CRank: 5Score: 5700

A 360 and PC exclusive.

If it's exclusive, then it's on one goddamn platform. Just because almost every good 360 game is multiplatform or will be doesn't mean Xbots have to invent new phrases to justify their purchases. I've been playing Xbox exclusive games all last year with no 360.

5963d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Toshiba deserves to go bankrupt for stalling Blu-ray.

5964d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Take out the trash and buy a PS3!!!!
The gaming console of choice in Euroland!

5965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 is total @ss
The gaming industry grows thanks to PS3, the non-gaming industry thanks to Wii, and if it wasn't for them, revenues would be down thanks to 360's money pit and decreasing sales.

5965d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

What's wrong?
They're buying too many DSes.

And no, retailers need to send back the dusty Wiis from their shelves because they AREN'T SELLING!

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you heard of me?

5965d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So now games that have been out on PC even before the 360 downgrade port are exclusive to 360!

K, no one cares about this game though. But the standards for an exclusive are so low on 360 its f***ing amazing!

5965d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want to vomit when New Zealand Nintendroids or Spanish or Italian Sony-haters 'apologize' for PS3's/Sony's dominance as if it's something bad.
There's some particularly bad ones on neogaf who comment on the bad taste.
(Well unfortunately it's been a dark december in Spain with Wii shooting up to the top)

WHAT? HOW? What the f*** else should dominate? Wii and its sh!tty no games waggle f***fest? 360 and its dirtybomb hardware?

Or PS3, all multiplat...

5965d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Swarming over them is so pathetic.

PS3 is outselling 360 by waaaaaaay more than 20k a week.

Spain? PS3>Wii>360
Italy? PS3>360 (Wii?)
Germany? PS3>360
France? PS3>360
Portugal? PS3>>>>Wii60
Netherlands, Beneleux, Norway, Finland etc etc etc PS3>>>>360

Oh my god the domination and utterly ridiculous.
Japan makes up for PS3's American deficiency, but it won't have to for...

5967d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's definitely 100% coming to PS3, but it'll be a timed exclusive.

I hear the PC/360 Haze versions were canned, but I think that's a timed exclusive too.

Either way, we get MGS4 and you don't.
Stupid Xbots.

5967d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

There is no country in Europe beyond UK where 360 is relevant. And CERTAINLY not compared to the PS3 software/hardware beast (yes that's right, there's a world outside of the USA where PS3 owns at 9 months the 25 month lifetime of 360.

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And wtf? Nowhere does it say Sony is worried about piracy, though Nintendo should be - by using lagging tech, they will be easier to emulate by the majority of PCs which were too weak to run commercial PS2/Xbox/GC games back in the day.
A big and deserved f*** you to Nintendo for their atrocious course of action since DSlite.

Sony's PS2 will do amazingly well this holiday. Software on Sony platforms dominated the top 10 this month in NPD, so devs can turn to it when they...

6118d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But the definitive proof that MGS4 will indeed NEVER come to 360 is here:
Now, they received enough financial incentive, superior of course to possible sales on a 360 version, simultaneous or not, in exchange for keeping it exclusive. (Movie deal, cellphone deal etc)

And whether or not it's 'a good business decision' (it isn't o...

6121d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Basically Wii keeps Sony's PS2 alive until Wii dies an early death.

And the man's right. It will reverse very soon.

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off, Bioshock IS possible on PS3 (was in development for it initially)
Secondly, it is 100% coming, as I've been saying for ages. They didn't say it was NEVER coming to PS3, and it's already on PC. The 'only on' sticker has failed before so is useless, and this was even hinted by Moore to be a timed exclusive.

MGS4 confirmed to NEVER be coming to 360:

The PS2 leads them all by a long shot. Weren't the sales 6 million last year? Yeah, PS2 should do half of that on its own.

But hooray at Wii suckage (in Madden sales)!

6121d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

He gets so much hate. Must be really unhappy with life and when his 15 years in the making "masterpiece" flops (20+ when it finally releases), he'll be horrified. He exhibits extreme hubris if you've ever seen him post, and has terrifyingly awful opinions and ideas.

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Toshiba just keeps bleeding money (losing it on HD-DVD players and now this). Bankruptcy please for this bullsh*t pushing of a dead format and confusing potential customers. Blu-ray adoption would definitely be sped up with more Paramount discs, now it's just a bit slower to reach DVD.

6122d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

These two games are NOTHING alike.

MGS4 confirmed to NEVER be coming to 360:

MGS4 confirmed to not be possible on 360 - See: Kojima comments

Multiple deals with Sony and Konami.

Bioshock was never confirmed to be never coming to PS3, was even planned and in development for it at one point an...

6122d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Christ everyone hates HD-DVD. Paramount better not get too close or the disease will spread.

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment