CRank: 5Score: 5700

This is unprecedented. Viva Pinata goes to DS, Gears goes to Mac. Blue Dragon and Halo are sure to follow Viva to DS, and the terrible thing is, they'll all bomb.

ESPECIALLY Viva. Especially. MS's plan is either to harm Sony's PSP (not with that trash) or earn some extra cash on DS (due to poor sales, fail), or even to try and lure HANDHELD gamers to a console with an entirely different spectrum of games (idiotic move).

This is hilarious. Rare sells more on Ninte...

6145d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

On another note, wouldn't a more accurate title be PS3 comeback? The cut has ensured it to be outselling Xbox 360 in the only region it wasn't totally thrashing it before, and Xbox 360's only good region (good, barely above average really, definitely not great), the USA.

Goodbye Xbox 360, you are the weakest link, the past, and the worst ever console in terms of manufacturing.

6145d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Otherwise, last gen would have been the CD era or the GDrom (Dreamcast storage, vastly inferior to DVD) era because it was the lowest media form games could appear on.

DVD is old news when we have Blue Dragon already taking up 3 discs!!!

If you don't mind swapping sh**, how about putting everything on floppies for you 360 owners?

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The issue people have is that it is not enough of a drop, that it will not allow for MS's profit claims to come to fruition, and that it will not kickstart the dying 360 in the face of the now more popular PS3 worldwide.

6145d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I...I think he lied to me...

Oh, and for all you arguing over semantics, just cut off the title after 'Blu-ray' to get the main message. We all know BR has better storage, so I suppose you don't need to be reminded about how stupid your HD-DVDEAD purchases were.


6145d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Paramount has shifted focus to BR, this studio drops HD-DVD exclusivity, they all drop like dominoes, soon Universal, and that's the only thing keeping HD-DVDead hope alive in the mentally ill Thammer and Elitegamer.

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What kind of fool thinks those things are true?

Blu-ray has won, it's been long since decided. It's been winning by an insurmountable margin, that's it.


6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this meant to be a joke?

Blu-ray is for games and movies, and is now the winning format which everyone wants. That's why we consider it value in value vs price comparisons, or just price comparisons.

HD-DVD is not a bulletpoint, it's riddled with bullet holes however.

Oh and f*** you elitegamer. You f***ing moron. I have not seen a stupider person yet. You rocketed up past Mart recently with all your crappy comments like this gem:


6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also Thammer, PS3 has plenty of exclusive games coming out this Fall and next year (more than XBox 360). To say it has no games is ludicrous, and proves your illness.

I mean look at EliteGamer's rubbish which he spews. It's disgusting and truly saddening to see that mental illness has taken over his mind.

6146d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

50 is just not enough. Price was not 360's only problem, it was games. It will never get casual games to accompany the casual price in time to change perception of it as a hardcore console and open itself to a larger market. PS3 just needs another cut to 400 to overtake it permanently.

250 core (unconfirmed) will not do anything. Compared to Wii, it has no game or memory device. You need, by MS pricing to pay an additional 100 just to play the damn thing, and on LIVE, which is ...

6146d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

R* really needed that money to make a PS3 exclusive apparently.

Oh, and they announced it as exclusive, not timed exclusive, not some other sh** like people insinuate. So please, cut the crap about MS paying for it to come to 360 or become timed. It's not happening based on ANYTHING we know for a fact.

Good to see devs harnessing the power of the PS3. We can see it gives undoubtedly vastly superior results - compare Heavenly Sword animations and facial expression...

6146d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm fairly certain that each and every game you said (apart from Too Human which isn't an RPG at all but an action game) is on PC or will be on PC.
Or PS3 in the case of Two Worlds.

And of course, exclusives are no good if they're not good. Xbox1 had exclusives platformers like Blinx, but because they all sucked balls, people kept saying Xbox was a Halo box. Which is true to this day.

PS3 on the other hand will have NCsoft's games, some from PC (so by you...

6146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SCEA announced this, they wouldn't announce a 3rd party dev which would create games for other platforms. He's still very much synonymous with SOny.

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And yeah, they just improve everything in the final steps of development with PS3 games.

6147d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
BR vs HD-DVD movie sales is now 75-25

No one cares that HD-DVD has more standalones, nor that it may have a higher tie ratio. People care about what movies they can watch, and studios will put movies on the winning format to end the war.

Give it up HD-DVDroids. HD-DVDead is, as the name implies, gone forever.

6147d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Oblivion flies in Japan"

Flies straight into the bargain bin right?

360 games have no chance over there.

6147d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Halo's demo killed hype.

How can anyone still believe that bullsh** news. You'll see how it didn't sell 4-5 million when September NPD comes out. Until then, you either admit you were STUPID, which you never will since we're on the internet, or you keep spouting stupidity and look like even more of a fool when I'm proven right.

And Littlebigplanet is exactly what Microsoft needed in the casual market. They'd die fo...

6147d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Good job Sony

6149d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

And no Thammer, Xbox 360 does not have the games to counter this.

MS's two biggest franchises are Gears and Halo. Gears is no longer exclusive (Mac, PC) and Halo is doubled in sales by Gran Turismo. Gears is also killed by Metal Gear Solid sales.

Next year is a clean sweep for Sony: MGS4, Killzone 2, GT5, White Knight Story, The Agency, Final Fantasy XIII, those MMOs from NCsoft all exclusive. Then they get the swapping of "exclusives" Bioshock, SC5, ...

6149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
To all those saying it will come later as a port (like Mart, who tried to refute this but got royally owned), here's definite proof it will NEVER go to Xbox 360.

The question is:
"Is MGS4 a PS3 exclusive? Is it solidified that it will NEVER come to Xbox 360?"
Phil Harrison answers:
"Yes. That was wha...

6149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment