Massive Action Gamer
CRank: 5Score: 74480

Hmm. I'm actually gonna keep an eye on this one. I loved Advanced Wars. Dual Strike was one of my favorite DS games. Hopefully will bring both that series, and Battallion Wars, back someday.

2445d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Naughty Dog truly is a fantastic studio. It would be amazing to see Guerila Games and Sucker Punch reach their level someday.

2447d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 2 will always be at the top, but I can honestly say 4 comes a close second. I had a gripe with the story, but overall it's still an excellent game. 3 was great too, but the ending felt rushed, which was something that kindof ruined it for me.

Fact is, even if you include GA (which I think will always be ranked worst), there's no such thing as a bad Uncharted game. They all range from good to excellent. GA was an excellent portable game, and was mainly hel...

2447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No shit... You announced it, showed PC gameplay, and then completely over exaggerated the cloud, all of which led up to an actual product that looks awful.

2448d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Native 4K/ 60, I sincerely doubt. Not unless you want 360-level textures anyways. One look at this game and you can tell it's incredibly demanding. X isn't THAT much more powerful than the Pro. People seriously overestimate that 20% difference.

2448d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

I sure hope so. After what MS did to Sega, to get themselves a spot in the console business, it only makes sense for Sony to be extremely skeptical. They are not a good company to trust.

2449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@September Read it again, the MS France fan page even said that the numbers were not official and were simply estimates taken from VGC.

The most official source we've gotten this year was from EA, who said both PS4 and Xbone have sold around 79 million. Sony announced 53.4 million units sold around the same time. Do some math 79 - 53.4 = 25.6, but we'll say 26 million for margin of error. Either way, there's not a chance in hell Xbone has managed to sell over 1...

2449d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

25.6 million was what EA said, so I have my doubts that it has managed to sell over 4 million units this year.

2449d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this seems a bit overtracked. It has sold around 25.6 million as of January first (according to EA), and with it selling so poorly in even its strongest region, I have serious doubts it's managed to sell more than 4 million throughout 2017.

I would put it at around 28.6 million units at best.

2449d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's because it doesn't support their hipster anti-Playstation rhetoric. The gaming hipster rule book states that you're not a real gamer unless you have an irrational hatred for the top dog, and you must blindly love everything that you think makes them look bad.

Still don't see what the deal is; PlayStation has been doing cross platform play with PC, on many games, since 2002. Why all the sudden are they required to be buddy buddy with the console compe...

2450d ago 23 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's because cross platform play has more benefit, on the sales front, for the lesser audience. Sony doing cross play will deter potential PS4 adopters, who only have interest in playing games like Minecraft. MS had the same mentality with the 360.

Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't MS requiring Switch users to create XBL accounts to be able to play with Xbox players?

2450d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel you. His English is attrocious. Still though, he got mad after Gamescom and said what every Xbox fan should be saying: MS doesn't care about Xbox. They put more effort into the announcement of a single game, that's not even on Xbox, than they did for Xbox this entire year.

2450d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Kiwi, its preorders. Xbone X hasn't already sold more than PS4 Pro overall; it just means currently more people are preordering Xbone X than people buying a PS4 Pro. That's a given.

But I'm sure people like you conveniently ignored the fact that PS4 Pro preorder was #1 on Amazon's best video game sellers, from the day it was announced until well after it launched.

When the dust settles and we get actual NPD numbers for November and Decemb...

2450d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't watch his vid, but Crap made a video specifically about this statement, and I'm 99% sure he was declaring it fact, based off the comments and the fact the video is titled "MS destroys Sony with statement!"

Nah, the only one amongst who's at least saying something is Zaire, aka NxtGen720

2450d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think this is apology-worthy; even he made it obvious he was spewing BS. It's just more propaganda crap to keep the Xbots on their knees, slurping it up. They've accepted the only people who going to continue to support are the ones who would do it no matter what, so MS can basically say whatever they want now. Pointless to even acknowledge it, honestly.

2450d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Pinkcrocodile You completely miss the point of people saying no games. Either that, or you're just wanting to ignore it. The point isn't to crithcize X for not having games that Xbone doesn't; the point is to say that the Xbox brand as a whole doesn't, and if you don't see that, you're very blind. The biggest Xbox "exclusive" is one that has been on PC for several months, and is eventually coming to PS4. Besides that, you've got yet another Forza and Cup...

2452d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The X is something that whoever is gonna buy it was already a customer before it was even announced. MS knows they're not selling to new consumers anymore. They're banking on re-selling Xbone to the same group of people that probably already own multiple. Basically, the X could've been a turd in a box, and these people would still pretend it's the best thing ever. Why should MS care at this point? Their fans don't, that's for sure.

2452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Getting Geared up"

Too obvious, It's Gran Turismo-related. Probably a special edition GTS PS4 Pro.

People thinking it's a PS5/ new PS4 hardware iteration, calm the hell down. Not a chance in hell it'll be either of those. Sony's not gonna reveal brand new hardware via Twitter. People clearly don't remember just how much content led up to the PS4 reveal. There was literally a week of PlayStation history, finishing off with a...

2452d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't this literally something the Switch does? Black/ White UI? I don't understand how this was news.

2452d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Nix They'll only boast X numbers of it actually manages to sell a significant ammount, which even MS knows it won't. With Cuphead and Forza 7 being the only exclusives to note this holiday, X is basically banking on selling to people who want to play old games in higher resolution, i.e. people who already own a Xbone.

The X is not gonna sell well, and Xbone's overall sales woes will carry through the holidays.

2453d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment