
CRank: 5Score: 5470

Are you basing 'flopped' on that video article from TheStreet? Because, you do know that everyone agrees that was total BS, right?

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wonderful! I was about to say the same thing! If you are secure and love your system, then why does it matter if the Wii succeeds or not? Does the Wii selling take away from the fun in Assassin's Creed, Halo 3 or Uncharted? Every time Nintendo sells a Wii, does that make your Dashboard a little less interesting, or your Blu-ray discs a bit less good-looking? If so, then you, my friend, need to get your eyes checked.

Play your games, and let me play mine. Sales figures and...

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was that it FUNCTIONS like a Cube. As in, they didn't add more cores or anything. It still codes like a cube. However, any dev will tell you, it's got over twice the processing power.

As for the bubble, for the popularity-slave average consumer, it probably will burst. But for us gamers, the goods keep on coming, just like any other console.

5996d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you think Nintendo had only their franchises in mind? And yet the Wiimote seems to work so perfectly as surgery tools in Trauma center, and MoH: Heroes 2 is said to have the best accuracy of any Wii title so far. So, it seems that it's just taken 3rd parties a bit longer to master Nitendo's 'gimmick'.

5996d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um... but it works the other way that if you have a gamecube controller you don't need the classic, as it also plays VC games. And, if you only NEED the wiimote, you don't have to pay $60 for both it and the Nunchuck, instead you can just get it for $20 less. So, by this logic, Nintendo would be LOSING money by making these things optional. But of course, it can be spun any way you like.

5996d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Excuse me? Drooling idiots? Who's the one throwing names around and then burying their head back in the sand? Get outside your little box and think about other people's opinions for once! Mine is that you're unaware of the real process of gamemaking. ANYONE can make a good game on ANY console. They just have to have time, patience, persistence, skill, focus and dedication! /That is what Nintendo has!/ That is why they are the only ones making good games on their console, save a few 3r...

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, now simple controls is a negative? Silly fanboys.

5997d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Enough with the conspiracy theories. It's just video games, for goodness' sake.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I called it. As did several other level-headed people.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Story-driven games. The opportunity has been here for at least two generations but few developers have gotten it right. I heard Bioware was looking for writers... or perhaps some other big-name company, I forget. Anyways, I am probably getting a job in videogame writing sometime in the future. It seems like an annoyingly underplayed job.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lost rocks. They NEED to bring it back NOW though. It's been so long...

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heck, even the Gamecube can draw out great story and characters. Just look at Tales of Symphonia. The story and characters of that game blow everything I've played this generation away. They also blow away your carefully hidden Wii stab, because the Wii is also getting the sequel to this game...

Note, ToS was also on PS2, but Kratos' voice actor sucked in that version.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Time to shut up fanboys. Turns out Greenpeace is really just a lazy politically-driven hype machine. Well, I already knew that, but w/e.

I don't mean global awareness is a bad thing... but when you give such lazy and baseless scores such as this, I have no interest in following your policies.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I find the new character's weaponry very offensive.

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphics that really take advantage of the machine (MP3 graphics were okay and feasible, but not the best), precision-point controls, and a BETTER FREAKIN ONLINE to do that. Oh, and they'd have to WANT to. They don't seem that into hardcore gaming. Maybe 3rd parties, but they can't seem to get anything right on the Wii.

Although, I played Halo 3 on live at my cousin's this Thanksgiving, and I really missed the Wiimote. It took me several hours to re-learn aiming with dual s...

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's actually $20 for the Zapper AND the game.

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, so the article states that the Wii is selling better than the other consoles. Then it says, "Can the two heavy-weight consoles, the Xbox 360 and PS3 really see the Wii as a threat?"

It's more like does the Wii consider the other two a threat. You've got to remember who's on the top of the charts here. As for threat level, I'd say high. All consoles are amazing machines, and while the Wii has ridden high on popularity, once that dies down and PS3 prices die d...

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It may be expected, but not always true. I love games, and I only have a Wii. Sure, I envy other consoles (mostly 360), but like you said I really like Nintendo's franchises. However, one type of super-hardcore gamer IS expected to own a Wii... a PSWii60 gamer. I really wish I were one of those.

5998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Congrats PS3. Hardware that impressive deserves to sell well. The recent ads also are pretty good. I find it rather funny that they boast the price in the ads, though. They really want people to know it's cheaper.

5998d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess Apple whines too, because I heard they got the same deal a while ago. They didn't want to release records so Greenpeace decided they deserved an extremely low score. Steve comes in to rectify the whole thing. Now is that whining or just making sure people don't get the wrong idea about your business?

And in what way is Nintendo's console "hazardous"? For goodness' sake it's a machine not a nuclear bomb!

5998d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment