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5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The man who started the rumour has been right before, several times. He's also been wrong a few times, but is VERY sure in this.

Bioshock IS coming to PS3 - MS did not fund the game, they didn't pay for a full exclusive, so of course, xbox loses ANOTHER exclusive in September this year.
When will the bleeding stop??? LOL!

And BS2 is 100% coming to PS3 alongside the PC's version

5902d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But since it's 360's only exclusive for aaaages I bet Teamxbox will give it a HUGE score regardless like they always do to Xbox exclusives so MS can point to reviews and say: "Look, we got highest!!!"

No 1080p, no 60fps, graphics that look worse than Sigma, which is just a remake of NG1. It is NOT hugely anticipated unless you only have a 360 or Wii60, since PS3 owners have hundreds of games to play and enoy this year. What the hell are you doing in videogaming if you d...

5902d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Try all you might to deny it, it was sealed the moment it was announced for PS3

5902d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Neither are the more obvious point & click ones. It's just an interactive book.

5902d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually it started in january. Something to do with the year of the PS3.

DLC means NOTHING to SOOOOO many people. Everyone I talk to says "I've never finished the game/gets boring."

So I'm wondering who'll buy a known to be faulty console in Europe - one which at half the price of PS3 still sells FAAAAAAAAAAAR below it - just to have the chance to BUY more content (expensive - could buy a PS2 game with that money probably - if Rockstar wants to make the 50...

5902d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll say any favourable comments on old Nintendo games are just naively nostalgic. They're old trash. Not different from Nintendo games nowadays that look like they were made 5-10 years ago.

I guess, like with Halo, people can like them, but it just means you have bad taste.

An unimpressive, complete let-down of a list from the Bioshock creator.

5903d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Especially since Lucas Arts says they're developing for PS3 and porting down to 360 with multiplats.

Plus you get GT5, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, MGS4 etc etc etc instead of just Ninja Gaiden 2 and maybe some other games which have been in development forever if they aren't delayed again. *Too Human*

5903d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

They shouldn't change functionality until PSP2.
Why limit the audience with dual analog only games - then it's like the console is back to 0 sales again.

But improvements like the Slim & Lite are much appreciated. That's when I got my PSP.

5905d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

and buy a PS3.

Problem solved. They can play all of 360's games on that (and PC), especially since 360 continues to bleed exclusives (Bioshock September this year), PLUS BR movies and MASSIVE BR EXCLUSIVES like
Fallout 3 (timed)
UT3 (timed, mods not on 360)
Haze (timed)

5906d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

He's actually Master Chief Petty Officer (LOL)
We should really call him Petty Officer (the whole thing's his title)

To answer the article. No. There will be no movie anytime soon. And if there ever is, it will be trash. It's one thing to base a film off a game which tries its hand at a story, but a game with no story at all, some of the WORST characters in existence and uninspired environments/situations can only fail horribly.

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to be THAT stupid and not realise it when writing a foolish, misinformed opinion piece.

PSP just got into its prime after a LONG post-launch slump. DS would be dead without DS-lite, same for PSP.

5909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DD is crap. Just because you ALONE like it doesn't mean anyone else needs to stoop to that level.

DD will be OK in a couple of DECADES. Enjoy trash while we enjoy crisp True HD films.

5910d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whose idea was it?
No need to ask, if it's a terrible idea like this, it must be MS.

People who think this is a good idea have no clue. You have tiny budgets (or they lose MEGABUCKS) which means sh!tty show which means no one watches/downloads which means show is canceled, not to mention a tiny XBL audience (compared to TVs) who apparently only want to play games otherwise they would have a PS3, they tell me.


5910d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's not a stunning or impressive game, it's going to be great and big, but there's no 'bullshots' claims with GTA.

5912d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox and Gamecube shouldn't be anywhere near the list, PS2 MUST be NO#1.

God, angry Nintendo fanboys trying to elevate SNES beyond what it was are really annoying.

And anyone putting 360 on the list is a fool. It might snatch #10 SOME DAY, but it's nowhere near the top, and nowhere near the list right now.

5912d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is TERRIBLE news. Having a big (F***ING FALSE) label that says "VIDEOGAMES ARE HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH" like cigarettes do, obscuring box art or whatever is COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED. Ratings already are prominent! Parents can't be responsible enough for their children so they cry and b!tch and moan to the government. Games aren't even bad for you! If you're a violent person, then any violent media form could evoke that emotion from you, but games don't TURN people into killers. <...

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like, *almost* not as bad as a Dreamcast or a Betamax?
Because that's how successful the Xbox brand is...

5916d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

In about 20 years, it'll start 'growing' - and only growing - beyond the pitiful money pit it is today.

And when it's prevalent, MS won't even have control over it. Ha. What a waste.

5917d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is totally gonna blow Blu-ray away. Yeah yeah yeah! I KNEW there was a chance to bounce back! Now Toshiba has no choice but to undiscontinue the format.

(How am I doing?)

5917d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment