by 25%
5Nightmare x3Glory enhances Omega Specials by 30%

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